Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Promise of a New Year

 2023 is all but behind us.  In a few short hours we will be ringing in the new year.  As I type this I'm waiting for my curling iron to heat up so I can do my hair, put on my dancing shoes, and head over to M's house.  

Earlier in the day my daughter and I drove past M's on our way to get pedicures.  I could see she had people setting up a tent outside for tonight's party.  They were also stringing up lights and setting up a performance stage. Music and dancing start at 9:00 PM tonight.  M's boyfriend has worked fervently setting up the yard like it's Napa Valley's BottleRock.  I know that you know that I know that the party will be crazy.

Yup.  That's M.  Music and parties are her life.  She will go out every night of the week for live music and dancing around Sonoma and Marin Counties and stay out until the wee hours of the morning.  I can't keep up with her.  I'm jealous.  There.  I said it.  

M and I have a history.  I've been part of her decade milestone birthdays for 30 years.  Tonight is no different.  I love having a friend like her.  M is a wonderful soul full of love and life.  The last milestone birthday party at her house was absolutely wild and nuts.  Her living room furniture ended up outside (don't ask) and I danced for hours on end with some guy from west Africa (totally innocent and harmless) who said, "You move pretty good.......for a white girl."

M has a lot of musician friends.  There is always a random set of instruments:  drums, guitars, horns, etc.  at her parties.  People just pick up and play.  People like me just dance -- however badly that might be.  The point is that people are having FUN. 

Jewish Gopher Flipping Me Off

 I could not believe my eyes and could not stop laughing.  There it was as big and tall as a blow-up lawn ornament could be - a Jewish gopher donning a blue hat with the Star of David on it flipping me off with a dreidel.  I had to take a picture of it.  

Saturday, December 30, 2023

New Year's Eve Eve

 I suppose I had better put on my party clothes, make up, and do my hair.  We are going out to a party.  From the sounds of it we will be imbibing as a driver has been hired to cart our bottoms to and fro.  

Tomorrow we will go to another party at M's house.  It's a milestone birthday for her and she's combining it with her New Year's Eve party.  

We had to say 'no' to other invitations as we already made plans.

I'm shocked that we get so many social invitations for as bitchy as I am.  In reality, I'm not all that mean.  This is my anger dumping ground where I process, release, heal, and go back out into the world.  

Now it's the age old question:  What should I wear??????

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas Songs: Best and Worst

 My favorite Christmas songs are O, Holy Night and Carol of the Bells.  My least favorite songs are I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas and It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.  

I won't even bother to link the YouTube videos.  The hippopotamus song makes me want to reach  through the speaker and strangle the annoying kid who is singing. 

Monday, December 11, 2023

If you want to reach me ....leave me alone

 I think my son said it best the other day when he was up here visiting from San Jose.  We were outside in the backyard basking in the sounds, sights and smells of a Sonoma County December afternoon.  The hummingbird feeders were abuzzzzzz with humming birds dive bombing each other, chirping, and getting their fill.  The hummingbirds are almost tame around my son and I. 

My son and I were talking about life and society.   We both did not have our cell phones anywhere near us.  It was so peaceful.  We had a long conversation.  Nothing was beeping nor pinging demanding we stop what we were doing to pay attention to what others want from us.  

That's when my son said it.  He said, "I'm so over everything jumping up and down flashing, waving and demanding my attention." 

Wow.  Anti-technology attitudes coming from from a millennial.  A millennial who lives in in the technology mecca of Silicon Valley at that.  

Even they have had enough.  

Friday, December 8, 2023


 Don't you love the buzzword 'misinformation' that is floating around these days?  Here's the truth:  nobody knows what the truth is.  Our truth is defined by what our own biased narrative is. 

Here's my humble observation.  I notice that people throw out the word 'misinformation' when it's something they disagree with.  I have yet to see anybody scrutinize their own beliefs. 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Weekend Update: Adam Sandler on Hanukkah - SNL

For my Jewish friends, tonight is the first night of Hanukkah.  However, I'm confused if being Jewish is a considered a race or religion.  Whatever.  The below skit still makes me giggle decades later.  It's true, there are not many songs about Hanukkah.  Instead of sulking about it and playing the victim card, Adam Sandler used humor as his approach to address the disparity.  It was an instant classic.  Well done, Adam Sandler.  You may have recruited some converts from your Hanukkah song. 

Mexican Gangs in Sonoma County Schools

 WTF did you expect when an innumerable number of people are slipping across the Mexico-USA border illegally everyday?  

