Ohhhhhh..... I'm SCARED! Most of the kids who attend are 4.0 students who play Dungeons & Dragons in their spare time. If you're *really* nice, they will also fix your computer for you. See Weird Al's "White & Nerdy" video if you need proof.
So...... how do Jesus's so-called followers react to these kids? By staging protests and preaching at them from outside the San Jose Convention Center. The guy in the yellow shirt says it all. He is everything that is WRONG with organized religion. To their credit, the conventioneers reacted in the following ways:
1. By loudly chanting "get a job"
2. Chanting "Love and Peace" (which really pushed the born-agains over the edge)
3. Holding up a counter-sign that stated "Tits or GTFO"
But WAIT!!!! Jesus actually shows up! Let's hear what He has to say!!
At least the San Jose police evicted the born-again Jesus-Freaks off the premisis for disturbing the peace. Amen.