Ohhhhhh..... I'm SCARED! Most of the kids who attend are 4.0 students who play Dungeons & Dragons in their spare time. If you're *really* nice, they will also fix your computer for you. See Weird Al's "White & Nerdy" video if you need proof.
So...... how do Jesus's so-called followers react to these kids? By staging protests and preaching at them from outside the San Jose Convention Center. The guy in the yellow shirt says it all. He is everything that is WRONG with organized religion. To their credit, the conventioneers reacted in the following ways:
1. By loudly chanting "get a job"
2. Chanting "Love and Peace" (which really pushed the born-agains over the edge)
3. Holding up a counter-sign that stated "Tits or GTFO"
But WAIT!!!! Jesus actually shows up! Let's hear what He has to say!!
At least the San Jose police evicted the born-again Jesus-Freaks off the premisis for disturbing the peace. Amen.
Oh this made me laugh so hard. It makes me recall a phone call I got from my son, shall we call him Andy H. He was playing in a hockey tournament in Toronto two years ago. He was laughing so hard I could hardly understand him.
Apparently the same hotel he was staying in had like a pokeman or animee or something like that convention. Tons of people were walking around dressed like pikachu and all these other weird characters. The hotel was literally filled with them. I hope Andy's very STINKY hockey bag offended them deeply. Can you say NERD?
Well, Mich, I doubt they could smell his hockey bag over the smell of their fursuits and the gamers when they emerged from the basement. (Seriously, those gamers do not bathe AT ALL. They are such a menace that most anime cons distribute ground rules at the beginning of the con imploring guests to bathe daily.
But, as a science nerd, I thank you for your kind thoughts. I hope your son eventually gains the maturity you lack.
PS: you know there are nerds who play hockey, right? you know nerds lacking social skills they sometimes lash out pretty bad. It would really suck if you had to shell out for expensive dental surgery for your son because he said the wrong thing to the wrong person and that "wimpy nerd" "accidentally" sent the puck at high velocity into Andy's face...
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