I can hear your collective exhales of relief that Christmas is over for another year. Quiet Rage is giving a large exhale of relief as well.
I finally did it.
I froze off some warts that had been causing discomfort and were quite unsightly. No, I'm not talking about actual warts, I'm referring to people who were an unsightly parasitic viral infection. Oh, I guess that's the definition of a wart.
There are certain individuals in "the family" who like to stir it up and cause drama. The short version of this very long story is that one of them was on the verge of starting something with another family member on Christmas morning. Drama. My house. Christmas morning. Nope. Not gonna happen.
Nobody thought I would have the guts to go straight to the source of the Drama Maker and lay it out there. I did. I made it perfectly clear that I was not going to tolerate any drama in my home on Christmas morning. I had heard that stirring the pot was in the works and wanted to address it to nip it in the bud. If Drama Maker could not guarantee impeccable behavior Christmas morning, stay home.
You would have thought I was asking for something terrible.
Drama Maker responded with something exceedingly uncalled for and vile. I'm glad. She displayed her true colors. Her only intention of coming here Christmas morning (the biggest stage and audience of the year, mind you) to stir the stink pot. Drama Maker could not promise me that she would behave, so sorry, she was not welcome. Period.
The rest of the family is gasping in disbelief because nobody has ever had the guts to stand up to Drama Maker and call her on her crap. Calling people on their crap is my life purpose. I am truth to bullshit.
It was the best Christmas in a long, long time. See, Drama Maker is a member of House Ingrate. The members of House Ingrate show up at my home, ignore me, scoff at me, eat my food, make a mess with their dishes, and leave without saying good bye nor thank you.
I was completely free of anybody from House Ingrate this year. It was great. All of House Ingrate had to fend for themselves for Christmas morning breakfast and then Christmas dinner. I guess I'm still in quasi-shock myself that I refused to host Thanksgiving Dinner (we were just out of state for that) and then literally divorced myself from House Ingrate dodging Christmas.
I think of it as like getting a divorce or freezing a wart off. It's painful and ugly, but needed to be done for long-term health. I froze off a few warts this year. No, I did not make any "friends" in the process, but I don't care. I'm tired of being taken for granted.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Affordable Housing
Yup... the "DoGooders" think they have an answer to affordable housing. I'm sure everybody is wanting to know what the answer is - don't hold your breath because there isn't one.
Homelessness is rampant just about everywhere. We want to blame the lack of "affordable housing" here in California. However, the below picture is of what is known as the homeless encampment of Tent City in Minneapolis. See, they have homelessness, too. Minneapolis is not known for a lack of "affordable housing" so what gives? What are they blaming it on?
I can't help but get a kick out of the teepee on the right. How do they survive in subzero weather? Propane heaters. Yes, they catch fire and they sometimes torch themselves and surrounding tents. Igloos are also surprisingly warm despite being made of ice, and so are ice fishing houses which we would equate with tiny houses.
Go ahead, look up any city online. I don't care where it is - Canada, France, Great Britain, whatever. You will see there's homelessness. There always has been. The poor will always be with us.
Homelessness is rampant just about everywhere. We want to blame the lack of "affordable housing" here in California. However, the below picture is of what is known as the homeless encampment of Tent City in Minneapolis. See, they have homelessness, too. Minneapolis is not known for a lack of "affordable housing" so what gives? What are they blaming it on?
I can't help but get a kick out of the teepee on the right. How do they survive in subzero weather? Propane heaters. Yes, they catch fire and they sometimes torch themselves and surrounding tents. Igloos are also surprisingly warm despite being made of ice, and so are ice fishing houses which we would equate with tiny houses.
Go ahead, look up any city online. I don't care where it is - Canada, France, Great Britain, whatever. You will see there's homelessness. There always has been. The poor will always be with us.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
Bohemian Rhapsody
I hardly ever go to the movies. However, Bohemian Rhapsody caught my attention. It's the story of the rock band Queen and their flamboyant lead singer, Freddy Mercury. I would go see it again in a heart beat.
The critics bashed the song Bohemian Rhapsody when it first came out back in the 70's. Here it is in its glory.
....and...one of my favorites of the Sheer Heart Attack album.
The critics bashed the song Bohemian Rhapsody when it first came out back in the 70's. Here it is in its glory.
....and...one of my favorites of the Sheer Heart Attack album.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Frosty the Snowman
I'm about to get all deep on you with Frosty the Snowman. This seemingly simple children's tale about a snowman that comes to life has some very spiritual stuff going on. I remember watching the show as a kid back in a time when shows were not on demand and seasonal Christmas shows like Rudolph the Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman only came on once a year. Yes, I'm dating myself.
The story is about Frosty the Snowman coming to life when a magic hat was placed on his head. When the hat is placed on his head, Frosty says, "Happy Birthday."
Let's dig deep with that.......and I mean DEEP.
Everything is energy. Even seemingly solid objects are not solid. Think atoms. Let's think the life force. Chakras are energy centers located in the human body. There are many chakras, major and minor. For simplicity sake, lets focus on the seven main chakras of the human body:
Base or Root Chakra: Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
Heart Chakra: Our ability to love.

What has this got to do with Frosty the Snowman you ask? I'm getting to that. If you study the function and purpose of the crown chakra, this is the connection to the spirit world. Have you ever wondered why in some cultures it's so taboo to touch somebody on top of the head? You're interfering with their connection to the spirit world with your energy which may be polluted. It's sacred space, so to say. The top of the head is where the soul enters and exits the body (birth, death). The soul never dies, it just changes its manifestations.
Now, getting to Frosty the Snowman. Frosty comes to life when the "magic" hat is placed upon his HEAD and the first thing he says is, "Happy Birthday." (birth). The soul has entered Frosty's body via the "magic" hat.
Just like humans, we all live for a while and death is inevitable. Frosty knows this, too. The temperature rises and frosty begins to melt, which can be compared to the process of death where the chakras begin to break away from the body. Santa (God) comes to take Frosty away (back to the spirit world, heaven, or whatever you want to call it) and they take off in the sleigh with the reindeer (the team of spirit guardians we are all assigned when we are born).
Frosty tells the children not to cry, as he will be back again someday (reincarnation). Or, one could say that Frosty is the Christ Child as he says he will be back again on Christmas Day.
So, there you have it. Some deep stuff in what people write off as a silly children's cartoon. And no, I was not drunk, high, nor under the influence of any drugs when I thought of this. It came to me in a semi-sleep state.
Next blog: HR Puffin' Stuff and Jimmy with his magic flute. LOL. Come on, you all remember the theme song if you grew up in the 70's. "HR Puffin' Stuff - who's your friend when things get rough."
I'll leave you all with a little youtube video of Frosty coming to life with the magic hat and saying Happy Birthday.
The story is about Frosty the Snowman coming to life when a magic hat was placed on his head. When the hat is placed on his head, Frosty says, "Happy Birthday."
Let's dig deep with that.......and I mean DEEP.
Everything is energy. Even seemingly solid objects are not solid. Think atoms. Let's think the life force. Chakras are energy centers located in the human body. There are many chakras, major and minor. For simplicity sake, lets focus on the seven main chakras of the human body:
Base or Root Chakra: Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.
- Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.
- Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money and food.
- Location: Lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel and two inches in.
- Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure and sexuality.
- Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
- Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem.
Heart Chakra: Our ability to love.
- Location: Center of chest just above the heart.
- Emotional issues: Love, joy and inner peace.
- Location: Throat.
- Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings and the truth.
- Location: Forehead between the eyes (also called the Brow Chakra).
- Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom and the ability to think and make decisions.
- Location: The very top of the head.
- Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality and pure bliss.

What has this got to do with Frosty the Snowman you ask? I'm getting to that. If you study the function and purpose of the crown chakra, this is the connection to the spirit world. Have you ever wondered why in some cultures it's so taboo to touch somebody on top of the head? You're interfering with their connection to the spirit world with your energy which may be polluted. It's sacred space, so to say. The top of the head is where the soul enters and exits the body (birth, death). The soul never dies, it just changes its manifestations.
Now, getting to Frosty the Snowman. Frosty comes to life when the "magic" hat is placed upon his HEAD and the first thing he says is, "Happy Birthday." (birth). The soul has entered Frosty's body via the "magic" hat.
Just like humans, we all live for a while and death is inevitable. Frosty knows this, too. The temperature rises and frosty begins to melt, which can be compared to the process of death where the chakras begin to break away from the body. Santa (God) comes to take Frosty away (back to the spirit world, heaven, or whatever you want to call it) and they take off in the sleigh with the reindeer (the team of spirit guardians we are all assigned when we are born).
Frosty tells the children not to cry, as he will be back again someday (reincarnation). Or, one could say that Frosty is the Christ Child as he says he will be back again on Christmas Day.
So, there you have it. Some deep stuff in what people write off as a silly children's cartoon. And no, I was not drunk, high, nor under the influence of any drugs when I thought of this. It came to me in a semi-sleep state.
Next blog: HR Puffin' Stuff and Jimmy with his magic flute. LOL. Come on, you all remember the theme song if you grew up in the 70's. "HR Puffin' Stuff - who's your friend when things get rough."
I'll leave you all with a little youtube video of Frosty coming to life with the magic hat and saying Happy Birthday.
Frosty the Snowman,
Friday, December 14, 2018
The Wall
The Wall. You know, the infamous promise made by the Reigning Orange Cheeto to secure our southern border with Mexico.
News Flash: Many of the agents at the border are corrupt. No wall can keep that out. It would cost a lot less to weed out the corruption than to build some stupid wall. Good luck with that. Drain the swamp? Drain the dessert? We see how that has all worked out thus far.
Now......all of you grunting and groaning about securing our borders and keeping them out. Yes, every nation needs to have control over who is coming in. However, be careful what you wish for. You will actually have to pay a proper wage to a legal citizen to mow your lawn and cook your meals.
I get tired of hypocrites. Liberals are liberals UNTIL they are asked to pay their fair share and reach into their own pocketbooks. I can't think of a bigger bunch of hypocrites than Marinites. Despite their over-the-top-in-your-face liberalism, they are the stingiest (insert profanity) on earth. They are also the biggest tax cheats. I find it ironic that the most liberal county (and wealthiest) doen't want to pay the necessary taxes to fund the programs they demand.
News Flash: Many of the agents at the border are corrupt. No wall can keep that out. It would cost a lot less to weed out the corruption than to build some stupid wall. Good luck with that. Drain the swamp? Drain the dessert? We see how that has all worked out thus far.
Now......all of you grunting and groaning about securing our borders and keeping them out. Yes, every nation needs to have control over who is coming in. However, be careful what you wish for. You will actually have to pay a proper wage to a legal citizen to mow your lawn and cook your meals.
I get tired of hypocrites. Liberals are liberals UNTIL they are asked to pay their fair share and reach into their own pocketbooks. I can't think of a bigger bunch of hypocrites than Marinites. Despite their over-the-top-in-your-face liberalism, they are the stingiest (insert profanity) on earth. They are also the biggest tax cheats. I find it ironic that the most liberal county (and wealthiest) doen't want to pay the necessary taxes to fund the programs they demand.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Vow of Poverty
On this journey toward spiritual wholeness, one of the requirements to ascend to the next level is to take a vow of poverty.
What? A vow of poverty?
Yup. We are beginning to figure that out. Business is bad for the environment. All of our modern conveniences are poisoning us. There's no getting around that.
Our only way out is to live off the land sans anything that is not natural to the environment. That's tough to do in this day and age. I like my modern conveniences, too.
The main driver of diminishing resources and pollution in all of this is overpopulation. I can hear the cries now, "Who do you think you are, God? God has decided that life continues so I'm going to pump out 5 more kids. It's God's plan."
If we were really concerned with God's plan, we would not interfere with any kind of medical assistance whatsoever. Back 200 years ago so many babies died before age 2 due to diseases that are now abolished by - human intervention. Nature expected 1/2 your offspring to die.
I'm not trying to be cruel. I'm trying to point out that it's PEOPLE who are the problem. Stop creating more and more. Whenever I see some cow with tons of kids in tow I want to slap the selfish bitch. Most of them are Mexican or south of the border. They fucked themselves (literally) into a shit hole existence and now want to invade.
What? A vow of poverty?
Yup. We are beginning to figure that out. Business is bad for the environment. All of our modern conveniences are poisoning us. There's no getting around that.
Our only way out is to live off the land sans anything that is not natural to the environment. That's tough to do in this day and age. I like my modern conveniences, too.
The main driver of diminishing resources and pollution in all of this is overpopulation. I can hear the cries now, "Who do you think you are, God? God has decided that life continues so I'm going to pump out 5 more kids. It's God's plan."
If we were really concerned with God's plan, we would not interfere with any kind of medical assistance whatsoever. Back 200 years ago so many babies died before age 2 due to diseases that are now abolished by - human intervention. Nature expected 1/2 your offspring to die.
