Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Unclean Esthetician

My office is in a building that has LOTS of different types of tenants. We have been in the same office for many, many moons and I know the comings and goings of each tenant.

There is an esthetician in the building who does NOT wash her hands after going to the bathroom. Gross. This is not a one-time thing. This has been going on for years. Even others in my office have noticed this. To look at this woman you would think that she stepped off a fashion magazine, as she is very glamorous looking and always well-groomed.

Sorry, looks can be deceiving. I don't want some woman with shit under her fingernails giving me a facial. If her clients only knew......


CG said...

What is an esthetician?
UGH. How yucky!!

Dianne said...

how can anyone leave a bathroom and not wash their hands!? I just don't get people

The Quiet Rage said...

An esthetician is somebody who does facials and make-up...

CG said...

What an interesting job title - we don't have that here. They are called beauticians.