Friday, January 10, 2020

Joe Rodata Trail - Homelessness Swells it any wonder the ranks of the homeless are swelling along the trail?  The word of "free housing" and "handouts" has reached far and wide. 

Question:  Who is going to discern as to whom gets assistance and who does not?  Is the newcomer who came to the trail from SF and got wind of our free give away, then thumbed his was here, and joined the ranks of the noisy, disrespectful, messy ranks along the trail going to take precedence over the law-abiding, elderly Sonoma County resident of 50+ years quietly living on cat food and one social security check away from eviction? 

Really?  This is where we are going to focus our tax dollars?  On those who won't even clean up their own shit?  We are rewarding the wrong group. 

Expect more and more homelessness and lawlessness, Sonoma County, you just rolled out the welcome mat.  Dumbasses. 

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