I'm not trying to be cruel. I'm trying to point out that it's PEOPLE who are the problem. Stop creating more and more. Whenever I see some cow with tons of kids in tow I want to slap the selfish bitch. Most of them are Mexican or south of the border. They fucked themselves (literally) into a shit hole existence and now want to invade.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
First Class
Call me a snob, but I've paid my dues. I fly first class whenever I travel. I've had my years crammed back in coach with screaming babies on one side and loud jack-asses on the other, my seat getting kicked, and somebody's head in my lap because they decided to decline. I've also paid for Global Entry (TSA Pre-check) so I don't have to stand behind some dumb bitch wearing every piece of jewelry she ownes sending off all beeping screening devices going through security.
Let me tell you right here and now BOTH are a complete rip off. The TSA pre-check is another blog. I'm focusing on kids in first class for now.
Flying first class anymore is a joke. Somehow business class has transformed into a daycare center where rich brats are yelling, screaming, crying, running up and down the aisles whilst their oblivious parents make us suffer after we paid a premium to avoid them.
I can hear the selfish breeders now (BTW, the world is already overpopulated so tie your tubes immediately), "But I paid for the seat as well, we have every right to be there."
Yes, but I paid, too. How would you like it if I plunked my unruly grandfather right next to your table at a premium restaurant you've had planned for months and ruined your dinner? He can't help but yell and scream due to his dementia. He's uncontrollable. He also shits his pants and drools. I should just keep him at HOME, right? Wait. I'm going to bring him on a trip and fly first class. He has a ticket and every right to be there as well as your brat. Fair is fair, right? I guarantee if this happened the people who bring their wiggling, screaming brats to first class would be the first ones to bitch. Why should I be tolerant of your brat if you won't be tolerant of my grandfather? Just wear earplugs if you don't like my grandfather's screams. It's your problem.
Remember the kids' table at Thanksgiving? A child had to have adult manners to get promoted to the adult table. Children should be seen and not heard. Sitting at the grown-up table meant that we had graduated into adult society and knew how to conduct ourselves. Some never made it to the adult table. There's a reason for that.
Nowadays not only do we have to put up with obnoxious kids, we have to deal with the obnoxious parents who think their little Lily is the salt of the earth. Trust me. Your kids ain't that cute no matter how many comments you get from the airline staff. They are cursing under breath and so are we.
Let me tell you right here and now BOTH are a complete rip off. The TSA pre-check is another blog. I'm focusing on kids in first class for now.
Flying first class anymore is a joke. Somehow business class has transformed into a daycare center where rich brats are yelling, screaming, crying, running up and down the aisles whilst their oblivious parents make us suffer after we paid a premium to avoid them.
I can hear the selfish breeders now (BTW, the world is already overpopulated so tie your tubes immediately), "But I paid for the seat as well, we have every right to be there."
Yes, but I paid, too. How would you like it if I plunked my unruly grandfather right next to your table at a premium restaurant you've had planned for months and ruined your dinner? He can't help but yell and scream due to his dementia. He's uncontrollable. He also shits his pants and drools. I should just keep him at HOME, right? Wait. I'm going to bring him on a trip and fly first class. He has a ticket and every right to be there as well as your brat. Fair is fair, right? I guarantee if this happened the people who bring their wiggling, screaming brats to first class would be the first ones to bitch. Why should I be tolerant of your brat if you won't be tolerant of my grandfather? Just wear earplugs if you don't like my grandfather's screams. It's your problem.
Remember the kids' table at Thanksgiving? A child had to have adult manners to get promoted to the adult table. Children should be seen and not heard. Sitting at the grown-up table meant that we had graduated into adult society and knew how to conduct ourselves. Some never made it to the adult table. There's a reason for that.
Nowadays not only do we have to put up with obnoxious kids, we have to deal with the obnoxious parents who think their little Lily is the salt of the earth. Trust me. Your kids ain't that cute no matter how many comments you get from the airline staff. They are cursing under breath and so are we.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Stupid is as Stupid Does
Was my Thanksgiving relaxing? Hell NO. The whole thing was like a tv sitcom. It was a cross between All in the Family, Christmas Vacation, and Shameless. I don't even know where to begin with my mother spazaing out about everything having breakdown after breakdown over stuff that can be dealt with. It will take several entries to fully document the dramedy.
We will start with my sister and her granddaughter. My sister is no dummy. The ice on the lakes in the Minneapolis area are frozen over for the most part, but ice fishing on them is premature at this point. The highs were in the 20's, and the lows were single digits. You know full well that the water below the sheet of ice (just how thick is it???) is cold.
My sister takes her 4-year-old granddaughter on a walk to a park where there's a frozen over lake. There's another family there with small children. The children, curious about the frozen lake, make their way to the shoreline and begin to tread on the ice. My grandniece sees the other kids and makes their way to the shoreline. My sister stopped her granddaughter before she could get to the iced over lake and said, "Sweetie, don't go on the ice. It may or may not be thick enough to support weight and if you fell through that would be bad."
She said it loudly enough for the other family to hear as being the kids on the ice were not hers she did not feel that it was her place to speak directly to them. The parents of the other kids said, "These are southern children from Alabama - they have never seen an iced over lake before."
To which my sister said, "Dumb is dumb...no matter which state you're from."
It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Did I mention my sister is a smart ass and has no patience for idiots?
We will start with my sister and her granddaughter. My sister is no dummy. The ice on the lakes in the Minneapolis area are frozen over for the most part, but ice fishing on them is premature at this point. The highs were in the 20's, and the lows were single digits. You know full well that the water below the sheet of ice (just how thick is it???) is cold.
My sister takes her 4-year-old granddaughter on a walk to a park where there's a frozen over lake. There's another family there with small children. The children, curious about the frozen lake, make their way to the shoreline and begin to tread on the ice. My grandniece sees the other kids and makes their way to the shoreline. My sister stopped her granddaughter before she could get to the iced over lake and said, "Sweetie, don't go on the ice. It may or may not be thick enough to support weight and if you fell through that would be bad."
She said it loudly enough for the other family to hear as being the kids on the ice were not hers she did not feel that it was her place to speak directly to them. The parents of the other kids said, "These are southern children from Alabama - they have never seen an iced over lake before."
To which my sister said, "Dumb is dumb...no matter which state you're from."
It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Did I mention my sister is a smart ass and has no patience for idiots?
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Thanksgiving and Lefse
It's been 20 years since I've been back to Minnesota for Thanksgiving to be with my family. As much as we put the FUN in dysFUNctional, I'm happy to be going. I can't think of the last time I traveled that did not involve my job or college sports. It's been way too long.
I'm kicking my mother OUT of the kitchen as she's not all that enthused about cooking anyway and I"m going to take over. I'm not certain how many I will be cooking for as it always depends on the weather. Some of the worst snow storms I ever experienced have happened over Thanksgiving.
Ahhhhhhhhh... I get to cook in mom's kitchen and I will have my sister to help w/ prep and clean up. Nice. It's a welcome break from the Melting Snow Woman and her ungracious offspring that keep reproducing creating even more ungracious people - like the world needs help in that area.
It was words of beauty when I announced that I was going home to Minnesota for Thanksgiving. My husband balked at first, but hey... I've given 32 years of my life participating in HIS family traditions. It can't always be about him and his family. My kids, well, they're adults now and they have their own thing they've had planned since May.
Well, hubby's family was all in a spin because I usually cook for Thanksgiving and I just decided not to do it this year (for them, anyway). It gets old cooking for thankless ingrates. Some of them don't even say hello to me upon entering my home, nor do they say good bye or thank you when they leave. Sorry, QuietRage's kitchen is closed this year. Figure it out for yourselves.
Now they are scrambling to get a sucker to cook for their tribe. Nobody wants to do it. I'm getting desperate emails wanting to know where I get my turkey, how long do I cook it, what basting recipe I use, my recipe for green bean casserole, how do I make pretzel buns, etc.
Do what I did....learned by trial and error over the years. I had to figure it out for myself. They can, too.
Changing subjects..........
I'm meeting up with my besties from high school on Wednesday at Tasty Pizza. It's a Columbia Heights staple that's been around (the original one) since before I can remember. I have not seen them in a year and 1/2. I'm way over due. I did not go to the Coven Cabin this summer because hubby and I were traveling so extensively with college sports - and also my job. At one point I thought we were going to meet ourselves coming and going. I'm thrilled to be going somewhere that does not have a schedule nor a meeting to dress and prep for. I get to go to my childhood home. It's timeless. It's like walking into a time capsule of my early years. I'm happy to be able to just chill and spend time with my parents and siblings. ..... of course, the debates will heat up and at some point somebody will be called a dumb-ass, but that's just how we are. We call them as we see them. We don't take it seriously and get all butt-hurt. Laughter usually follows mild insults or differences in opinion. Why? Because there's ALWAYS a grain of truth in sarcastic humor. Look for it instead of getting all defensive.
I wish the rest of the world could do the same. The PC Police have stifled any kind of opposition to anything, so it all simmers....and eventually, like a volcano, it explodes with dire results.
Now.....onto lefse.
When I talked to my dad today he mentioned making lefse on Friday. What is lefse? It's a Scandinavian (Norwegian) flat bread that's potato based. Making it is a tradition in my family. It resembles a tortilla. When I first came to California 33 years ago my now hubby took me to a Mexican restaurant. When they brought out the tortillas I asked for butter and sugar. I put butter and sugar on the tortilla and wrapped it up and ate it. I had no idea what a tortilla was for and thought it was lefse. I got strange looks from everybody. Ludefisk is also a family tradition, but my dad can't stand it. My aunts and uncles get into it and there are ludefisk feeds much like we have crab feeds here in Sonoma County. Ludefisk is either a love or hate kind of thing much like blue cheese.
I'm kicking my mother OUT of the kitchen as she's not all that enthused about cooking anyway and I"m going to take over. I'm not certain how many I will be cooking for as it always depends on the weather. Some of the worst snow storms I ever experienced have happened over Thanksgiving.
Ahhhhhhhhh... I get to cook in mom's kitchen and I will have my sister to help w/ prep and clean up. Nice. It's a welcome break from the Melting Snow Woman and her ungracious offspring that keep reproducing creating even more ungracious people - like the world needs help in that area.
It was words of beauty when I announced that I was going home to Minnesota for Thanksgiving. My husband balked at first, but hey... I've given 32 years of my life participating in HIS family traditions. It can't always be about him and his family. My kids, well, they're adults now and they have their own thing they've had planned since May.
Well, hubby's family was all in a spin because I usually cook for Thanksgiving and I just decided not to do it this year (for them, anyway). It gets old cooking for thankless ingrates. Some of them don't even say hello to me upon entering my home, nor do they say good bye or thank you when they leave. Sorry, QuietRage's kitchen is closed this year. Figure it out for yourselves.
Now they are scrambling to get a sucker to cook for their tribe. Nobody wants to do it. I'm getting desperate emails wanting to know where I get my turkey, how long do I cook it, what basting recipe I use, my recipe for green bean casserole, how do I make pretzel buns, etc.
Do what I did....learned by trial and error over the years. I had to figure it out for myself. They can, too.
Changing subjects..........
I'm meeting up with my besties from high school on Wednesday at Tasty Pizza. It's a Columbia Heights staple that's been around (the original one) since before I can remember. I have not seen them in a year and 1/2. I'm way over due. I did not go to the Coven Cabin this summer because hubby and I were traveling so extensively with college sports - and also my job. At one point I thought we were going to meet ourselves coming and going. I'm thrilled to be going somewhere that does not have a schedule nor a meeting to dress and prep for. I get to go to my childhood home. It's timeless. It's like walking into a time capsule of my early years. I'm happy to be able to just chill and spend time with my parents and siblings. ..... of course, the debates will heat up and at some point somebody will be called a dumb-ass, but that's just how we are. We call them as we see them. We don't take it seriously and get all butt-hurt. Laughter usually follows mild insults or differences in opinion. Why? Because there's ALWAYS a grain of truth in sarcastic humor. Look for it instead of getting all defensive.
I wish the rest of the world could do the same. The PC Police have stifled any kind of opposition to anything, so it all simmers....and eventually, like a volcano, it explodes with dire results.
Now.....onto lefse.
When I talked to my dad today he mentioned making lefse on Friday. What is lefse? It's a Scandinavian (Norwegian) flat bread that's potato based. Making it is a tradition in my family. It resembles a tortilla. When I first came to California 33 years ago my now hubby took me to a Mexican restaurant. When they brought out the tortillas I asked for butter and sugar. I put butter and sugar on the tortilla and wrapped it up and ate it. I had no idea what a tortilla was for and thought it was lefse. I got strange looks from everybody. Ludefisk is also a family tradition, but my dad can't stand it. My aunts and uncles get into it and there are ludefisk feeds much like we have crab feeds here in Sonoma County. Ludefisk is either a love or hate kind of thing much like blue cheese.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Fake News
I've hung onto this for a while as it's bothering me. As much as I hate to admit it, there is something to this "fake news" that the Reigning Orange Cheeto keeps talking about.
