Thursday, January 30, 2014

Psychic Abilities Expanded

You all would think I'm insane if I told you that the government has a very keen interest in how my brain works.  No, I'm not typical.  I'm different. Sometimes I wonder if the government is out to kill me so they can dissect my brain for research.

All kidding aside, the psychic hits keep coming.  A few nights ago I dreamed about a deceased relative.  In the dream I was talking to this deceased relative on the telephone.  This relative lived in Sonoma for decades.  She was asking me over the phone as to when I was going to show up to pick up my daughter as she was babysitting her.  During the telephone conversation, even in my dream, I realized this relative was dead.  I said quite forwardly, "Aunt Gertrude, I know you're dead.  What is heaven like?"

There was a long, silent pause. 

It was at that point Aunt Gertrude said, "They said I needed to go back.  I have unfinished business and I need to return to finish it."

That was the end of the dream.

In the morning when I awoke I was visibly upset.  When I was telling the other family members about my dream the night before they all became quite white and silent.  It was at that point I was told by other family members about a ghost-like figure coming by them and tapping them and then suddenly disappearing. 

Aunt Gertrude is definitely trying to say something...... 

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