Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Protesters

It's official.  I've been screened and vetted by the Secret Service and saw the Reigning Cheeto in person.  I wasn't sure how I felt about the whole thing so we sat in the very back of the room - which intrigued the Secret Service even more.  Only dissenters sit in the back, right?  For the record, the guys in suits, sunglasses, and that thing in their ear are for real. 

I was good.  In fact, our whole group was good regardless if those in attendance loved him or loathed him.  He did give an entertaining speech and was engaging, but there was not any in depth substance.  It's apparent he loves attention and the camera.  Duh.  Shocker.

It's also apparent he's a businessman and not a politician.  It's all about jobs and the economy at any cost.  Well, the cost is the health of our planet and the environment.  Sure, we will enjoy the luxuries a growing economy brings, but what good will it be when we basically pollute ourselves and planet to death? 

After Trump finished his speech we were besieged by protesters as we left the building.   The police were there blocking and making a path for our exit, but it was unnerving.  They were screaming at us that we were all Nazi racists and rapists.  I don't even *know* any of them and they know nothing about my life, but there they were judging me.  Why were they judging me?   Because I was curious to see for myself in person what the rest of the world is curious about as well.  That's my only crime. They had loudspeakers amplifying, "Nazi's go home, Nazi's go home, Nazi's go home" as we filed out of the building. 

Some in the group engaged with the protesters, but I know better than to challenge or argue.  It's a no win situation that will not end well.   Screaming emotionally charged half-truths will never change anybody's political stance.  The protesters don't even know my political stance but ASSUMED I was a staunch right winger.  Heck, I don't even know my political stance let alone some random stranger mob on the street. 

Some idiots in my group could not resist engaging and arguing with the protesters.  One protester got in the face of a guy in our group and raged about the growing income disparity.  The guy in my group snorted back to the protester, "Yeah, I'm getting richer everyday and you would be too if you were at work right now instead of being a public nuisance."

That did not go over very well and the police were right on it. 

However, a point was made.

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