Last month I had the opportunity to be in the same room with President Cheeto. He gave a polished, professional speech about investing in America's workforce for skilled labor. He did not say one thing negative about anybody. He did not wander off topic and speak about anything else other than skilled labor. This was when the entire Kavanaugh controversy was going on and we were all glued to the hearings.
The next day the Associated Press (AP) used President Cheeto's photograph when addressing our industry with a headline denouncing Kavanaugh. Our organization's logo was all over in the background. It made it appear that our organization was supporting the Kavanaugh appointment. Nothing could be further from the truth. President Cheeto did not mention ANYTHING about the Superior Court controversy. However, there it was. Published by the AP. President Cheeto's photo with our organization's logo all over the background with a Kavanaugh headline. It went even further. There was also a picture of President Cheeto donning a hat our organization had given him. The photographer happened to catch President Cheeto in a not-so-flattering moment. That photo was also used in the same article making President Cheeto look like he was foaming at the mouth. Yes, President Cheeto made a funny face and cracked a joke when the hat was put on his head, but again, nothing negative was ever said.
For AP to associate the speech that was given to our organization and use it for Kavanaugh is misleading and irresponsible. We were all shocked what the AP published. WE WERE ALL THERE IN THE SAME ROOM AND HEARD THE SAME SPEECH. Even the anti-Cheeto members of our group were upset.
Associated Press: You ARE fake news. At the very best, it's spun to fit your own agenda. President Cheeto gives the press several opportunities to report on unflattering tweets, twits, and whatever else. Don't make it up nor embellish. No wonder people don't believe the press.
On another note, our wildfires are out of control. President Cheeto tweeted something about how we all deserved it because so much money has been given to California for fire management. At first glance it's a cold, uncaring statement. However, let's dig into this a little more. Why isn't the press following the money that has been given to California? Where did it go? One would think the press would be all over this trying to prove President Cheeto wrong. The press is silent. Maybe it's our own state government we should be upset with? California is quick to point out that a lot of the land is federally owned. However, that's why we receive funding from the feds to manage it. The press has not touched this with a ten-foot pole. It's so much easier to blame PGE.
Last month I had the opportunity to be in the same room with President Cheeto. He gave a polished, professional speech about investing in America's workforce for skilled labor. He did not say one thing negative about anybody. He did not wander off topic and speak about anything else other than skilled labor. This was when the entire Kavanaugh controversy was going on and we were all glued to the hearings.
The next day the Associated Press (AP) used President Cheeto's photograph when addressing our industry with a headline denouncing Kavanaugh. Our organization's logo was all over in the background. It made it appear that our organization was supporting the Kavanaugh appointment. Nothing could be further from the truth. President Cheeto did not mention ANYTHING about the Superior Court controversy. However, there it was. Published by the AP. President Cheeto's photo with our organization's logo all over the background with a Kavanaugh headline. It went even further. There was also a picture of President Cheeto donning a hat our organization had given him. The photographer happened to catch President Cheeto in a not-so-flattering moment. That photo was also used in the same article making President Cheeto look like he was foaming at the mouth. Yes, President Cheeto made a funny face and cracked a joke when the hat was put on his head, but again, nothing negative was ever said.
For AP to associate the speech that was given to our organization and use it for Kavanaugh is misleading and irresponsible. We were all shocked what the AP published. WE WERE ALL THERE IN THE SAME ROOM AND HEARD THE SAME SPEECH. Even the anti-Cheeto members of our group were upset.
Associated Press: You ARE fake news. At the very best, it's spun to fit your own agenda. President Cheeto gives the press several opportunities to report on unflattering tweets, twits, and whatever else. Don't make it up nor embellish. No wonder people don't believe the press.
On another note, our wildfires are out of control. President Cheeto tweeted something about how we all deserved it because so much money has been given to California for fire management. At first glance it's a cold, uncaring statement. However, let's dig into this a little more. Why isn't the press following the money that has been given to California? Where did it go? One would think the press would be all over this trying to prove President Cheeto wrong. The press is silent. Maybe it's our own state government we should be upset with? California is quick to point out that a lot of the land is federally owned. However, that's why we receive funding from the feds to manage it. The press has not touched this with a ten-foot pole. It's so much easier to blame PGE.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Planned Parenthood
I give money to Planned Parenthood. Why? Because the earth is swarming with too many people. I know some of you out there will try to argue with me about the workforce shortage. Here's the truth: There's no workforce shortage. There's a shortage of people willing to work for 12 hour days for paltry slave wages. Why should they bother?
Here's another nugget of truth: There's no shortage of labor, there's a shortage of SKILLED labor. Know the difference.
The root of all of our problems stems from too many people. So, WHY do the poorest people pump out kids like a pez dispenser gone crazy? I'm not saying that being a parent is a privilege for the rich. I'm saying that don't have a litter of kids you can't afford to feed....and then get upset with me because I don't want to take them in nor foot the bill.
If you don't know where babies come from, you're too stupid to pass along your gene pool through reproduction. Stop creating people too dumb to use a rubber. Please don't litter.
....and.... parenthood is a lifelong commitment. It's not a passing fashion phase you can discard in a year or two.
Here's another nugget of truth: There's no shortage of labor, there's a shortage of SKILLED labor. Know the difference.
The root of all of our problems stems from too many people. So, WHY do the poorest people pump out kids like a pez dispenser gone crazy? I'm not saying that being a parent is a privilege for the rich. I'm saying that don't have a litter of kids you can't afford to feed....and then get upset with me because I don't want to take them in nor foot the bill.
If you don't know where babies come from, you're too stupid to pass along your gene pool through reproduction. Stop creating people too dumb to use a rubber. Please don't litter.
....and.... parenthood is a lifelong commitment. It's not a passing fashion phase you can discard in a year or two.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Songs from the 70's
Here are some songs from the 1970's to make you smile. These floated up from my subconscious the other night while I was in falling asleep
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
After the Fire
...no, no, no..... not the band that was popular in the '80's. I'm talking about now. After the Fire. Where is everybody? Well, most fire victims we know just decided that rebuilding was too much hassle and red tape. They packed up and left - just as predicted. Didn't I say way back when this happened that we could not get out of our own way to rebuild? Damn. I did.
Didn't I read pleas from the community to stay? The press was begging fire victims to hang around and blabbered on how much we cared? Such bullshit. Words are hallow when dealing with finding a place to live, and dealing with the realities of life are staring you in the face. Where is the press now? The press is just empty words. The press is not offering low-cost housing.
Insurance. Codes. Permits. Haz Mat. Finding a contractor who is not a complete flake. Delays. Utilities. Good luck with all that....and you're wondering why everybody is leaving rather than rebuild?
Oh, and don't forget the blood sucking maggot attorneys in the mix trying to suck you into some lawsuit. They are *not* there to help you.
Here's the kicker: Fire has destroyed the Fountaingrove area twice in the last 50 years. The dumb-ass politicians decide to allow them rebuild in an area that is prone to fire disaster. I predict the people in Fountaingrove eventually rebuild. Then they will bitch because they don't have an emergency escape route. Whaaaaaaaaa. They will want taxpayers to fund their escape route (but only for themselves - no public access). I have a keg of dynamite that would help expedite the inevitable.
Logic trail for Fountaingrove.....huge homes are built and rebuilt in a known fire hazard area. Homes were never supposed to be built in this known fire hazard area. They build anyway....and then rebuild. Residents will then bitch that they don't have adequate escape routes in case of a fire. DUH. ...and the people who live in Fountaingrove are supposed to be superior "educated" and somehow better than all of us low-life plebes from Coffey Park?
I have my keg of dynamite ready. Anybody have a light?
Didn't I read pleas from the community to stay? The press was begging fire victims to hang around and blabbered on how much we cared? Such bullshit. Words are hallow when dealing with finding a place to live, and dealing with the realities of life are staring you in the face. Where is the press now? The press is just empty words. The press is not offering low-cost housing.
Insurance. Codes. Permits. Haz Mat. Finding a contractor who is not a complete flake. Delays. Utilities. Good luck with all that....and you're wondering why everybody is leaving rather than rebuild?
Oh, and don't forget the blood sucking maggot attorneys in the mix trying to suck you into some lawsuit. They are *not* there to help you.
Here's the kicker: Fire has destroyed the Fountaingrove area twice in the last 50 years. The dumb-ass politicians decide to allow them rebuild in an area that is prone to fire disaster. I predict the people in Fountaingrove eventually rebuild. Then they will bitch because they don't have an emergency escape route. Whaaaaaaaaa. They will want taxpayers to fund their escape route (but only for themselves - no public access). I have a keg of dynamite that would help expedite the inevitable.
Logic trail for Fountaingrove.....huge homes are built and rebuilt in a known fire hazard area. Homes were never supposed to be built in this known fire hazard area. They build anyway....and then rebuild. Residents will then bitch that they don't have adequate escape routes in case of a fire. DUH. ...and the people who live in Fountaingrove are supposed to be superior "educated" and somehow better than all of us low-life plebes from Coffey Park?
I have my keg of dynamite ready. Anybody have a light?
Monday, October 22, 2018
Water World, Noah's Ark, and Global Warming
You all remember Noah's Ark, don't you? You know, the biblical episode where the world flooded but Noah, his family, and the infamous ark of animals escaped.
You all remember the movie Water World? You know, the 1995 futuristic flop that takes place in the year 2500 or so where the world was flooded due to global warming and there was wide-spread pandemonium.
You all remember the year 2018? You know, where the human population was at a tipping point of either reducing their carbon footprint, reducing their reproduction, downsizing, or face dire consequences from Mother Nature?
We all chose to go on with our lives business as usual in 2018 because it was too much effort to change our habits.
No wonder Mother Nature drowns us all out every now and then.
You all remember the movie Water World? You know, the 1995 futuristic flop that takes place in the year 2500 or so where the world was flooded due to global warming and there was wide-spread pandemonium.
You all remember the year 2018? You know, where the human population was at a tipping point of either reducing their carbon footprint, reducing their reproduction, downsizing, or face dire consequences from Mother Nature?
We all chose to go on with our lives business as usual in 2018 because it was too much effort to change our habits.
No wonder Mother Nature drowns us all out every now and then.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
I was driving around the other day and at a stoplight. I busted out laughing at how clever the phone number was. I've never been insulted so delightfully.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
The Protesters
It's official. I've been screened and vetted by the Secret Service and saw the Reigning Cheeto in person. I wasn't sure how I felt about the whole thing so we sat in the very back of the room - which intrigued the Secret Service even more. Only dissenters sit in the back, right? For the record, the guys in suits, sunglasses, and that thing in their ear are for real.
I was good. In fact, our whole group was good regardless if those in attendance loved him or loathed him. He did give an entertaining speech and was engaging, but there was not any in depth substance. It's apparent he loves attention and the camera. Duh. Shocker.
It's also apparent he's a businessman and not a politician. It's all about jobs and the economy at any cost. Well, the cost is the health of our planet and the environment. Sure, we will enjoy the luxuries a growing economy brings, but what good will it be when we basically pollute ourselves and planet to death?
After Trump finished his speech we were besieged by protesters as we left the building. The police were there blocking and making a path for our exit, but it was unnerving. They were screaming at us that we were all Nazi racists and rapists. I don't even *know* any of them and they know nothing about my life, but there they were judging me. Why were they judging me? Because I was curious to see for myself in person what the rest of the world is curious about as well. That's my only crime. They had loudspeakers amplifying, "Nazi's go home, Nazi's go home, Nazi's go home" as we filed out of the building.
Some in the group engaged with the protesters, but I know better than to challenge or argue. It's a no win situation that will not end well. Screaming emotionally charged half-truths will never change anybody's political stance. The protesters don't even know my political stance but ASSUMED I was a staunch right winger. Heck, I don't even know my political stance let alone some random stranger mob on the street.
Some idiots in my group could not resist engaging and arguing with the protesters. One protester got in the face of a guy in our group and raged about the growing income disparity. The guy in my group snorted back to the protester, "Yeah, I'm getting richer everyday and you would be too if you were at work right now instead of being a public nuisance."
That did not go over very well and the police were right on it.
However, a point was made.
I was good. In fact, our whole group was good regardless if those in attendance loved him or loathed him. He did give an entertaining speech and was engaging, but there was not any in depth substance. It's apparent he loves attention and the camera. Duh. Shocker.
It's also apparent he's a businessman and not a politician. It's all about jobs and the economy at any cost. Well, the cost is the health of our planet and the environment. Sure, we will enjoy the luxuries a growing economy brings, but what good will it be when we basically pollute ourselves and planet to death?