We now have those from Central American countries slipping across the border (after they trekked through Mexico - as they don't want them, either) and record numbers of Russians and Chinese.  I've blogged about this before.  Want your spies and terrorists to get into the USA?  Just go through the southern border.  Everybody else does.  

Even if they are not spies and terrorists coming across, they are still dodging immigration laws others wanting to immigrate here are adhering to.  How is that fair to those wanting to enter legally?  Illegals do not have a monopoly on misery.  

Now we are dealing with the Mexican low-lifes and their kids running amok in Sonoma County Schools.  We did not want them here.  Now they are here with their 10 kids per family reproducing their way into a majority.  Now these teenage Mexican gang-bangers are playing the victim card while bullying teachers and anybody else in authority and murdering other students in the hallways and classrooms.   

Wait.  These immigrants came here uninvited, reproduced exponentially, and are now blaming the schools as to why their kids are little violent, murdering @ssholes.  

Sonoma County has had murders in school classrooms due to Mexican gangs.  Nobody wants to come out and say the truth.  The Mexican parents won't claim any responsibility for anything.  These Catholic baby machines pumped several kids knowing full-well where babies came from, but somehow blame society for how their kid murdered some other kid due to lack of financial and spiritual resources.  

Sorry, parents have responsibility for their kids.  Parents need to be parents.  Stop blaming the schools for your lack of parenting.  Your kid is a little shit.  Own it.  Note to Mexican Gang Parents with Kids in Trouble:  Remove your prison tatoos and get your head out of your @ss.  Most of all, use rubbers and/or birth control pills.  The Machismo thing is over rated.  Mexico is a corrupt, shit hole country.  We don't want your shit here.  

I'm waiting for the Marin liberals to chastise this post.  They adamantly oppose any housing for immigrants in their own back yard while waving the equality for all flag.  The Marin Liberals know I'm telling the truth.  

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Death On Your Terms

 Here's something you will need to face at some point whether you want to acknowledge it or not.  You will die someday.  Sorry, I'm not here to sugarcoat facts for you. 

Here's a fact:  The medical industry makes the most money and insurance companies incur the most expenses during the last few months of life of ones prolonged illness.  Both the medical and insurance industries are preying on an emotional family to "hang on" to loved ones despite a mortal diagnosis.  Sadly, usually the one dying has reached an age where life has just run its course.  How much can you do for a 101 year-old woman?  No matter how hard the medical industry tries, there's not much they can do when nature runs its course. 

Sadly, there are many in the medical industry that will drain the 101 year-old woman's financial resources for their own gain (more than likely because they need to pay off their medical school debt plus malpractice insurance).

Here's how my paternal grandfather went out.  

My very Midwest German grandfather, who towered over everyone at 6'6" with a bellowing voice was always a proud and strong man.  He took no B.S from anybody.  He may have not had a formal education, but he could smell b.s. from a mile away and was not afraid to call anybody on it.  He was the King of Common Sense.  

Years later, grandpa's health declined.  He was diagnosed with cancer.  My once tall, strong, and proud grandfather, who had been featured in the Pope County Minnesota Tribune multiple times for his excellent farming skills, was dying of cancer.  

He knew it.

I remember him being very frustrated with the medical industry.  He would often say, "God damn those sons-a-bitches.  They will try this treatment and that, and once my bank account is drained dry, they will then tell me there is nothing else than can do for me."   

That's where grandpa took things into his own hands.

He returned home to Lowry, Minnesota to be with his wife (my grandmother) in their home.  He wanted to sleep with her just a few more times.  He knew he was terminal.  He did not want to leave my grandmother a penniless widow burdened with hospital and medical bills.

That's when he did it.  In the middle of the night my grandfather quietly took one of his leather belts and went into the garage where he made a noose.  He silently hung himself in the garage.  

My grandmother woke up and did not find grandpa in bed.   She got up and started looking for him.  She discovered him in the garage dead hanging by one of the  rafters with the ladder kicked out from underneath him.  My grandmother calls 911.  Mind you, this is a small, rural area in western Minnesota where everybody knows and/or is related to everybody else.  

My younger brother, who lives in the area and works for the Pope County Sheriff's Department,  was the one who was dispatched to the scene.  He was the one who had to not only console grandma, but also take our deceased grandfather out of the noose in the garage where he had hung himself.  

My brother still has the leather belt my grandfather hung himself with.  

