Thursday, April 29, 2021

Walk this Waaaaaay - Talk this Waaaaaay

 It's been a very stressful week for Quiet Rage at work.  Add to the mix the health issues of people I love and it makes me even more stressed that I have to stress about work things that in the big picture are not worth stressing about, when my stress energy would be better served stressing about people I love.  

Have I mentioned the "stress" word in every context there is?  And how utterly useless it really is in the work picture?

Here's the hard truth nobody wants to face.  We are all going to die.  What is our life for?  Fulfilling corporate quotas? Preparing quarterly economic reports?  Competing with everybody in our work circle to prove how much more valuable we are than they?  Who is keeping the score on egos and material accomplishments in the afterlife?  I don't think God cares one bit if we followed the corporate bible.  God cares about His Bible...and I do not think there is any mention of serving the corporation as a demigod or proxy god. 

Yes, we all have to make a living.  Where we are struggling as a society is finding the balance.  Do we really NEED all of the STUFF advertising says we need?  Of course not.  But....the minute we figure that out the economy takes a dump because it's based on creating and consuming useless crap we don't really need....and destroying the environment in the process.  This business model we hold near and dear to our hearts is not sustainable.   

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... I don't want to be all grumpy, but I am.  Maybe it's the full moon playing into my psyche.  Maybe it's STILL because I miss my cat.  Even more so it's because I see good people suffering from disease, and yet there are others who are evil that manage to skate by unscathed from any consequences of their bad behavior.  

Life is not fair.  

To be fair, nobody ever said that it would be fair.

I'm struggling.  

So.....with that I offer something completely brainless, but yet significant and unrelated by my rant.  I'm going to completely switch gears on you all.  Back in the late 1980's early 1990's-ish the group Aeorsmith and Run DMC were complete opposites.  Aerosmith being the typical white-guy-long-haired screaming hard rock hair band, and Run DMC the typical black-bad-ass-rappers.  

Culturally, these two groups were world apart.

Somebody had a genius idea to marry these two very different musical worlds in a video that literally breaks down barriers between blacks and whites.  The result was pure ecstasy for both music genres.   Who would of ever thought that Run DMC and Aerosmith could ever co-exist?  

Keep breaking down barriers.  'Tis all good.  

I love this video.  Proof that there can be peace in da hood.  Ya 'all dig? 

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