After Trump finished his speech we were besieged by protesters as we left the building. The police were there blocking and making a path for our exit, but it was unnerving. They were screaming at us that we were all Nazi racists and rapists. I don't even *know* any of them and they know nothing about my life, but there they were judging me. Why were they judging me? Because I was curious to see for myself in person what the rest of the world is curious about as well. That's my only crime. They had loudspeakers amplifying, "Nazi's go home, Nazi's go home, Nazi's go home" as we filed out of the building.
Some in the group engaged with the protesters, but I know better than to challenge or argue. It's a no win situation that will not end well. Screaming emotionally charged half-truths will never change anybody's political stance. The protesters don't even know my political stance but ASSUMED I was a staunch right winger. Heck, I don't even know my political stance let alone some random stranger mob on the street.
Some idiots in my group could not resist engaging and arguing with the protesters. One protester got in the face of a guy in our group and raged about the growing income disparity. The guy in my group snorted back to the protester, "Yeah, I'm getting richer everyday and you would be too if you were at work right now instead of being a public nuisance."
That did not go over very well and the police were right on it.
However, a point was made.
Monday, October 1, 2018
Sitting President
Quiet Rage has been on the east coast for the past few days. What's weird is that I'm getting more local news in regard to the Santa Rosa kid who needs pot oil at school, bulls on the loose in Stockton, etc., than what's going on here back east. When going out to dinner the menu is full of "homie" goodies like Racer Beer, Laganitas, Sonoma County wines, etc. Our California politicians are fodder for jokes making us all look like extreme left wing nut jobs.
I guess our lives are seemingly more interesting out west.
During our general meeting yesterday morning, it was announced that the current orange cheeto occupying the White House (I just can't call him by name) will be addressing our group in person. Only those who have preregistered will be allowed entrance. This means I've been screened by the secret service. No wonder my phone connections have been weird. LOL. Let's see if I get stopped at the door.
I've never been in the same room with a sitting president, nor any president for that matter, no matter what I may or not feel about cheetos. I'm wondering if he's right about "fake news" and if he's really as obnoxious in person as the press portrays.
I'm about to find out. Stay tuned.
I guess our lives are seemingly more interesting out west.
During our general meeting yesterday morning, it was announced that the current orange cheeto occupying the White House (I just can't call him by name) will be addressing our group in person. Only those who have preregistered will be allowed entrance. This means I've been screened by the secret service. No wonder my phone connections have been weird. LOL. Let's see if I get stopped at the door.
I've never been in the same room with a sitting president, nor any president for that matter, no matter what I may or not feel about cheetos. I'm wondering if he's right about "fake news" and if he's really as obnoxious in person as the press portrays.
I'm about to find out. Stay tuned.
Monday, September 17, 2018
Clicks and Flying Potatoes
Are you gainfully employed? What I mean by gainfully employed is that you have a job where you can sustain yourself and perhaps a couple of dependents AND have health and retirement benefits? If yes, congratulations. Sure, there are plenty of jobs out there. The caveat is that those jobs don't pay anything and they don't lead to a sustainable career. It's really the modern version of slavery. The tip jar on the counter is dressed up panhandling.
OK.........back on topic. You have a job. Contratulations.
Now, it's about keeping that job. Yes, we all have little games that are played. There's the office shark who is sweet to your face but is stabbing you in the back talking trash about you to everybody else so you get passed up on the promotion. There's the demanding boss who is looking for blind loyalty much like Hitler.
Let's focus on management for a moment and the demanding, manipulating boss. You know, the boss who sends out emails at zero dark thirty on a Sunday. Boss is really phishing to see who is actually reading them and when. With the advances in technology many employers send email with tracking capabilities to see who opens them and when. If there's additional information, say a video, it tracks if you watched it. Boss receives a report as to which employees open the email and also when. It also tracks who opened the embedded attachments. It's a thermometer to your do-I-give-a-shit about the company or not.
Creepy and intrusive, right? I miss the old days of the company newsletter that arrived via snail mail. Nobody could track if you actually read it or not.
Remember the golden rule: NOTHING YOU DO ONLINE IS PRIVATE.
This is how you beat them at their own game. Always open the emails from Boss. Never delete them without opening. If you're looking for brownie points, click on the embedded articles and videos. While that's all playing, go about your business. Get coffee. Do laundry. Whatever. Mute the volume on the company propaganda media and open up something amusing like this.
Boss thinks you actually care.
OK.........back on topic. You have a job. Contratulations.
Now, it's about keeping that job. Yes, we all have little games that are played. There's the office shark who is sweet to your face but is stabbing you in the back talking trash about you to everybody else so you get passed up on the promotion. There's the demanding boss who is looking for blind loyalty much like Hitler.
Let's focus on management for a moment and the demanding, manipulating boss. You know, the boss who sends out emails at zero dark thirty on a Sunday. Boss is really phishing to see who is actually reading them and when. With the advances in technology many employers send email with tracking capabilities to see who opens them and when. If there's additional information, say a video, it tracks if you watched it. Boss receives a report as to which employees open the email and also when. It also tracks who opened the embedded attachments. It's a thermometer to your do-I-give-a-shit about the company or not.
Creepy and intrusive, right? I miss the old days of the company newsletter that arrived via snail mail. Nobody could track if you actually read it or not.
Remember the golden rule: NOTHING YOU DO ONLINE IS PRIVATE.
This is how you beat them at their own game. Always open the emails from Boss. Never delete them without opening. If you're looking for brownie points, click on the embedded articles and videos. While that's all playing, go about your business. Get coffee. Do laundry. Whatever. Mute the volume on the company propaganda media and open up something amusing like this.
Boss thinks you actually care.
Friday, September 14, 2018
ghosts in the house
...today was an anomaly. I was actually HOME. Yes, I was at home, but I was working from my home office....ALONE. HOME ALONE...something that does not happen very often.
My husband has been saying for some time that when he comes home from work (he works the swing shift) he takes a nap. He has been saying for some time that he has been awakened by the sounds of foot steps and other noises in the house that seem to come from the kitchen area.
Nobody else is home.
Today I experienced it twice. I was cleaning the kitchen and I heard the sound of something brushing up against the door between the kitchen and the garage. I thought that it could have been the cat. Nope. The cat was sleeping on the couch in the living room. Hummmmph. I went about my cleaning not thinking anything.
Until now.... I'm settling down for the night. I just heard a door quasi-slam shut. Huh???? WTF??? Which door????? I got up out of the computer chair to take a quick look around and nothing is out of the ordinary.
I have been having strange, surreal dreams of late. I can't go into detail as they involve people from my past and present trying to communicate with me.
YES!!!!!! I DO HEAR YOU!!!!
My husband has been saying for some time that when he comes home from work (he works the swing shift) he takes a nap. He has been saying for some time that he has been awakened by the sounds of foot steps and other noises in the house that seem to come from the kitchen area.
Nobody else is home.
Today I experienced it twice. I was cleaning the kitchen and I heard the sound of something brushing up against the door between the kitchen and the garage. I thought that it could have been the cat. Nope. The cat was sleeping on the couch in the living room. Hummmmph. I went about my cleaning not thinking anything.
Until now.... I'm settling down for the night. I just heard a door quasi-slam shut. Huh???? WTF??? Which door????? I got up out of the computer chair to take a quick look around and nothing is out of the ordinary.
I have been having strange, surreal dreams of late. I can't go into detail as they involve people from my past and present trying to communicate with me.
YES!!!!!! I DO HEAR YOU!!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Earth, Wind, and Fire
When I'm in a funk I always turn to 70's FUNK. It brings me always to a happy place and time.
....and then onto Boogie Wonderland..
Suddenly....I'm in a better mood. Tomorrow night I'm going to an African Band concert and I'm so EXCITED!!! Yes!!!! White girl gets down.
....and then onto Boogie Wonderland..
Suddenly....I'm in a better mood. Tomorrow night I'm going to an African Band concert and I'm so EXCITED!!! Yes!!!! White girl gets down.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Anti Social
Quiet Rage is pretty much anti-social. Why? Because humans as a species is really a let down. You all clamor and climb over whomever you can screw over next to gratify your ego or social status.
Not impressed.
Yes, I treasure my own company. I can't wait to be alone in my bubble without any of your asshole-ish noise. I don't need any of you. I pay my own bills, do my own work, save my own money, don't broadcast stupid shit on social media and beg for money via "go fund me" or whatever modern begging form has taken shape along with derelicts holding cardboard signs on the corner. I don't demand attention nor recognition. Just leave me alone.
(dreaming.....only if) ......If you all would only just leave me alone.
Everyday I delete thousands of email spam. Everyday I toss out adds and solicitations from the mailbox. Everyday I receive robocalls from god only knows where.
there is no peace.
I'm to the point where I'm just going to unplug. think about it. Only truly important stuff gets communicated via personal snail message or personal phone call. The rest of it is just "look at me" noise. Even this dumb-ass blog is stupid noise. However, I write it for me...not for you. I don't clog your inbox begging for you to read this. I don't need your "likes" on facebook. You're here because you choose to be. Nobody is prompting you to be here.
Yeah, I really don't care much for people. You all are a disappointing suck on the universe and other resources without giving back ... in so many ways. So...... fuck off.
Not impressed.
Yes, I treasure my own company. I can't wait to be alone in my bubble without any of your asshole-ish noise. I don't need any of you. I pay my own bills, do my own work, save my own money, don't broadcast stupid shit on social media and beg for money via "go fund me" or whatever modern begging form has taken shape along with derelicts holding cardboard signs on the corner. I don't demand attention nor recognition. Just leave me alone.
(dreaming.....only if) ......If you all would only just leave me alone.
Everyday I delete thousands of email spam. Everyday I toss out adds and solicitations from the mailbox. Everyday I receive robocalls from god only knows where.
there is no peace.
I'm to the point where I'm just going to unplug. think about it. Only truly important stuff gets communicated via personal snail message or personal phone call. The rest of it is just "look at me" noise. Even this dumb-ass blog is stupid noise. However, I write it for me...not for you. I don't clog your inbox begging for you to read this. I don't need your "likes" on facebook. You're here because you choose to be. Nobody is prompting you to be here.
Yeah, I really don't care much for people. You all are a disappointing suck on the universe and other resources without giving back ... in so many ways. So...... fuck off.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Fantasy Football Draft
Once a year my husband hosts his fantasy football draft. Why? I don't know. None of the other guys are allowed to host it. Their wives throw a hissy fit. One wife made the guys actually piss in a bucket outside because she did not want anybody using her bathroom. Gross. It's no big deal for me to host and set up seating for them and make a big batch of something for them to eat. I'm used to crowds at my house. ....I don't make anybody piss outside in a bucket, either.
Each year pretty much the same guys show up. Most of them are guys who grew up in Marin County and they all know each other from way back, and are related to others in the group. It's weird because some of them were teachers and principals when my kids were going through school. Yes, they are sometimes in their underwear when it's blasted hot and farting in my chair. I would never dream of taking a picture and posting to social media as they are entitled to their off-time with their guard down. I respect that.
Anyway, I don't mind the guys here and to be perfectly honest they are the cleanest, easiest group I host all year. They go above and beyond picking up after themselves. Yes, they are loud and alcohol is involved. Lots of alcohol. I feel comfortable sharing a piece of paper left behind from the draft that show the effect alcohol has on ones writing. I can't read the bottom, can you?
I get such a kick out of them. They always make me laugh until my stomach hurts. I feel honored that they don't feel the need to censor themselves on my account.
Each year pretty much the same guys show up. Most of them are guys who grew up in Marin County and they all know each other from way back, and are related to others in the group. It's weird because some of them were teachers and principals when my kids were going through school. Yes, they are sometimes in their underwear when it's blasted hot and farting in my chair. I would never dream of taking a picture and posting to social media as they are entitled to their off-time with their guard down. I respect that.
Anyway, I don't mind the guys here and to be perfectly honest they are the cleanest, easiest group I host all year. They go above and beyond picking up after themselves. Yes, they are loud and alcohol is involved. Lots of alcohol. I feel comfortable sharing a piece of paper left behind from the draft that show the effect alcohol has on ones writing. I can't read the bottom, can you?
I get such a kick out of them. They always make me laugh until my stomach hurts. I feel honored that they don't feel the need to censor themselves on my account.
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Anybody See the Irony?
Is the irony lost on everybody? Aircraft emissions are a huge contributor to pollution and harmful to our increasingly deteriorating environment. I couldn't help but notice the two articles next to each other: One about airport expansion at the Santa Rosa Airport, the other about the growing impact of global warming.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Ghosting Facebook
I finally did it. I ghosted my facebook account. I just couldn't take it anymore. No more social media. I stopped caring what you had for breakfast 8 years go. Wait. I take that back. I never cared what you had for breakfast.
