Saturday, April 10, 2021

Phizer 2nd Shot

I just had my second COVID shot yesterday.  How do I feel?  Like I want to actually start living my life again.  I know I have to wait a couple of weeks and still wear a mask and whatnot.  I know there is controversy about "the vaccine."  I can attest that to date I have not grown horns nor a tail.  Am I a guinea pig?  Yes.  Sometimes one has to take a leap of faith and I chose to be vaccinated and yet still adhere to the recommended safety protocol of masking and distancing.  Does that make me a gullible chump who is manipulated by the media?  I'm certain to some people it does.  


I miss my Minnesota family and friends.  I'm planning a visit late June.  I have not seen them since October 2019 and my soul aches for them. 

As far as work goes, I'm not telling anybody I've had my shot.  Zoom meetings are so much more convenient and suck less time from my day.  As I've said a million times before, at the end of the meeting I press a button and they ALL DISAPPEAR.  

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