My grandfather, in his mind, wanted to leave my grandmother with some financial stability.  That's why he did what he did.  He knew if he lingered on with half-ass hopes of treatment after treatment she would have wound up penniless and the doctors rich.  He wanted her to have whatever was left from the sale of their farm to care for her for when she got to that point of needing care.  Grandpa's loyalty was with my grandmother, despite some *VERY* rocky periods in their marriage. 

To my Grandpa: you could be a complete misogynistic, homophobic asshole at times.  However, I see now how what you did was actually very self-less for grandma.  I give you credit for that.  

Grandpa, I'll never forget when you met my husband for the very first time.  He was scared sh***less of you.  Anybody who knew anything about you, grandpa, was scared sh**less of you.  You were a towering 6'6" behemoth.  You saw my husband coming up the driveway after duck hunting.  You said, "Hey, YOU!  Yeah, YOU,   You look like a God-damn Swede!  We don't allow Swedes, because they are dumb as shit,  to marry into the family.   How are you, Swede?"

Grandpa than held out his hand to shake my now-husband's hand. 

I had to explain to my husband that if my grandfather swore at him and insulted him that was a good sign.

Here's to grandpa.  He was tough as nails but also had a heart.  He subscribed to the northern European Viking death with Norse funeral traditions.  He also subscribed to  the Native American Dakota  tribes way of the elders wandering off to die as to not be a burden.  

There is no right way nor wrong way.  It's YOUR way.  How do YOU want to go out?  Do you want to leave your family in financial straights?  Sorry, this is a pointed question and there is no easy answer.  You will either think of yourself or your family.  You have the right to pick one.  You can pick either focusing on yourself, or your family who will be left behind to clean up your mess.  Good luck!! 

I have my dad's seep cap on top of our tree along with my grandpa's cowboy boot ornament.  

Merry Christmas!  




Thursday, November 30, 2023

French Bulldogs

 What is it with this ugly dog breed?  Suddenly, they are super popular and worth their weight in gold and I have no idea as to why.  Did some celebrity have a French bull dog as an annoying lap dog?  

Sorry, French bull dogs are ugly and obnoxious.  I dislike their smashed-looking face, bug eyes, and bat ears.  I think dogs from the pound are better.  Yup, that's where we will get our next dog - from the animal shelter. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Death & Taxes

 People say that there are only two certainties in life:  death and taxes.

I beg to differ.  There are four things that are certain:  death, taxes, dishes, and laundry.  

Friday, November 24, 2023

Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round

 OK.  I'm a child of the 70's and 80's.  Well, I'm no longer a child as I'm encroaching upon retirement and many of my friends are grandparents (I have a grand-dog).  I also belong to AARP.  Bonus:  I qualify for the "life experience" discount at many local grocery stores on Tuesdays.  

I have my sassy set of friends who love life and who give women half our age a run for their money.  Sure, we may not be quite as taught as we used to be back in our 20's, but we are spicy and like to have fun.  If we wanted to we could buy looks with plastic surgeries and facelifts.  Some of us have.  Whatever.  Many of us are incorporating our graying hair into fun and funky styles.  I thought of a name for my California group of gal pals I hang out with as we embrace our graying hair color with sass and attitude.  We shall refer to ourselves as Tarnished Silver.

I'm off track, as usual.  Shocker.

Waaaaaaaaay back in 1985 I used to go to the bars with SSP.  We loved going to: Iron Horse, Norma Jeans, First Avenue, bars near U of M, Wallaby's, Ground Round, etc.... all the usual spots in Minneapolis at the time.   

At the time, there was band called Dead or Alive who had some top hits we LOVED!  I believe they were from Liverpool or Manchester.  JM - help me out!  The group had the infectious hit titled, "You Spin Me Right Round, Baby, Right Round."

To this day if I hear this song I am up on the floor dancing.  I simply can't help myself.  I know you know the song.  If you can't remember, here it is.  Don't think that the below video is the end of this blog post.  There's more.  I know you are chomping at the bit and hanging on the edge of your seats for more.  LOL. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 My broke sister-in-law wanted me to meet her at her bank today to meet with a representative.  Yup.  It's just what I wanted to do the day before Thanksgiving at 3:30 PM.  

I'm delving through her finances and piecing together her situation.  Here's the problem.  She tap dances and does not give me the whole story.  I have to prod and pull information out of her.  I need the whole story in order to help her.  

Figuring out her income was a story all unto itself. 

Figuring out her expenses were yet another story all unto itself.

My sister-in-law does not get a bank statement.  What?  She said she calls to get the balance.  She needs to get a bank statement monthly and scrutinize it.  My gut tells me she does get a bank statement, but she does not want to show me.  