Friday, August 24, 2018
Slave Quarters, Homelessness, and Traffic
It's election season here in Sonoma County, folks. Political signs are popping up like daisies all over the place. Here are my questions for them:
Slave Quarters (a.k.a. affordable housing): Sure, getting the funds is just the tip of the iceberg. The next two steps would be the actual building and then deciding who qualifies to live there. Tell me, exactly, who qualifies for "affordable housing" and who does not. Who makes those decisions? What is the criteria? How is the need proven? What about people who are $1.00 over the qualifying income amount? Wherever the line is drawn there will be those trying to blur them. There has to be a cut-off somewhere, and who decides what that is? Anyway, there are two inherent problems in regard to building slave quarters that can't be ignored;
1. Nobody wants slave quarters built next to them. Why? Because while it's no crime to be poor, they are noisy slobs. Don't believe me? Drive around any government subsidized housing. Plight. It costs nothing to be clean and neat; however, whenever something is given to somebody it's taken for granted and not respected. Trash and crime.
2. Homelessness. See above. Trash and crime. There is no cure.
What about mandating housing density. Why, pray tell, are people still allowed to build obnoxious McMansions? It's so selfish and disrespectful to the earth. We all will suffer eventually from their selfishness.
What about traffic? How can we be adding high density housing, or any other kind of housing, when our infrastructure can't even handle what we already have? Public transportation is a joke. Riding your bike or walking in the rain isn't feasible.
More development, whether it's adding housing or whatever, will result in more traffic, more people, more problems. We really are becoming Santa Clara del Norte. ....and they still have affordable housing problems and homelessness, too. Same as San Francisco. Same as San Diego. Same as Los Angeles. Same as Las Vegas. Same as Reno, Nevada. Same as Vancouver, British Columbia. Same as Seattle. Same as Miami. Same as Houston. Same as New Orleans. Same as Honolulu. Same as (insert any city).
Notice I referenced "blue" cities along with "red."
Slave Quarters (a.k.a. affordable housing): Sure, getting the funds is just the tip of the iceberg. The next two steps would be the actual building and then deciding who qualifies to live there. Tell me, exactly, who qualifies for "affordable housing" and who does not. Who makes those decisions? What is the criteria? How is the need proven? What about people who are $1.00 over the qualifying income amount? Wherever the line is drawn there will be those trying to blur them. There has to be a cut-off somewhere, and who decides what that is? Anyway, there are two inherent problems in regard to building slave quarters that can't be ignored;
1. Nobody wants slave quarters built next to them. Why? Because while it's no crime to be poor, they are noisy slobs. Don't believe me? Drive around any government subsidized housing. Plight. It costs nothing to be clean and neat; however, whenever something is given to somebody it's taken for granted and not respected. Trash and crime.
2. Homelessness. See above. Trash and crime. There is no cure.
What about mandating housing density. Why, pray tell, are people still allowed to build obnoxious McMansions? It's so selfish and disrespectful to the earth. We all will suffer eventually from their selfishness.
What about traffic? How can we be adding high density housing, or any other kind of housing, when our infrastructure can't even handle what we already have? Public transportation is a joke. Riding your bike or walking in the rain isn't feasible.
More development, whether it's adding housing or whatever, will result in more traffic, more people, more problems. We really are becoming Santa Clara del Norte. ....and they still have affordable housing problems and homelessness, too. Same as San Francisco. Same as San Diego. Same as Los Angeles. Same as Las Vegas. Same as Reno, Nevada. Same as Vancouver, British Columbia. Same as Seattle. Same as Miami. Same as Houston. Same as New Orleans. Same as Honolulu. Same as (insert any city).
Notice I referenced "blue" cities along with "red."
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Meeting God
It's been a while since I've had a profound dream. Well, last night it happened. I had a dream I met God. Here's the dream. Admittedly, some of it is random and does not make sense, but it was a dream.
I was being transported in a one-horse chariot along a city sidewalk that I did not recognize. The chariot stopped at something that resembled a convenience store. I got out and went inside looking for "bubbly water." There were other customers in the store. One happened to be my brother, and another was a guy I quasi-dated a long time ago. My old boyfriend was hovering by me and I found it annoying as I no longer wanted anything to do with him. My brother was wondering who the guy was and I did not even feel it was worth my energy to explain who he was as I'm soooooooo done with him. He was a mistake that I did not want any reminders of.
About that time a woman approached me. She summoned me and said, "Follow me. I have something special for you."
She took me to an area of the convenience store that was like a museum with statues. She led me to a statue of Jesus, but Jesus was shirtless (weird, I know). She made her hand look like a key by taking her index finger and middle finger forward (like a closed peace sign) and inserted it into the heart of the Jesus statue and it came life.
She said, "I think you should meet God."
I was dumbfounded. I was stunned. I was speechless. God said to me, "Go ahead. I know you have questions. Ask me anything you want."
Being in His presence and energy was overwhelming for me. I could not speak. I told God, "Pardon me, but I'm in such awe at the moment I'm speechless. Yes, I do have questions but give me a moment to process what is happening."
At that moment another man I did not know became present. God then revealed Himself in a different form for this other man. God's outer body became intense colors. While He still had limbs, legs, etc., they morphed into intense colors I can't even attempt to describe. God lifted up one of His hands and this super intense white light came out of his palm like a beacon aimed at this other guy who was present. God could tell that I was trying to process everything and what I was witnessing. God then said to me, "I first presented myself in a less intense form for you so you would not be startled and afraid."
Then, back to asking my questions. The first two questions I asked were:
1. Why did you create us, and;
2. What is the meaning of life.
God smiled and semi-chuckled. He said those were the two most FAQ He gets. He then referenced the Monty Python movie titled The Meaning of Life, and even quoted some of the scenes He found amusing. God likes it when we ask 'why' in any form as it provokes deep reflection. If humor comes from it, so be it.
Yes, God does have a sense of humor.
Just as He was going to answer I woke up. The mystery and meaning of life continues.
I was being transported in a one-horse chariot along a city sidewalk that I did not recognize. The chariot stopped at something that resembled a convenience store. I got out and went inside looking for "bubbly water." There were other customers in the store. One happened to be my brother, and another was a guy I quasi-dated a long time ago. My old boyfriend was hovering by me and I found it annoying as I no longer wanted anything to do with him. My brother was wondering who the guy was and I did not even feel it was worth my energy to explain who he was as I'm soooooooo done with him. He was a mistake that I did not want any reminders of.
About that time a woman approached me. She summoned me and said, "Follow me. I have something special for you."
She took me to an area of the convenience store that was like a museum with statues. She led me to a statue of Jesus, but Jesus was shirtless (weird, I know). She made her hand look like a key by taking her index finger and middle finger forward (like a closed peace sign) and inserted it into the heart of the Jesus statue and it came life.
She said, "I think you should meet God."
I was dumbfounded. I was stunned. I was speechless. God said to me, "Go ahead. I know you have questions. Ask me anything you want."
Being in His presence and energy was overwhelming for me. I could not speak. I told God, "Pardon me, but I'm in such awe at the moment I'm speechless. Yes, I do have questions but give me a moment to process what is happening."
At that moment another man I did not know became present. God then revealed Himself in a different form for this other man. God's outer body became intense colors. While He still had limbs, legs, etc., they morphed into intense colors I can't even attempt to describe. God lifted up one of His hands and this super intense white light came out of his palm like a beacon aimed at this other guy who was present. God could tell that I was trying to process everything and what I was witnessing. God then said to me, "I first presented myself in a less intense form for you so you would not be startled and afraid."
Then, back to asking my questions. The first two questions I asked were:
1. Why did you create us, and;
2. What is the meaning of life.
God smiled and semi-chuckled. He said those were the two most FAQ He gets. He then referenced the Monty Python movie titled The Meaning of Life, and even quoted some of the scenes He found amusing. God likes it when we ask 'why' in any form as it provokes deep reflection. If humor comes from it, so be it.
Yes, God does have a sense of humor.
Just as He was going to answer I woke up. The mystery and meaning of life continues.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Chicken Shit Bingo
This photo courtesy of JLB. What is this you ask? It's Chicken Shit Bingo. Get your bingo card, ooops I mean chicken shit scorecard, sick back, put the hen in the coop, and wait to see which square Henny Penny will drop that oh-so-familiar poo. From what I can tell, #14 is a winner. This is the best redneck, white trash, hick game I've seen in a LONG time. I WANT TO PLAY.
Monday, August 13, 2018
No Form of Government Works Long-Term
I wish everybody would quit thinking they have all the answers. Here's a fact. No form of government or social system works long-term. They all fail eventually. Why? Because we are human and no matter what system is in place, people will try to take advantage of it and each other one way or another for personal gain and accumulation of material wealth.
Yup. We keep screwing each other over. Again, and again, and again, and again. It's our innate disease. As long as there are humans on earth, we will continue to battle our own human nature which includes but is not limited to the need for: greed, power, social status, etc.
We have been trying to govern ourselves since the dawn of time. There has always been war. There has always been political and social unrest. If we lack political and social unrest, we go looking for it and creating it (media). We need drama. We crave drama. We need to be upset and "fight" for something. We need to grandstand to let the world know how "right" we are, and how everybody else is "wrong." We can't handle predictable and boring lives. We need to show the world how self-righteous we are. We just can't leave well enough alone.
While you all are out there in a tattered frenzy spinning and spending your energy, I'm going to silently sit here in complete stillness. Guess what. The end result will be the same.
Yup. We keep screwing each other over. Again, and again, and again, and again. It's our innate disease. As long as there are humans on earth, we will continue to battle our own human nature which includes but is not limited to the need for: greed, power, social status, etc.
We have been trying to govern ourselves since the dawn of time. There has always been war. There has always been political and social unrest. If we lack political and social unrest, we go looking for it and creating it (media). We need drama. We crave drama. We need to be upset and "fight" for something. We need to grandstand to let the world know how "right" we are, and how everybody else is "wrong." We can't handle predictable and boring lives. We need to show the world how self-righteous we are. We just can't leave well enough alone.
While you all are out there in a tattered frenzy spinning and spending your energy, I'm going to silently sit here in complete stillness. Guess what. The end result will be the same.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Sonoma County Pothole Fix - Dominos to the Rescue
Wow!!!! We have finally found the solution to all the horrible potholes that plague Sonoma County. Dominos is offering to fill all those terrible potholes that will save your front end alignment, tire blowouts, etc., not to mention tossed pizza.
Somehow, I'm not holding my breath.
Somehow, I'm not holding my breath.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Facebook and Free Speech
I'm sooooooooo sick of hearing about the Russians hacking this and that. We have free speech. Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that right only belongs to citizens of the United States, nor that what is written or spoken has to be the truth. What's all the fuss about? All we are hearing is how the Russians hacked, but nowhere are the democrats rebutting it with anything that mitigates the so-called hacking influence. Here's what it boils down to. Hillary et al effed over Bernie Sanders. Please, convince us that did not happen and please, tell us that was not true. It did happen and it was true. Stop whining. You did it to yourselves.
I'm *still* waiting for a Snowden update.
Crickets chirping. Dead silence. Why? A Snowden update would take real investigative reporting and guts. I don't give the media that much credit. I hate to side with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, but he's right in stating that fake news and sensationalism is the media's M.O.
I don't believe anything anymore. Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear.
To all of you attention whore idiots on Facebook: Your ego did sell you out. Now you all are pissed off that your information is everywhere for anybody to access. Why do people post their deepest most personal struggles and thoughts? Attention? No, it's not your duty to air your deepest, most personal issues in the name of "bringing awareness" to the subject. Trust me, not everything needs to be broadcast. Another public service announcement via your social media is not necessary.
Getting back on track.....
If we are that stupid of a democracy to let a social media posts influence us, we deserve to be taken over by China or Russia. We, as a nation, are feeling the cuts in education. We invested heavily in our education system until the 1960's when we actually had some critical thinking skills and questioned our own government. The education investment stalled after that. A nation of idiots is a lot easier to control and manipulate.
So there you have it. We are a nation that is easily controlled and manipulated by a few unvetted social media posts. We are a nation of idiots. A democracy only works if the population is educated. I have to go now. The Kardashians are on followed by the Gong Show.
I'm *still* waiting for a Snowden update.
Crickets chirping. Dead silence. Why? A Snowden update would take real investigative reporting and guts. I don't give the media that much credit. I hate to side with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, but he's right in stating that fake news and sensationalism is the media's M.O.
I don't believe anything anymore. Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear.
To all of you attention whore idiots on Facebook: Your ego did sell you out. Now you all are pissed off that your information is everywhere for anybody to access. Why do people post their deepest most personal struggles and thoughts? Attention? No, it's not your duty to air your deepest, most personal issues in the name of "bringing awareness" to the subject. Trust me, not everything needs to be broadcast. Another public service announcement via your social media is not necessary.
Getting back on track.....
If we are that stupid of a democracy to let a social media posts influence us, we deserve to be taken over by China or Russia. We, as a nation, are feeling the cuts in education. We invested heavily in our education system until the 1960's when we actually had some critical thinking skills and questioned our own government. The education investment stalled after that. A nation of idiots is a lot easier to control and manipulate.
