Sunday, December 2, 2018

Vow of Poverty

On this journey toward spiritual wholeness, one of the requirements to ascend to the next level is to take a vow of poverty. 

What?  A vow of poverty? 

Yup.  We are beginning to figure that out.  Business is bad for the environment.  All of our modern conveniences are poisoning us.  There's no getting around that. 

Our only way out is to live off the land sans anything that is not natural to the environment.  That's tough to do in this day and age. I like my modern conveniences, too. 

The main driver of diminishing resources and pollution in all of this is overpopulation.  I can hear the cries now, "Who do you think you are, God?  God has decided that life continues so I'm going to pump out 5 more kids.  It's God's plan."

If we were really concerned with God's plan, we would not interfere with any kind of medical assistance whatsoever.  Back 200 years ago so many babies died before age 2 due to diseases that are now abolished by - human intervention.  Nature expected 1/2 your offspring to die. 

I'm not trying to be cruel.  I'm trying to point out that it's PEOPLE who are the problem.  Stop creating more and more.  Whenever I see some cow with tons of kids in tow I want to slap the selfish bitch.  Most of them are Mexican or south of the border.  They fucked themselves (literally) into a shit hole existence and now want to invade. 

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