Same with the credit cards.  She says she does not get statements.  I asked her how she verifies purchases on her cards to know if they are legitimate.  She doesn't.  She does not have online access, either, as she is not really technically savvy.  She pays the minimum amount due on her credit cards.  The minimum payment does not keep up with the accruing interest on her cards.  

Since yesterday I have identified $50 she has been throwing away monthly without even really trying.  Fifty bucks is a big deal to her.  She was paying bank fees on her checking account, and she also had a subscription to a clothing catalog she was not even aware she had.  What other recurring charges are there?  She said the statements for all her accounts are forthcoming in the mail as she finally agreed she need to see them.  I'm tapping my toes waiting.  

In the meantime, at the bank this afternoon, we managed to negotiate her 19% credit card interest rate down to 4.25% and lower her monthly payment by $50.  The catch is that she can't charge on that credit card anymore.  Good.

The guy at the bank was very nice.  He was saying he's seeing a lot of people in trouble lately.  People used their credit cards to make ends meet.  Now that their credit cards are maxed out people are desperate for $.  They are taking out home equity lines of credit and second mortgages to pay off their credit cards.  

That is not a good sign.

It's unwise to use secured debt to pay for unsecured debt.  I see another housing bubble bursting in the not-to-distant future.  

The immediate impacts of inflation over the last couple of years or so have been mitigated by people using credit.  Now people can't pay.  People can't "borrow" themselves out of their financial hole any longer.  

Monday, November 20, 2023

Elderly and Broke

 Here's the bomb as it is going off:  elderly, retired folks who have outlived their retirement savings.  They are also thousands of dollars in credit card debt. 

Oh, we need to also mention they are hobbling around from the recent surgeries they had on their backs, knees, shoulders, etc., leaving them unable to properly care for themselves nor their pets.  

Here's where I am frustrated.  My sister-in-law, who is a good person, is elderly and broke.  She's had a few surgeries we have nursed her through over the past few years.  She always manages to hurt herself so self-sufficiency is never quite achieved.  She never married, lives alone, and has no children.   

I'm frustrated because she HAD money set aside for her from her mother when she sold her house in Marin County.  She blew it all on stupid stuff.  She blew it on trips.  She blew it on QVC "as seen on TV" crap.  She blew it on shoes and clothes she never wore and that I just recently donated to the GoodWill as it's long past a date to return it for a refund.

Now she's in financial dire straights and coming to me asking for money and advice.  

I'm pissed.  She HAD money.  She blew it.  Now she's crying that she's broke and two steps away from being homeless.  She has three credit cards and owes about $25,000 in credit card debt.  She has $200 in her checking account and no savings.  Her very low fixed income is not keeping up with expenses.  

The rest of the family has turned their back on her.  Should I do the same?  I've worked hard all of my life to save for retirement forgoing a lot of things other people had.  I don't want to pour our hard-earned retirement money into a bottomless pit.  Who's to say she won't rack up debt again if we paid her credit card debt off?  It's like telling an alcoholic not to drink as their health is in danger.  We all know they continue to drink.  

I just got my kids off the payroll, I don't want another "kid" to be financially responsible for.  We are talking about a 78-year old woman who lived at home most of her life rent free.  She had plenty of time to put money away for retirement.  She did not.  She was more interested in what was made in China at Target and accumulating piles of crap I am now trying to figure out how to sell or get rid of. 

SAVE YOUR MONEY, PEOPLE!!!!!!  STOP SPENDING IT ON STUPID STUFF!  WE CAN'T BAIL YOU OUT OF YOUR POOR LIFE CHOICES!      Sure, I would have liked to travel Europe for months on end,  bought a fancy car, and eat out every night.  Instead, I SAVED FOR MY RETIREMENT.  Sorry you did not.  Don't expect me, or society, to bail you out.  

Whew.  I vented.   

Here's a parting thought for you all.  Every time you make a purchase, think of who will need to dispose of it upon your death.  99% of the time your purchases are useless crap.  Do not even think of making a purchase without thinking of how you (or those who will need to clean up after you) will get rid of it.  

Your kids and relatives will thank well as the environment.  

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Piranha: One Bite At A Time

 The media is trying to tell us inflation has tampered down.  I'm not so sure about that.  Perhaps inflation for 2023 was 3.7%, but that's on top of the 10% of 2022.  In reality, we are facing inflation of 15% on everything from a couple years ago.  How many of you got a 15% raise just to keep up?

I don't see many raised hands.