So there you have it. We are a nation that is easily controlled and manipulated by a few unvetted social media posts. We are a nation of idiots. A democracy only works if the population is educated. I have to go now. The Kardashians are on followed by the Gong Show.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Fire Follows Me
I think there was a movie back in the 80's called Fire Starter or something. I believed it starred Drew Barrymore when she was still a little girl shortly after her acting debut in E.T. I never saw the film as at that point in my life I was too busy with parties and boyfriends and danceline. Only boring, lame people with no social life went to the movies.
Ahhhh....ignorant youth. Yeah, I'll own it.
As of late I do have these uncanny instances where fires seem to follow me. The other possible explanation is that fires are happening with more and more intensity and frequency and I have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Last year's blaze in Sonoma County hit home. Since then, traveling to Reno has been met with a blazing mountain fire I watched from the hotel window as it crept down wondering if it was going to get extinguished in time.
Go to Colorado. Same thing. I open the hotel French doors to be met with smoke and a blazing mountain side.
I come home. Same thing. More fires in Northern California. I forgot to add erupting volcanoes in Hawaii.
I'm starting to get a complex, people.
Ahhhh....ignorant youth. Yeah, I'll own it.
As of late I do have these uncanny instances where fires seem to follow me. The other possible explanation is that fires are happening with more and more intensity and frequency and I have absolutely nothing to do with it.
Last year's blaze in Sonoma County hit home. Since then, traveling to Reno has been met with a blazing mountain fire I watched from the hotel window as it crept down wondering if it was going to get extinguished in time.
Go to Colorado. Same thing. I open the hotel French doors to be met with smoke and a blazing mountain side.
I come home. Same thing. More fires in Northern California. I forgot to add erupting volcanoes in Hawaii.
I'm starting to get a complex, people.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Broadmoor Resort - Colorado Springs, Colorado
Quiet Rage has been at a snooty resort lately -- the Broadmoor to be exact. This place has a history of hosting European royalty, presidents, celebrities, sports stars, dignitaries, etc.
Believe me. They want you to know it.
There is a hallway that is plastered with portraits of famous guests that spans the 100 year history of the property located smack dab in what was once the Old American West. Of course, my portrait was up there as a framed question mark LOL.
I could not help but notice looking at the portrait wall the placement of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. They are not next together. They have two men in between them. It reminds me of the old joke that states why should we want Hillary as president if Bill did not even want her.
On another note, this is the exact type of place where the movie Caddy Shack could have taken place. It's an obnoxious snobitorium where a dose of low-class humor would do them all good removing stick from certain orifices.
I behaved myself and went along with all the pretentiousness and did not make a scene.
The other art around the property was celebrating the Native Americans and all their artifacts that are in the general area displayed in glass cases. One that captivated me was a painting of Native Americans ambushing a wagon train in the 1860's of white settlers. The natives were getting shot up and killed. This painting disturbed me. The resounding message I kept receiving was that of how the whites killed the natives and stole their land. Now, 100+ years later, their art and way of living is being touted and celebrated as "all natural" and "organic" and "in tune with the earth."
What a bunch of white people crap. We come in, kill, steal the natives' land, enslave them, and now want to celebrate them in some swanky resort like we so appreciate them by plastering their artifacts all over the place like they were so honored and respected?
I have this sinking feeling in a past life I was a Native American brave who was killed when I figured out that the white people were all fake and wanted to steal the land. The universe (as always) gets even with us and reincarnated me as a white woman who has access to the luxury I despised in that lifetime.
Switching gears completely....here's the Caddy Shack moment at the golf course, and also the pictures of both Bill and Hillary Clinton - husband and wife - until other politicians divide them. Cough Cough. I'm certain that is not all dividing Bill and Hillary.
Sorry, Hillary, you'll lose next time as well if you decide to run again. You f***** over Bernie and we will NEVER forget that. You are NOT about the people. You are about yourself. Who is the egomaniac, self-entitled, obnoxious, narcissist? Look in the mirror.
....there's a brown Audi parked in my reserved parking space. I want it towed...immediately.
Believe me. They want you to know it.
There is a hallway that is plastered with portraits of famous guests that spans the 100 year history of the property located smack dab in what was once the Old American West. Of course, my portrait was up there as a framed question mark LOL.
I could not help but notice looking at the portrait wall the placement of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. They are not next together. They have two men in between them. It reminds me of the old joke that states why should we want Hillary as president if Bill did not even want her.
On another note, this is the exact type of place where the movie Caddy Shack could have taken place. It's an obnoxious snobitorium where a dose of low-class humor would do them all good removing stick from certain orifices.
I behaved myself and went along with all the pretentiousness and did not make a scene.
The other art around the property was celebrating the Native Americans and all their artifacts that are in the general area displayed in glass cases. One that captivated me was a painting of Native Americans ambushing a wagon train in the 1860's of white settlers. The natives were getting shot up and killed. This painting disturbed me. The resounding message I kept receiving was that of how the whites killed the natives and stole their land. Now, 100+ years later, their art and way of living is being touted and celebrated as "all natural" and "organic" and "in tune with the earth."
What a bunch of white people crap. We come in, kill, steal the natives' land, enslave them, and now want to celebrate them in some swanky resort like we so appreciate them by plastering their artifacts all over the place like they were so honored and respected?
I have this sinking feeling in a past life I was a Native American brave who was killed when I figured out that the white people were all fake and wanted to steal the land. The universe (as always) gets even with us and reincarnated me as a white woman who has access to the luxury I despised in that lifetime.
Switching gears completely....here's the Caddy Shack moment at the golf course, and also the pictures of both Bill and Hillary Clinton - husband and wife - until other politicians divide them. Cough Cough. I'm certain that is not all dividing Bill and Hillary.
Sorry, Hillary, you'll lose next time as well if you decide to run again. You f***** over Bernie and we will NEVER forget that. You are NOT about the people. You are about yourself. Who is the egomaniac, self-entitled, obnoxious, narcissist? Look in the mirror.
....there's a brown Audi parked in my reserved parking space. I want it towed...immediately.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Russian Influence in Politics
What, prey tell, did the Russians disclose that was not the truth? The Democratic party is corrupt and they got caught. Sorry about the timing. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if we have to depend on Rusky intel for the truth on our government, we have bigger problems than one election result.
I personally want THANK the Russians for exposing our government for what it really is. BTW, it isn't just democrats who are corrupt. They all are.
Be clear that this is no endorsement for He Who Shall Not Be Named.
Again, WHERE'S SNOWDEN??????? Exiled in RUSSIA!!! Coincidence? I think not. That's what we really need to know. He was being hailed by liberals as a hero for exposing our government, now that the liberals are under the belief Russia influenced the election for a result they don't like, he is now the traitor. Vice versa on the conservative points of view. Snowden was a traitor but now he's a hero as He Who Shall Not Be Named is POTUS.
Make up your mind, people. You can't suck and blow at the same time.
I personally want THANK the Russians for exposing our government for what it really is. BTW, it isn't just democrats who are corrupt. They all are.
Be clear that this is no endorsement for He Who Shall Not Be Named.
Again, WHERE'S SNOWDEN??????? Exiled in RUSSIA!!! Coincidence? I think not. That's what we really need to know. He was being hailed by liberals as a hero for exposing our government, now that the liberals are under the belief Russia influenced the election for a result they don't like, he is now the traitor. Vice versa on the conservative points of view. Snowden was a traitor but now he's a hero as He Who Shall Not Be Named is POTUS.
Make up your mind, people. You can't suck and blow at the same time.
russian election influence,
russian hacking,
Monday, July 16, 2018
Scarlett Beaver
My deepest sympathy for this poor child. This came straight out of Sunday's Press Democrat. The only name that would have been worse would have been Sandy.
I can't make this stuff up, people.
I can't make this stuff up, people.
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Trade War With China
Foreign affairs are a delicate thing. We all know that the current administration in the White House (I hate to call him by name) is about as graceful as a bull in a china cabinet. The state of the world is in a very fragile balance.
As much as I want to give the human race more credit than it deserves for being peaceful and loving, there are countries and along with their policies that are inherently cruel and murderous. They will gladly slit our throats in our sleep. We are naive if we think otherwise. Sorry to tell you that the world can't be saved donning t-shirts and marches down Main Street.
It's human nature to want to protect our own. We are territorial animals with a survival instinct. In moments like now with the trade issues with China, we need to really take a step backwards and detach ourselves from our animal-instinct selves and inject some logic.
Pay attention people. All of your electronic gadgets are made in CHINA. They are supplying all of our computers, cell phones, etc. If we upset them too much, they will purposely plant destructive computer viruses, worms, and trojan horses into our stuff - along with tracking capabilities.
My sources state that they have probably done that already.
Pay attention even more closely, people. How did China become such a manufacturing mecca? Because American companies saw cheap labor and lax environmental rules, and moved in like flies on feces.
We are our own worst enemy. We are reaping what we sowed.
As much as I want to give the human race more credit than it deserves for being peaceful and loving, there are countries and along with their policies that are inherently cruel and murderous. They will gladly slit our throats in our sleep. We are naive if we think otherwise. Sorry to tell you that the world can't be saved donning t-shirts and marches down Main Street.
It's human nature to want to protect our own. We are territorial animals with a survival instinct. In moments like now with the trade issues with China, we need to really take a step backwards and detach ourselves from our animal-instinct selves and inject some logic.
Pay attention people. All of your electronic gadgets are made in CHINA. They are supplying all of our computers, cell phones, etc. If we upset them too much, they will purposely plant destructive computer viruses, worms, and trojan horses into our stuff - along with tracking capabilities.
My sources state that they have probably done that already.
Pay attention even more closely, people. How did China become such a manufacturing mecca? Because American companies saw cheap labor and lax environmental rules, and moved in like flies on feces.
We are our own worst enemy. We are reaping what we sowed.
china trade war,
trade war,
US China trade war
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Car Shows and Peacocks
Take a good look at the above two pictures. Do you get it? Each species is fanning feathers trying to attract admiration and accolades.
Humans are no different than other animals on this planet. We have instincts whether we love them or loathe them.
The above picture was taken today at a car show in Petaluma, California. Yes, it was directly across the street from the now world famous Lagunitas Brewery. Believe it or not, there are other breweries that are just as worthy of attention like the 101 North Brewery, who actually hosted the car show today. I also have to point out the dilapidated windmill sign for the Green Mill Inn which has been closed down for about 15 years now. I have many memories with the Green Mill (aka Mean Swill) including business meetings and wedding receptions. The place was old school. If both owners would still be alive and able to manage the place, I'm sure they would now be targeted by Hipsters and other Yuppies coming up from Marin, SF, and other South Bay Scum driving BMW's wanting that Green Mill experience complete with Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer and cheese curds.
I'm off on a tangent. Sorry. I'll reel it back. This is about a car show and Petaluma.
I have to give the Petaluma beer industry one thing no matter which brewery is your favorite. They all support the community. Cheers.
Humans are no different than other animals on this planet. We have instincts whether we love them or loathe them.
The above picture was taken today at a car show in Petaluma, California. Yes, it was directly across the street from the now world famous Lagunitas Brewery. Believe it or not, there are other breweries that are just as worthy of attention like the 101 North Brewery, who actually hosted the car show today. I also have to point out the dilapidated windmill sign for the Green Mill Inn which has been closed down for about 15 years now. I have many memories with the Green Mill (aka Mean Swill) including business meetings and wedding receptions. The place was old school. If both owners would still be alive and able to manage the place, I'm sure they would now be targeted by Hipsters and other Yuppies coming up from Marin, SF, and other South Bay Scum driving BMW's wanting that Green Mill experience complete with Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer and cheese curds.
I'm off on a tangent. Sorry. I'll reel it back. This is about a car show and Petaluma.
I have to give the Petaluma beer industry one thing no matter which brewery is your favorite. They all support the community. Cheers.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Mannequins creep me out. It's like when some people have an irrational fear of clowns. My irrational fear is mannequins. It's even worse when they are tattered and holding signs trying to fool motorists that an actual live person was hired as a sign waver. I think mannequins are cheap and tacky PLUS they are creepy. I always think they will come to life and somehow murder me in my sleep.
Now on a completely separate note and switching gears completely.
A person I know from work is leaving for England on soon. She's been having an affair for the last 7-8 years or so with some dude who if from there. He's twice divorced with 5 kids. Perhaps the third marriage will be the charm? Anybody who is twice divorced definitely has issues. It's NEVER one person's fault when a marriage goes hamajang (Hawaiian slang I stole from my daughter) no matter how perfect we view ourselves and want to believe responsibility rests totally on the other person.
Here's the problem. She is still married. One of her kids still lives at home. She is going to England to meet up with Boyfriend as his son is getting married and Boyfriend wants to parade her around as his new spouse. Great. She is being initiated to the entire family.
