Sunday, October 6, 2024

Bahama Mammas

My Minnesota coven is heading to the Bahamas on Wednesday.  I should be with them.  One of my besties, PMF, and her husband bought a place down there and she is gracious enough to host us for a week.  

I feel badly as I've not been with my group for the past few times they have gotten together.  The timing just has not worked out.  I miss them.  

Well, lo and behold, my last post was about traveling and getting sick.  I just got back from San Diego after being there for about a week for a work trip.  We all started falling like dominoes with COVID.  I've had the 'jab' five times and have contracted it twice before.  A couple of my colleagues are in the hospital - and these are tough guys who don't get sick.  

Going to the Bahamas just was not meant to be.  

PMF, JLB, TYD, SYB, SSP, I will be with you all in spirit.  Sorry I've been so absent this year.  :(

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