Friday, May 3, 2024

Half Moon Bay

 I have not blogged for a while.  I'm sure nobody notices nor cares.  Work has been stressful and busy.  Thankfully, things are settling down and I have a "girls" trip planned next weekend with my daughter, my sister-in-law, and my niece.  

Yup.  Just the four of us.  

We are going to head down to Half Moon Bay for the weekend just because.  We are all craving slow mornings drinking coffee and staying in our pajamas until noon.  Truth be told, all of us have been under the gun as of late with our jobs and life responsibilities and want some down time. 

We may feel like walking on the beach - or not.  We may feel like going window shopping at Cartier - or not.  We may want a spa day (always a YES).  

The point is that we really don't want to be on a schedule.  We don't want to deal with airports.  We don't want to deal with long car rides.  We don't want to deal with dressing up to go anywhere.  We don't want to deal with crowds.  Half Moon Bay is perfect for what we want.  

Our cottage on the beach is waiting for us :)

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