She finally had the guts to tell her husband. She kind of told the truth about it minus the fact that she's been jetting off to foreign countries to meet up with Boyfriend over the years. Deep down I know here husband knew what was really going on.
Here's the kicker. She told her husband Wednesday night she's taking off for England to meet up with Boyfriend. She will return in home in two weeks so she and her still-legal husband and family can all take off for a family vacation.
Let me get this straight. She drops a bomb on her husband telling him she's having an affair and taking off to England next week to meet up with Boyfriend. She then thinks she will come home like nothing happened and take off on a family vacation a few days later.
If I were Husband I would pack up her stuff and change the locks on the door when she leaves. I would then follow up with a text message stating not to bother coming home as Boyfriend is ALL hers. ENJOY. and BUH-BYE...byeeeeeeeee
Now on a completely separate note and switching gears completely.
A person I know from work is leaving for England on soon. She's been having an affair for the last 7-8 years or so with some dude who if from there. He's twice divorced with 5 kids. Perhaps the third marriage will be the charm? Anybody who is twice divorced definitely has issues. It's NEVER one person's fault when a marriage goes hamajang (Hawaiian slang I stole from my daughter) no matter how perfect we view ourselves and want to believe responsibility rests totally on the other person.
Here's the problem. She is still married. One of her kids still lives at home. She is going to England to meet up with Boyfriend as his son is getting married and Boyfriend wants to parade her around as his new spouse. Great. She is being initiated to the entire family.
She finally had the guts to tell her husband. She kind of told the truth about it minus the fact that she's been jetting off to foreign countries to meet up with Boyfriend over the years. Deep down I know here husband knew what was really going on.
Here's the kicker. She told her husband Wednesday night she's taking off for England to meet up with Boyfriend. She will return in home in two weeks so she and her still-legal husband and family can all take off for a family vacation.
Let me get this straight. She drops a bomb on her husband telling him she's having an affair and taking off to England next week to meet up with Boyfriend. She then thinks she will come home like nothing happened and take off on a family vacation a few days later.
If I were Husband I would pack up her stuff and change the locks on the door when she leaves. I would then follow up with a text message stating not to bother coming home as Boyfriend is ALL hers. ENJOY. and BUH-BYE...byeeeeeeeee
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Overpopulation, Migration, and the Health of the Planet
I have a news flash for you. People bring problems. The more people, the more problems. People who try to migrate (yes, that includes all us white folk from Europe) bring their problems with them. None of it gets magically left behind. We are all products of our culture and environment and we desperately attempt to cling to it for generations upon generations. If not, then why all the labels of Swedish-American, Asian-American, etc., and the proliferation of DNA testing kits to "prove" where we come from? Who really cares?
The earth is now swarming with an epidemic of humans who think they can out smart Mother Nature and other laws of the universe.
Trust me. We're not that smart.
The earth has finite resources. The earth is not disposable. The more people, the more demand for precious resources. The earth has become too overpopulated and fragmented to effectively govern. We can thank the internet and modern technology for the shattering of any cohesiveness. Back in the day we only had a limited source for news and information. Today any asshole with a cell phone can touch off a near civil war. Go ahead, site freedom of speech. However, if I wanted to hear from an asshole I would have farted.
There's a common theme with immigration happening these days. People will get out to advocate for immigrants. That's great. However, they leave out the biggest issue - WHO WILL PAY FOR THEM? Tossing a few dollars at them to mow your lawn does not count. They will need a sustainable income. We want our stuff for cheap, so we pay them less than slave wages and then get pissed when they live 15 to a house and drive an eyesore of a car that is parked on our street.
I'm rambling. I know. It's my blog and I'll write what I observe. Move on if you don't like it.
The earth is now swarming with an epidemic of humans who think they can out smart Mother Nature and other laws of the universe.
Trust me. We're not that smart.
The earth has finite resources. The earth is not disposable. The more people, the more demand for precious resources. The earth has become too overpopulated and fragmented to effectively govern. We can thank the internet and modern technology for the shattering of any cohesiveness. Back in the day we only had a limited source for news and information. Today any asshole with a cell phone can touch off a near civil war. Go ahead, site freedom of speech. However, if I wanted to hear from an asshole I would have farted.
There's a common theme with immigration happening these days. People will get out to advocate for immigrants. That's great. However, they leave out the biggest issue - WHO WILL PAY FOR THEM? Tossing a few dollars at them to mow your lawn does not count. They will need a sustainable income. We want our stuff for cheap, so we pay them less than slave wages and then get pissed when they live 15 to a house and drive an eyesore of a car that is parked on our street.
I'm rambling. I know. It's my blog and I'll write what I observe. Move on if you don't like it.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Migrating to New Zealand
I am in the process of completing forms for a working holiday visa for my daughter who is heading off to New Zealand. Who knows, she may even take up permanent residency eventually. She was invited there. I guess that's a big deal because they don't just let anybody in.
Now dealing with their immigration policies and rules they run a tight ship on how people enter their country. You must have an employable skill, speak and understand English, and have the means to support yourself - including the means to leave the country (you may be asked to provide proof). You can't be pregnant nor have a disease. They even do a character check to make sure you won't harm New Zealand's positive reputation.
Their policies are way different than ours.
New Zealand is the place people are trying to immigrate to. Why? Because it's clean, safe, controlled, and it lacks drama.
Now dealing with their immigration policies and rules they run a tight ship on how people enter their country. You must have an employable skill, speak and understand English, and have the means to support yourself - including the means to leave the country (you may be asked to provide proof). You can't be pregnant nor have a disease. They even do a character check to make sure you won't harm New Zealand's positive reputation.
Their policies are way different than ours.
New Zealand is the place people are trying to immigrate to. Why? Because it's clean, safe, controlled, and it lacks drama.
Ghost Turds
I need to have something light to write about today, so I'm writing about ghost turds (no pun intended). You know the packing material that consists of some type of synthetic pellets? Somebody called them "ghost turds" and I just about fell out of my chair laughing. I had never thought of that. Apparently, somebody else thought the same thing and is marketing them. Genius.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Separation of Families
Families are being separated. The media is all over it. Comparisons are made to the Japanese and how they were rounded up and put in camps during WWII much like the Mexicans trying to cross the border today.
Here's a bit of history that I bet you never heard. We all are aware of the Japanese being put in camps. Did you know that Germans and Italians were rounded up and forced into camps as well? There's a term called "Chicken Carl" because many Germans were trying to hide their ancestry for fear of being locked up. Germans changed the "K" in their names to use a "C" which was Americanized.
Why do we only hear about the Japanese being rounded up and never a word about the Germans and the Italians? Are only the Japanese worthy of sympathy and recognition of what they went through?
Oh....recognizing German Americans and Italian Americans as being victims would take the race card out. The media thrives on stirring up racism which they claim they want to stamp out. They don't. Peace and love are not good for their ratings.
Here's a bit of history that I bet you never heard. We all are aware of the Japanese being put in camps. Did you know that Germans and Italians were rounded up and forced into camps as well? There's a term called "Chicken Carl" because many Germans were trying to hide their ancestry for fear of being locked up. Germans changed the "K" in their names to use a "C" which was Americanized.
Why do we only hear about the Japanese being rounded up and never a word about the Germans and the Italians? Are only the Japanese worthy of sympathy and recognition of what they went through?
Oh....recognizing German Americans and Italian Americans as being victims would take the race card out. The media thrives on stirring up racism which they claim they want to stamp out. They don't. Peace and love are not good for their ratings.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Hipster or Homeless? Hipster Repellent
Here's a game you can play with your friends. It's called "hipster or homeless." Take the above image for instance. Bets anyone? Hipster or homeless?
Hipsters. The annoying young adults who think they've invented coolness. Each generation has their form of 'hipsters' be it hippies, beat nicks, flappers, whatever. Hipsters are not special nor unique however much they think otherwise.
Hipsters have do have a quality like no other. They find authentic diners, bars, and other old school hangouts (and I do even dare say they are trying farming after they turned their nose up at us hicks for years on end) and gentrify them.
If your place of business is old school and void of hipsters, you are the hipsters next target. They want "authentic" experiences but generally they are whiney pains in the asses and the next thing you know the pizza joint that has been around since 1962 is being asked if they have "gluten-free" crust.
Get the guns, NOW.
There is relief from this invasion of gentrifiers (that's not even a word). Hipsters HATE anything to do with the republican political party - especially Trump and the Make America Great Again campaign. All you have to do for hipster repellent is to have Trump propaganda complete with the American Flag be your decoration of choice. Don't forget the NRA sticker and gun rack on your oversized pickup truck.
Non-hipsters don't get their panties in a bunch if other people have varied political and social beliefs. They will be nonplussed by the pro-Trump decor and NRA sticker and won't even care.
Hipsters. The annoying young adults who think they've invented coolness. Each generation has their form of 'hipsters' be it hippies, beat nicks, flappers, whatever. Hipsters are not special nor unique however much they think otherwise.
Hipsters have do have a quality like no other. They find authentic diners, bars, and other old school hangouts (and I do even dare say they are trying farming after they turned their nose up at us hicks for years on end) and gentrify them.
If your place of business is old school and void of hipsters, you are the hipsters next target. They want "authentic" experiences but generally they are whiney pains in the asses and the next thing you know the pizza joint that has been around since 1962 is being asked if they have "gluten-free" crust.
Get the guns, NOW.
There is relief from this invasion of gentrifiers (that's not even a word). Hipsters HATE anything to do with the republican political party - especially Trump and the Make America Great Again campaign. All you have to do for hipster repellent is to have Trump propaganda complete with the American Flag be your decoration of choice. Don't forget the NRA sticker and gun rack on your oversized pickup truck.
Non-hipsters don't get their panties in a bunch if other people have varied political and social beliefs. They will be nonplussed by the pro-Trump decor and NRA sticker and won't even care.
Monday, June 4, 2018
Third Party Booking Sites
Don't be tempted to book your airline tickets, car rental, whatever, through a third party booking site. Why? Because if you read the fine print most of the time you get that discount because you:
1. Prepay;
2. non-refundable.
That's just the start. Once you check in you will be treated like a second class citizen. Be aware that the confirmation number the third party site you used is NOT the same as a hotel or airline issued confirmation number. Things can go hamajang with this, and they often do. The scenario goes something like this.
You arrive at the hotel exhausted from your trip. All you want to do is get to your room to relax. The clerk at the front desk tells you they don't have a reservation for you. HUH???? How can that be??? AND...the hotel is completely sold out. But....wait.... you DO have a confirmation and a written one at that. You argue with the hotel clerk about it. The clerk stares you down and tells you that it's not their problem. You booked through a third party site. It's the third party's confirmation number, not theirs. You need to clear it up with them.
Good luck with that.
Hotels and airlines don't like using third party sites to sell their services. Third party sites are insurance for bodies to fill their rooms and seats. They only need your warm body there if they don't sell out. Besides, the hotels and airlines pay a fee to utilize a third party booking site. This is business. When you book directly with the hotel or airlines it increases their bottom line. Think of it like using a credit card opposed to paying cash when you purchase something. The credit card charges the merchant a fee that is invisible to you, the consumer. Of course airlines and hotels prefer "cash."
Plus, when booking with a third party website you tend to get stuck in the undesirable rooms or the butt sniffer seats on the plane.
1. Prepay;
2. non-refundable.
That's just the start. Once you check in you will be treated like a second class citizen. Be aware that the confirmation number the third party site you used is NOT the same as a hotel or airline issued confirmation number. Things can go hamajang with this, and they often do. The scenario goes something like this.
You arrive at the hotel exhausted from your trip. All you want to do is get to your room to relax. The clerk at the front desk tells you they don't have a reservation for you. HUH???? How can that be??? AND...the hotel is completely sold out. But....wait.... you DO have a confirmation and a written one at that. You argue with the hotel clerk about it. The clerk stares you down and tells you that it's not their problem. You booked through a third party site. It's the third party's confirmation number, not theirs. You need to clear it up with them.
Good luck with that.
Hotels and airlines don't like using third party sites to sell their services. Third party sites are insurance for bodies to fill their rooms and seats. They only need your warm body there if they don't sell out. Besides, the hotels and airlines pay a fee to utilize a third party booking site. This is business. When you book directly with the hotel or airlines it increases their bottom line. Think of it like using a credit card opposed to paying cash when you purchase something. The credit card charges the merchant a fee that is invisible to you, the consumer. Of course airlines and hotels prefer "cash."
Plus, when booking with a third party website you tend to get stuck in the undesirable rooms or the butt sniffer seats on the plane.
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Graduations - Really?
I know many colleges are scrambling to squeeze the most money they can out of taxpayers, students, etc., now that they know we are on to them for the pyramid scheme they have created. So many college graduates don't know how to DO anything. Sure, they've read books and written papers. Big deal. How does that translate into a job where actual knowledge of an industry or occupation is required?