I feel like the piranhas are biting at us one little chunk at a time with the price increases here and there ranging from: groceries, utilities, gas, health insurance, homeowners insurance, auto insurance,  etc.  It's a feeding frenzy and we are the bait for these nasty fishes.  Inflation will gnaw at us middle class bit by bit until there is nothing left but a pool of red water.  

I think there is a silent depression going on economically.  I personally know of many who have been laid off.  I think there are more layoffs than what people realize. 

When inflation first hit people used credit cards to stretch their budgets.  The problem is that interest rates have skyrocketed and unless you pay off your credit cards monthly people are digging themselves into a financial grave.  

Then....all the government COVID subsidies/credits timed out along with the reprieve for student loan repayments.  The elimination of COVID subsidies/credits along with people now needing to resume payments on their debt has put even more people wondering how they are going to survive financially.

It's all come home to roost.  


Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Moving to Texas: WTF??????

 I have so many pent up rants about my in-laws I do not even know where to start.  I will start as to whom I am inviting over for Thanksgiving......and more importantly addressing those who will not receive an invitation. 

As I posted earlier, I will have a smaller than normal crowd here come next Thursday for Thanksgiving.  I'm VERY ok with that.

Here's where it gets weird.  My niece, KB,  announced that she is moving to Texas with her baby daddy right after the holidays.  WTF?  My niece, KB, has herself entangled with a guy who wanted to have a kid, but not a wife.  I never liked her baby daddy.  Nobody in the family likes the baby daddy.

My son, who is the most non-judgemental person in the world, dislikes KB's baby daddy with a passion.  I have to admit that my son is a little protective of his cousin.  However, to my son's credit he has tried on multiple occasions to have his bad first few impressions changed.  Everybody has a bad day, or two, or three, right?  Cut them some slack, right?


KB's baby daddy is and always will be a selfish @sshole.  

Here's what I see happening from my almost 6 decades rotating around on this third rock from the sun. BabyDaddy wants to move to Texas to rip BabyMomma (who he as NO intentions on marrying) away from her family.  This way, BabyDaddy will be in FULL control without the pesky family in the way who ultimately has KB's best interest at heart.    

BabyDaddy is dragging KB to Texas, claiming his job is taking him there.  I call bullshit.  It's BabyDaddy's way of abandoning them without being the bad guy.  

When the baby was born, BabyDaddy had high hopes that his son was going to be the second coming of Christ.  Well, that's not happening despite feeding him organic bananas that came from a chimpanzee's ass and milk that came from a gorilla's tit.  

During the pregnancy, because KB was not married to BabyDaddy, cheaping out on prenatal care and delivering the baby at home in a bathtub  did not help.  Sure, it saved $$$$$$$ for BabyDady.  

There are now developmental issues with the kid.  I think the kid is autistic.  On a deep level, BabyDaddy knows this as well and is planning his ditch.

Here is how it's going to go down.  

BabyDaddy is going to drag KB and the baby to Texas.  BabyDaddy is all wrapped up in his work and KB will be home alone with the kid day in and day out.  KB does not have any family nor friends within 5 states and two time zones.  KB will get lonely and resentful.


KB leaves Texas and comes back to California with the baby.  KB will look like the "bad guy" for leaving, sparing BabyDaddy the blame of the break up he really wanted.  BabyDaddy will look like the victim as his babymomma and child abandoned HIM!

BabyDaddy is now rid of his responsibilities and is free to f&*^ around like he has been doing all along.

Don't believe me?  BabyDaddy hit on a female guest at my daughter's wedding where KB was pregnant AND in the bridal party.  

Last year BabyDaddy also told us all that he was at a MEETING in Santa Rosa last year on CHRISTMAS EVE, which fell on a SATuRDAY as to why he was LATE showing up to our party.  Tell me.  He works for the schools.  No schools have meetings on a SATURDAY on CHRISTMAS EVE.  

He was with his other babymomma or other romantic interest. 

My niece is getting played.  She's an idiot to fall for it.  He's f****** around on her and is planning on ditching her and the child they produced as the kid is not the Adonis he thought he would be. 

*****If I could give women one bit of advice, this is what it would be:  Do NOT have a kid with any guy thinking he will take care of you and your baby.  He won't.  He will be gone with the whiff of fresh pussy elsewhere leaving you and the kid you created with him in  the dust. *****

Are you ready to be a single parent?  Are you ready to live in poverty?  This is the harsh reality. 


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

 Let's stop a moment to reflect what this holiday is really about.  Pilgrims from England came over and had no idea how to farm the land and how to survive the winter.  The Native Americans helped them out.  Unbeknownst to the Native Americans, helping the English settlers survive in the New World was their death knell. 

