Monday, March 12, 2012

God Google - Zeus - Magic 8 Ball

The ancients had Zeus.  The moderns have Google.  Both are mythical entities that are supposed to host all the answers.  Both are rendered as all-knowing gods.  Zeus ruled without ever being incarnate, just like God Google.  Just exactly WHO is God Google, anyway?  Can somebody pick Him out in a crowd?  Please?  Can somebody draw a picture of this god who rules our lives?  Oh...... I get it.... God Google is just whatever text gets regurgitated at random to your stupid ass question posed on the internet...
.......and you believe without you're putting down the right-wing Christian nut-balls for believing without question because "Jesus said so."  You're no different.  No, Google is NOT real research.  Google does not know all. 

Let's think about it in another way.  Google is the Magic 8 Ball of the 21st century.  Remember that toy?  Ask a question, have a predetermined set of answers that appear on a floaty surface of blue water in a baby food jar encased in a ball of black plastic with a little window.  Answers the Magic 8 ball gave included:  "Yes, definately,'   'ask again later'   'no'   'yes'  etc.....

The point is that answers were given to heart felt, desperate questions without any substance involved for the response the Magic 8 Ball gave.    Is that how we want to launch ourselves into the information age?  Do we want to totally trust God Google to answer our multifaceted questions with "Sponsored Sites" and "most recent hits"  or the condescending "did you mean..............."

shit.... I threw out my Magic 8 Ball back in the 1970's.  Maybe it's time to do the same to Google.  

1 comment:

Will said...

I wish I still had mine. I could trade it for a pet Rock!!!