I am dizzy trying to keep up the head spinning whiplash the Orange Cheeto is mandating from the Oval Office. Why does it matter to me? I work in an industry that is heavily dependent on imports for materials and supplies. We are still reeling from supply chain disruptions from COVID. Now, with the announcement of tariffs, our fledgling post-COVID economic recovery is getting slaughtered.
Most contracts do not have protections for tariff price escalations. What does that mean? I can provide an over simplified example. Because of the lingering impacts of COVID, we need to order materials 1.5 years in advance for widget A. We bid a project that will utilize widget A. Widget A used to cost $1 and that is the price we put in the bid. Now widget A costs $4. We need to pay the difference to get the delivery of Widget A. Who will ultimately eat the $3 difference? Multiply the $3 difference by the millions and it gets ugly very quickly.
We are also very dependent on the United States Department of Labor and also the National Labor Relations Board. Decisions have been rescinded and the departments gutted. Who's on first? Where do we go to get resolution? It's utter chaos. Everyday it's notice after notice after notice of changes. Nobody can keep up.
Also, who ordained the unelected-pasty-white-South African-pedophile with a limp spaghetti noodle dick as Orange Cheeto's shadow? Have you ever noticed Spaghetti Noodle Dick always has his mini-me son hanging around? He is using his own kid as a human shield. He knows the hit men are out there. Having a kid on his shoulders and climbing about makes the target harder to hit. Even hit men have morals (I think).
I had higher hopes that the Orange Cheeto would have learned lessons from the previous term. I truly went into this election cycle thinking he had grown as presidential contender. I am slow to render opinions on political figures. I'm so disappointed in the Orange Cheeto. I really wanted to believe that this time would be better. Don't even get me started on the blue-eyed devil who is VP.
I almost want to write Orange Cheeto a letter like one would write to a lost love with the phrase, "Babe, we really could have been something special."
p.s. apologies to our allies. With friends like the United States, who needs enemies?