Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Life in the 'burbs: Headed for Extinction

30 years from now we will look back nostalgically at the period from 1950-2020.   Sociologists and historians will study what motivated us to:   live far away from where we worked; therefore, intentionally clogging main transportation arteries and filling the air with toxins, live in huge houses that were pretentious and environmentally wasteful, get married and procreate despite the fact that more than half of marriages end in divorce and the world is past the tipping point for food resources......

I could go on and on, but you all get my point.

This will be known as the "beginning of the end."  In a few years, when water will be the recognized prized life force for what it really is and not something to casually fill a swimming pool with, will we become aware of our selfish choices. 

I think the young adults in their 20's and 30's are starting to get it.  The educated and aware ones are not getting married and not having kids.  They want to live in cities.  They can't be bothered with the housework (yawn) maintenance on a McMansion -- they would rather travel and see the world than be balled and chained to one location.

Life in the 'burbs is headed for extinction!  Hooray!!!!!!  Perhaps the biggest question will be just what will the Bored Moms on Prozac do? 

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