Here's what I'm hearing from college grads. Now that they've graduated with a PhD in underwater basket weaving, they have to go back to the junior college to learn basic business skills in order for them to get a job: Microsoft word and excel, accounting, investing, and other basic business skills.
It doesn't matter what job college grads get after graduation. All jobs and careers focus around one thing: Money. You're doing yourself a HUGE disservice if you don't have the basics on that.
Be picky about what you will actually learn when shelling out thousands upon thousands for college and burying yourself in debt that will take a lifetime to pay off. More often than not, once you graduate the only opportunity will be working as a barista at the local coffee shop. You don't need a pile of debt only to graduate to do that. The best school out there is The School of Hark Knocks and my other favorite, Life Experience.
Don't go to college because you think "it's the thing to do" and feel you need to hold to some social standard designed to make you feel like shit if you don't adhere. If you want to go to college, fine. Go for something specific. Today there are so many opportunities to learn available. Most kids going to college immediately after high school have NO CLUE what they want to do. That's ok. Live a little. Get that life experience. Get a job doing ANYTHING. Give yourself a little time to figure it all out.
Please, PLEASE don't bury yourselves in debt because everybody else it doing it. It's not necessary. I'm very pro-education. I'm against obnoxious debt in obtaining it. Learning is a life long process so don't feel like you have to jam classroom hours into a four year window while you're still figuring yourself out.
Here's what I'm hearing from college grads. Now that they've graduated with a PhD in underwater basket weaving, they have to go back to the junior college to learn basic business skills in order for them to get a job: Microsoft word and excel, accounting, investing, and other basic business skills.
It doesn't matter what job college grads get after graduation. All jobs and careers focus around one thing: Money. You're doing yourself a HUGE disservice if you don't have the basics on that.
Be picky about what you will actually learn when shelling out thousands upon thousands for college and burying yourself in debt that will take a lifetime to pay off. More often than not, once you graduate the only opportunity will be working as a barista at the local coffee shop. You don't need a pile of debt only to graduate to do that. The best school out there is The School of Hark Knocks and my other favorite, Life Experience.
Don't go to college because you think "it's the thing to do" and feel you need to hold to some social standard designed to make you feel like shit if you don't adhere. If you want to go to college, fine. Go for something specific. Today there are so many opportunities to learn available. Most kids going to college immediately after high school have NO CLUE what they want to do. That's ok. Live a little. Get that life experience. Get a job doing ANYTHING. Give yourself a little time to figure it all out.
Please, PLEASE don't bury yourselves in debt because everybody else it doing it. It's not necessary. I'm very pro-education. I'm against obnoxious debt in obtaining it. Learning is a life long process so don't feel like you have to jam classroom hours into a four year window while you're still figuring yourself out.
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Milestone Birthday
My son is having a milestone birthday. I can't believe it - as that means I'm that much older. Yikes!!
So far so good with both of my kids. I've never had the cops come to the door, deal with drugs or alcohol, or had to bail them out of jail. They both have self-respect, but are compassionate and considerate of others.
Who knows what parenting styles work and what other ones do not. What works for one family may not work for another. The only thing I know for certain is that I have given every ounce of my being mentally, physically, financially, emotionally, etc., etc., etc., to raise them.
Raising kids is exhausting, difficult, expensive, and you pretty much lose yourself in the process because so much if focused on THEM. It's not glamours and the pay is non-existent. You are on call 24/7 for the rest of your life.
I gave it my best shot. I tried to be there for them. Seeing what fine young adults they have turned out to be gives me great satisfaction.
So far so good.
So far so good with both of my kids. I've never had the cops come to the door, deal with drugs or alcohol, or had to bail them out of jail. They both have self-respect, but are compassionate and considerate of others.
Who knows what parenting styles work and what other ones do not. What works for one family may not work for another. The only thing I know for certain is that I have given every ounce of my being mentally, physically, financially, emotionally, etc., etc., etc., to raise them.
Raising kids is exhausting, difficult, expensive, and you pretty much lose yourself in the process because so much if focused on THEM. It's not glamours and the pay is non-existent. You are on call 24/7 for the rest of your life.
I gave it my best shot. I tried to be there for them. Seeing what fine young adults they have turned out to be gives me great satisfaction.
So far so good.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Homeless People Whining
It's all over the news these days. The homeless people are crying, whining, and complaining on how we are all "out to get them" just because they are homeless. Their battle cry is that being homeless is not a crime. My retort is that it is not a crime to be homeless, but loitering is.
The homeless are all bitching and whining that it costs a lot of money to live in Sonoma County. Duh. Tell me something I don't know. The homeless are are not obligated to hang out here. Move on to greener pastures. Please. Wait. What? They don't want to leave? Well, that's a choice. The choices of the homeless do not mean an instant demand on my pocket book where they feel entitled to food, shelter, etc.
I want to live in Sonoma County as well on somebody elses dime.
Today's article featured two homeless women whining about how expensive it is to live here. My advice to them? Move. They don't have an established address here, anyway. Yet there they are demanding social services and tax payer dollars and we are to feel sorry for them. Here's what pisses me off. These betches are demanding public resources to support them. Never once did these two homeless betches ever offer what they could do to contribute back to society. It's all about blindly giving to them. They think they can just demand from society without paying back in some way.
Sorry, it doesn't work like that. You want something? You give something in return.
Minnesota does not have a problem with homeless people. Why? Because nature would take care of them and they would freeze to death come late November. They don't contribute shit to the betterment of society. They only take and don't give. Call me cruel. I call myself a realist. If a homeless person would approach his or her situation as to what they could GIVE to get themselves out of a crappy situation I would listen to that.
They don't. They all think they deserve a handout. Enjoy your crappy warm climate states where nature does not take care of this on its own. The farther north you go the cleaner it is. No coincidence.
The earth is way too overpopulated as it is.
The homeless are all bitching and whining that it costs a lot of money to live in Sonoma County. Duh. Tell me something I don't know. The homeless are are not obligated to hang out here. Move on to greener pastures. Please. Wait. What? They don't want to leave? Well, that's a choice. The choices of the homeless do not mean an instant demand on my pocket book where they feel entitled to food, shelter, etc.
I want to live in Sonoma County as well on somebody elses dime.
Today's article featured two homeless women whining about how expensive it is to live here. My advice to them? Move. They don't have an established address here, anyway. Yet there they are demanding social services and tax payer dollars and we are to feel sorry for them. Here's what pisses me off. These betches are demanding public resources to support them. Never once did these two homeless betches ever offer what they could do to contribute back to society. It's all about blindly giving to them. They think they can just demand from society without paying back in some way.
Sorry, it doesn't work like that. You want something? You give something in return.
Minnesota does not have a problem with homeless people. Why? Because nature would take care of them and they would freeze to death come late November. They don't contribute shit to the betterment of society. They only take and don't give. Call me cruel. I call myself a realist. If a homeless person would approach his or her situation as to what they could GIVE to get themselves out of a crappy situation I would listen to that.
They don't. They all think they deserve a handout. Enjoy your crappy warm climate states where nature does not take care of this on its own. The farther north you go the cleaner it is. No coincidence.
The earth is way too overpopulated as it is.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
M's Dating Scene
My CA bff, M, has been divorced for a while now. I've seen her date several guys by this point. It's getting to the point where I can't keep up with her list of 'guy friends' as she has no trouble attracting them at all - it's just the ones she's attracting aren't worth dating.
The last serious relationship was with with N, the bumbling, broke, irresponsible alcoholic who is now dying of cancer. M has a bit of a Florence Nightengale complex, so of course, she is taking him to his doctor appointments as he's crapped on everybody else in his life, including his own kids, and nobody else will do it.
I called that a few months ago.
M and N's breakup was abrupt and painful. There are not back together, but M says the reason she's doing so much for N is that it is allowing her to get closure on the relationship by talking about things and what went wrong with N that she has had bottled up inside of her. M's intentions are pure. I can guarantee that. On the other hand, N sees somebody who will simply get him the cancer treatment he needs. N has no remorse nor regret nor compassion - only for himself. Still, it's sad for M to see this once big, healthy-looking guy shriveling up into a grey colored skeleton with a distended belly.
Which now leaves M free to go on the prowl searching for her soul mate. She keeps looking at all the popular bar hangouts in Sonoma County with the same drunks week after week thinking that will change.
Oooooh... but then.... mystery man appears at a local watering hole last Friday night. This guy, lets just call him Guy, is a professional schmoozer. I saw right through him immediately. He says all the right things that M wants to hear, and is interested in all the things M is interested in. Guy is from some state on the east coast. Red flag #1. He is in his mid 50's and has been married once for a period of two years (can't or won't be in a long-term relationship). Red flag #2. Has lived all over the country. Red flag #3 (running from somebody or something). The cherry on top was that Guy loved music and to dance. Pretty soon they are chatting it up in the corner with drinks and the two of them arethisclose. The red flags were only visible to me. Who am I to rain on M's great date night?
I know what comes next. I'm a professional friend. Plus, I'm not looking for a relationship - if I go out it's for the pure fun of music and dance. It's very easy for me to be objective as I have no emotional skin in this game.
M brings Guy back to her house and you can guess the rest. The next morning Guy is giving M his cell phone number. You would think it would be the other way around. She had to ask Guy for his number. Red flag #4. He leaves back to the east coast without saying a proper good-bye to M. Red flag #5. M sends an innocent text to Guy. Guy takes his sweet time responding. Red flag #6. M finally works up the courage to call Guy. While they are talking the cell service cuts out. Guy does not call back. Red flag #7.
M is still gushing on how she felt such a connection to this guy and how good he was in bed. I guess she has never had a guy this good. The sex was great. M really wanted to believe that the one night stand she had with Guy had substance. No self-respecting woman wants to admit that she went to bed with a guy she met at a bar that same night. Guy knows that, too. He had to lay it on thick (no pun intended) to make M believe that it was something more. He's a professional user.
Well, what do you expect from a professional cad? He's had plenty of practice. I hope M doesn't contract a disease. As always, I'm biting my tongue and letting this all play out on its own. However, if she asks my honest opinion of Guy I will not hold back. I've learned with that one. She has not asked. Deep down she knows.
The last serious relationship was with with N, the bumbling, broke, irresponsible alcoholic who is now dying of cancer. M has a bit of a Florence Nightengale complex, so of course, she is taking him to his doctor appointments as he's crapped on everybody else in his life, including his own kids, and nobody else will do it.
I called that a few months ago.
M and N's breakup was abrupt and painful. There are not back together, but M says the reason she's doing so much for N is that it is allowing her to get closure on the relationship by talking about things and what went wrong with N that she has had bottled up inside of her. M's intentions are pure. I can guarantee that. On the other hand, N sees somebody who will simply get him the cancer treatment he needs. N has no remorse nor regret nor compassion - only for himself. Still, it's sad for M to see this once big, healthy-looking guy shriveling up into a grey colored skeleton with a distended belly.
Which now leaves M free to go on the prowl searching for her soul mate. She keeps looking at all the popular bar hangouts in Sonoma County with the same drunks week after week thinking that will change.
Oooooh... but then.... mystery man appears at a local watering hole last Friday night. This guy, lets just call him Guy, is a professional schmoozer. I saw right through him immediately. He says all the right things that M wants to hear, and is interested in all the things M is interested in. Guy is from some state on the east coast. Red flag #1. He is in his mid 50's and has been married once for a period of two years (can't or won't be in a long-term relationship). Red flag #2. Has lived all over the country. Red flag #3 (running from somebody or something). The cherry on top was that Guy loved music and to dance. Pretty soon they are chatting it up in the corner with drinks and the two of them arethisclose. The red flags were only visible to me. Who am I to rain on M's great date night?
I know what comes next. I'm a professional friend. Plus, I'm not looking for a relationship - if I go out it's for the pure fun of music and dance. It's very easy for me to be objective as I have no emotional skin in this game.
M brings Guy back to her house and you can guess the rest. The next morning Guy is giving M his cell phone number. You would think it would be the other way around. She had to ask Guy for his number. Red flag #4. He leaves back to the east coast without saying a proper good-bye to M. Red flag #5. M sends an innocent text to Guy. Guy takes his sweet time responding. Red flag #6. M finally works up the courage to call Guy. While they are talking the cell service cuts out. Guy does not call back. Red flag #7.
M is still gushing on how she felt such a connection to this guy and how good he was in bed. I guess she has never had a guy this good. The sex was great. M really wanted to believe that the one night stand she had with Guy had substance. No self-respecting woman wants to admit that she went to bed with a guy she met at a bar that same night. Guy knows that, too. He had to lay it on thick (no pun intended) to make M believe that it was something more. He's a professional user.
Well, what do you expect from a professional cad? He's had plenty of practice. I hope M doesn't contract a disease. As always, I'm biting my tongue and letting this all play out on its own. However, if she asks my honest opinion of Guy I will not hold back. I've learned with that one. She has not asked. Deep down she knows.
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