Sunday, May 2, 2010

Can't Have It Both Ways

I'm sick of Hispanics wanting to be treated "just like all Americans" in one breath, but then wanting special consideration in the other. You can't have it both ways.

What the public doesn't really know is how much REVERSE discrimination goes on against anglos in their own country. Ask anybody who works in the food industry. The hispanics are not as innocent and victimized as they want the press to believe. They are just as guilty of discrimination, if not more so, than anglos. Unfortunately, anglos can't even speak out against discrimination aimed at them because that would be spun around to be "racist."

I can pin point specific instances. One has happened within the week right here in Sonoma County. An unqualified restaurant manager was hired because he was "hispanic." The reason the other candidates were not considered for the job was because the predominately Mexican kitchen staff would be upset.

If the Mexicans (or whatever) are so unhappy here, they can go back to where they came from. When they come over legally, then they have a right to complain. Until then, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

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