So much for being kind.  

When was the last time you saw this holiday in it's original depiction?  The whole aspect of Native Americans helping out those who eventually annihilated them is completely swept over by sappy images of happy family dinners and the oh-so-annoying advertisements for Black Friday sales to follow.  

I know blacks get all the sympathy and media coverage.  However, the Native Americans are the ones who really deserve an apology and reparations.  The problem is that Native Americans today are so inbred with European settlers we don't know where one ethnicity ends and the other begins.  


On a completely different note, I have my 22 pound turkey ready to roast.  I do love Thanksgiving despite my acidic rants about the origin of the holiday.  It's the only holiday where it's all about the FOOD.  This year the expected crowd is in limbo as there have been some serious health issues with one of our very good friends (along with their family) who usually join us.  

At a minimum there will be six of us.  At a maximum there will be 16.  Either way, there will be plenty of turkey and the trimmings to go around.  I may be doing meal delivery Thanksgiving depending on the health status of BR and his family.  

Hey, I will be Meals On Wheels for those who are housebound. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Black Friday

 I'm waiting for the PC police to tell us that Black Friday can't be called Black Friday any more because it's offensive and racist.  

Perhaps Smash and Grab Friday would be more realistic.  Still, I see outrage for that as well albeit the elimination of a color reference.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

17 Years

 Wow!  I've been blogging on this stupid site for almost 17 years.  How can that BE? 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Job Loss

 My son-in-law found out a couple of days ago that he got laid off.  He works in the tech industry in San Jose.  Another friend found out that her employer laid off 2,100.  There are lots of lay-offs happening and it's all right at the holidays.  The people laid off have put in several years with the company. 

Capitalism at its finest.


Beanie dies in Columbia Heights house fire


It's so Beanie to have a pet dog, pig, and duck.  Beanie always marched to the beat of his own drum.  

Beanie's Death

 I've blogged about Beanie over the past 10-15 years every so often.  He was a true Heights homie who hung out at Tasty Pizza.  He graduated with my older brother's class of 1982.  Beanie was ALWAYS at the bar having a good time with everybody.  Beanie was also an avid bike rider.  I remember as a teen he would think nothing of riding 65 miles to Looper's cabin just to hang out with us.  

I got word yesterday that Beanie died in a house fire.  

It will never be the same going to Tasty Pizza and not seeing Beanie there.  He was kind of like Norm of Cheers.  He always had his spot.  Everybody knew him.  

Rest in peace, Beanie.  I have this sinking feeling that the photos you showed me 13 years ago on your cell phone of random items you lit on fire in your driveway had something to do with your demise by fire yesterday.  

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Isaac Hayes - Theme From Shaft (1971)

I have a long history with this infamous tv show theme.  SHAFT!!!!  This is circa 1970 ish.  Get your bell bottoms on and your fro pik ready to draw like a gun.  Right ON!   Can you DIG it? 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Opera Man

 Remember the ridiculous skit on Saturday Night Live with Adam Sandler back in the late 80's early 90's playing the part of Opera Man during the 'Not Necessarily the News' segment?  Adam Sandler made a huge joke out of opera, which I have to admit was pretty funny.  However, my husband showed me this video he got on his Instagram feed or FaceBook or whatever and shared with me.  I avoid social media like the plague but this is worth the share.  I actually got goosebumps and cried.  

Someday I hope to spread spontaneous beauty like these two men do.  In the meantime, people will just have to settle for my random dance moves at the grocery store.  LOL.  Enjoy.  I promise you won't be disappointed.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Clo Cow 10K Marathon

 What says Sonoma County more than Clo the Cow and Clover Milk?  How about a 10k marathon?  Who would have ever thought that I would ever participate in a sanctioned marathon and actually COMPLETE it?  

Well, miracles never cease and today I, along with my teammates, arrived in downtown Petaluma to participate in the Clo Cow Marathon.  We are not part of the uber competitive group vying to break records.  We are just wanting to partake in a community event and actually have an official name and timed finish.  Honestly, just coming off of Covid, I almost bailed because I thought I would wear out early and bring the group down.  

No worries.  We were not competing and we were just doing it for fun and exercise.  My sissy, who was a member of my team, knew every CHP and Petaluma Police officer patrolling the event as she has a career in Sonoma County law enforcement.  We stopped and talked with several of the officers, which did not help our time.  

