Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fountain Grove Fire Station

Oh, gawwwwwd.... the rich snobs in Fountain grove are whining about a proposed fire station in their "upscale" neighborhood. Just where is the firing squad? These people (and their gene pool) should be wiped off the face of the earth -- forever.

I have a plan of attack to rid us all of the incessant whiners whose NIMBYism smacks as to exactly what is wrong with this country.

Come July, when it's *really* dry, windy, and hot, lets douse their homes with gasoline and light them on fire.

When their "prescious, upscale" homes burn to the ground, they will get NO sympanthy from anybody as to why the fire response time was so slow.

I have but one word for the Fountain Grove Whiners "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"

I'll buy diapers and pacifiers for all you Fountaingrovers if it will shut you up. Oh, my mistake... you're already probably using "depends" and drinking "ensure." Same fuckin' thing.

The building of the fire station has not been a secret. Please, sell IMMEDIATELY and go back to LA, Marin, or where ever the fuck you came from. I'm sure your old neighbors miss ridiculing you for striving to be a rich-bitch-wanna-be.

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. BUH-bye.....


Mich said...

How sad is this??? When your biggest worry is "oh I wouldn't want anyone to notice my hang nail so I cannot make it to my weekly garden society meeting". Heck maybe they should bull-doze their nearest hospitals too because they look unsightly. What comes around goes around and next time little Joey/Josephine chokes on a gumball they will kick themselves and realize how stupid and superficial they are. Too bad their dumbass thinking could cause harm to their innocent children :0( !!!

CG said...

I'd love a fire station in our street - I love firemen SO MUCH. What a load of idiots...