Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona Illigal Immigration Law

Nothing stirs the pot like illegal immigration reform. Arizona is now in the spotlight. I don't blame Arizona (and the rest of the country for that matter) for wanting to take action into their own hands. Arizona is tired of the feds not doing anything.

There are a couple of points I want to make. First of all, there is whining going on that it's racial profiling and it's prejudice to target Hispanics. It's not -- it's just plain, simple statistics. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, chances are it's a duck. DUH...... Nothing personal. It's just statistical probability.

You don't hear any outrage against insurance companies who continuously "profile" us using their statistics and make assumptions. Your car insurance rates are based partly on your age and your address. Why???? Because if you live in a shitty neighborhood chances are you car will get damaged or stolen. Your health insurance premiums are based on your sex and age. Where is the outrage against that?

It's all based on statistics.... no more whining about profiling.

If I were a legal Mexican-American, I would cheer and be proud to show my proof of citizenship status. Don't you think they would be glad to assist their beloved "country" in guarding against illegals???? What's the big deal?

All cockroaches scatter in the light......

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