During our 10K walk/run we came across so many friendly people greeting us from their porch in fun and silly costumes themselves cheering us on and giving us water.  Upon the finish line our names were announced to the crowd who was cheering us on despite we were only 14 or so places from LAST.  We got the LOSER prize!!!  Mind you, there were 300+ registrants.  We finished just 15 or so from the bottom!!  LOL.  

Here is what matters.  We actually got up out of bed early on a Sunday morning to participate and COMPLETE a 10k.  So what if we were at the back of the pack.  We felt a huge sense of accomplishment just finishing AND the proceeds to go a good charitable cause.  We had a blast and bumped into so may people we knew. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Hamas and Israel

 Why Israel was created after WWII and shoehorned into hostile territory is something that I don't quite understand.  I guess Israeli's needed a homeland and Europe could park all their Jewish populations there ridding themselves of them.  We had a hand in its creation as well, so we are partly to blame. 

I'm no political nor history expert.  However, it seems like we created a monster in Israel.  I do not buy for a second that their government is as innocent as our media makes it all sound.  The problem is that we are joined at the hip to Israel.  In our eyes, Israel can do no wrong.  Their government has done a LOT wrong - especially under their current leader.  We funnel boat loads of money to Israel every year.  They are basically one of our colonies.  

I don't know where this will end up, but it won't be good.  We have Ukraine and now this turd swirling around in the toilet.  

I'm not antisemitic.  I'm anti Benjamin NitWit.  My Jewish friends are apologetic about what's going on in the middle east.  They don't like it, either.  I guess it's come full-circle.  We all had to apologize to the rest of the world for He Who Shall Not Be Named (the orange cheeto). 


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

October 11, 1983

It's been exactly 40 years ago today when Karey, who was barely 15 years old, died in a single car accident on a rural North Dakota gravel road near Colfax where she was heading to basketball practice with her friend, Katie, who was in the car with her.  Katie was ejected from the car and lived.  Karey was driving and Katie was the passenger.  Back then kids could get their 'farmers permit' at a very young age.  Knowing Karey like I did, she was probably fiddling with the radio, veered toward the ditch, over corrected, car got sucked into the gravel, car rolled.  End of story.

I remember not going to school that day.  I knew something was off.  Karey and I got matching shirts about a month or so earlier and I wore it for the first time the day she died not knowing when I got dressed in the morning how the day would end.  

I remember the phone ringing in the kitchen after dinner and my mother answering it.  Mind you, this was 1983 and phones still had cords.  It was my Aunt Emmy, Karey's mother.  I immediately knew what happened before my mother saying anything.  

I've blogged about this countless times before over my 16 years of this stupid blog.  I used to go to the Catholic church and light a candle for her each year.  Now churches have their doors locked unless there is a scheduled service or event.  

I remember being at Karey's funeral and wishing that time would hurl me 10 years into the future to escape the emotions I was feeling at the time.  Well, when that 10 year anniversary of her death came I wrote in my diary about it.  When the 10 year mark rolled around I had moved to CA, married, and had a kid.  

Truth be told my life would have not turned out like it did had Karey lived.  My plan was to move to North Dakota and attend NDSU Fargo with her.  GO BISON.  I had no idea what I wanted to to with life other than that.   Karey and I just knew that after we both graduated high school I was to move there and we would FINALLY get to live together at college.  We would get to PARTY DOWN and flirt with all the boys.  

I'm rambling, I know.  It's my blog and the anniversary of an unforgettable event in my life.  You are free to stop reading and leave.  I am not holding anybody hostage.  

I did have a dream about Karey last night.  Her deceased father, my Uncle Jim, was in it as well.  I saw Uncle Jim and he gave me a big hug.  He looked just like I remembered him when he was strong and healthy.  Karey took me on a ride in the sky in a vehicle that had no visible body nor parts, but we were sitting on something (weird, I know).  Karey was sitting on my left when she told me that someday everything would make sense.

It was then I woke up  in the middle of the night with my hacking COVID cough needing some flu medicine.  When I went back to bed the dreams did not get any less weird.  I dreamed about Dave, who was my first real boyfriend (and the first real loser I dated).  I was in a house and he was trying to come in and I kept telling him to stay out and that I was going to call 911.  He kept mocking me and saying he was going to come in anyway.  I remember shoving him away with what looked like some sort of broom screaming at him to leave me alone, go away, and to never contact me again.  

As usual, I woke up exhausted.  I'm not sure if it was the COVID cough or the nightmare of the ex-boyfriend returning.  

