Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Spy Gadget

You all think that Alexa thing or whatever it is on your countertop is only listening to your commands?  Nope.  It hears and observes EVERYTHING in your household.  There's a reason Snowden put tape over the computer webcams even when he wasn't using them.  Everybody is whining about lack of privacy but yet invites spy gadgets into their homes and even wear them on their person.  These gadgets are way more insidious than voluntary social media where your ego sold you out for data collection.  At least people are figuring out that braggy postings of their constant whereabouts and with whom is not a good idea.  Well, this realization is that its too little too late.  Your info is out there for anybody to hack and track.  Genie is out of the bottle, folks.

"Smart Homes" are not a good idea, either.  Don't let the glorified convenience of it suck you in.

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