Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Frozen Dog Shit

Planning on a get together with my Minnesota BFF's.  During the course of our group text planning MRH always comes up with topics that make me howl with laughter.  Another one in my group, TYD, recently got a puppy and she included a picture on one of the texts that inspired a chorus from the rest of us of "awwwwwwwww isn't the puppy CUTE."

Of course puppies are cute....and kittens....and babies.  One of the side-effects and responsibilities of being a pet owner (or a parent for that matter) is the endless cleaning up of feces and vomit.  My group of besties and I are now seasoned veterans at each -- being a parent and also a pet owner. 

MRH tells it like it is.  No holds barred.  She chimes in with the truth on dog shit.  In her own words here is her exceptionally accurate depiction, "No shortage of dog shit for me to pick up.  Now it's so frozen I can't even PRY it up.  Plus, my right wrist is broken so that makes it even harder.  Lots of dog shit waiting for me come spring."

Yup.  Frozen dog shit.  Frozen diapers.  At least when it's frozen it does not stink.


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