Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Travel BUG

 It's been a very busy year for Quiet Rage.  I have not posted the usual number of rants I usually do for lack of time.  I can hear the universe cheering for that.

Well, I'm going to burst the universe's bubble and post.  Again, feel free to move on if you don't like what I write.  Your open eyeballs are not stitched to the screen.  

I have been traveling quite a bit this year - most of it is for work.  I'm in the contract negotiating cycle, which happens once every three years.  November 30 will officially mark the end of it.  Everything with my work travel is back into full swing now that COVID travel paranoia has passed.  My industry LOVES in-person meetings in far-flung locations (mostly on the east coast).  It is for this reason I miss COVID.  

Anyway, the title of this blog post is Travel Bug.  I emphasize the BUG.  Nothing spreads germs more than airports and travel.  You can pretty much bet that if you fly, you will get sick -- especially this time of year.  Granted, most of the sickness travel causes is nothing more than the annoying cold.  

Here's my grievance.  WHY DO PEOPLE COUGH INTO THEIR HANDS?  They then want to shake your hand.  They are also the same people who will cough into their hand AND THEN USE THE SERVING UTINSILS AT THE FOOD BUFFET.  


I hate buffets for this simple reason.  

Why don't people cough and sneeze into their elbow crease?  Using the elbow crease, unlike your HAND, won't be used to push elevator buttons, open doors, shake hands, use food serving utensils, etc., spreading slimey germs everywhere.   

Here's the kicker.  So many people think they are being sooooooo classy when they cough into their hand like they are so refined, well-bred and considerate of others.  NOPE.  Oh, and I don't even want to guess what they do (or rather NOT do) after they use the toilet.  


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