Monday, October 22, 2018

Water World, Noah's Ark, and Global Warming

You all remember Noah's Ark, don't you?  You know, the biblical episode where the world flooded but Noah, his family, and the infamous ark of animals escaped. 

You all remember the movie Water World?  You know, the 1995 futuristic flop that takes place in the year 2500 or so where the world was flooded due to global warming and there was wide-spread pandemonium.

You all remember the year 2018?  You know, where the human population was at a tipping point of either reducing their carbon footprint, reducing their reproduction, downsizing, or face dire consequences from Mother Nature? 

We all chose to go on with our lives business as usual in 2018 because it was too much effort to change our habits. 

No wonder Mother Nature drowns us all out every now and then. 

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