Rest in peace, Karey.  Not a day goes by where I don't think of you and where we both would be today had that fatal accident not happen.  Yup, even 40 years later you are still close in my heart.  I hope you and Bob Dog are having a lot of laughs on the other side along with Beezer.  You know, there was a time I think Beezer and I could have been a "thing" and ended up together had life taken a different turn.  I know Beezer and I both flirted with it.  Too bad his life was cut short as well and I was sad when I learned of his death.  Well, you, Bob Dog, and Beezer can laugh at what a mess up I am and how many mistakes I've made on my journey during this incarnation.......and I'm not done yet.  I'm sure there will be many more moments where you are all shaking your heads wondering WTF I'm doing.  

Well, I don't know what I'm doing, either.  I'm making it up as I go along.  I will gladly take any assistance the other side has to offer to avoid crashing into the wall and repeating another lifetime on this plane of existence.  I want to pass GO and collect my $200 karma and advance to the next level. 

Truth Bomb:  Like it or not, this is where we are all headed.  What's your story going to be?  Are you going to be an asshole thinking that because you are going to die you can do what you want without consideration to others?  Are you going to be a good person thinking that like Candy Crush you can advance to the next level? 

Monday, October 9, 2023

COVID - Again?

 Deja Vu!!  Yup.  I've got COVID - again.  Let's see, I've had 5 vaccination shots and still contracted it last November right after Thanksgiving.  I went to get my updated flu and covid shot a couple of Sunday's ago at the 24/7 walk in clinic prior to my trip to Philadelphia knowing I was about to step into a human petri dish also known as an airplane.  

Guess what.  The 24/7 walk in clinic was closed due to staffing shortages.  It's a sign of the times, I guess.  Off on my trip I went knowing I was at risk, but WTF.....what are we to do at this point?  Live in complete isolation? 

This time I did not lose my taste, but I feel like I have the world's worst hangover with a headache that hurts and pounds.  

Sorry to say that I will survive this unscathed and it will be something else that will claim my life.  I know there are plenty of you out there who wish me dead.  Request denied (for now).   Now that I think about it, is dying really all that bad? Dying is the ultimate snub to the world and all its self-inflicted, ego based suffering.  

I believe there is so much more than what we physically sense.  I'm getting off track (shocker).  

I'm going to bed now to watch ghost shows on tv and fall asleep.  After all, it is the season of death and the veil between the physical and spiritual world is as thin as thin can be.  With any luck, one of the lost Native Americans that wonder through my house will be standing at the end of my bed confused with what we have done to their hunting ground.  



Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Sea of Green

 Again, I keep reiterating how friendly people are in Philadelphia.  It's their lack of pretense that makes them genuine and likeable.  They have a reputation for being rough around the edges, but they will leave you alone unless you provoke them.  Gee, I guess that's why I get along so well with them.  I will leave you alone unless you &^%$ me off and will I give several warning shots along the way before I rip off your head and $h*t down your throat.  If I go off on you, you deserve it. 

We are not entirely rough and tumble white trash.  We can dress up and be classy socialites with refined social graces if we want to.  We all donned our finest cocktail attire to attend the Union League of Philadelphia reception on the eve of our arrival to the City of Brotherly Love.  yezzzzzzzzzz, so fancy.  Yezzzzzzzzzz so much history.  Yezzzzzzz, I know which fork to use.

Yes, it's fun to put on a fancy dress and get my hair done and sip champagne with men in tuxedos dancing to waltzes performed by a chamber orchestra. It was also just as much fun to go to South Philly on Sunday to Chickie's and Pete's on Packer Ave near the stadium to see the hard core Philadelphia Eagles fans in pure form.  




Monday, October 2, 2023

South Philadelphia

 Philadelphia is an interesting place.  The history is fabulous as are the museums.  Philadelphia is also a very walkable city.  Here's what I would like to ask city planners in Sonoma County.  Everybody is pushing for more condensed housing and public transportation thinking it's going to save the world.  Here's the dirty little secret.  More condensed housing near public transportation will not make anything more "affordable and environmentally friendly" for anybody.  The only thing it will do is make Sonoma County more crowded and congested.  

Philadelphia is ranked one of the most walkable cities in the United States.  They have public transportation that is far superior to ours.  They have row houses with no yards.  How does this help with getting people out of their cars?  It does not.  People park their cars in the middle of the street because parking is so scarce.  Here's a typical street.

On a lighter note we ended up in South Philadelphia yesterday to watch Sunday football near the stadium.  Eagle fans are very passionate.  It was fun to be part of their club for a couple hours.


Saturday, September 30, 2023

Hi! I moved to Sonoma County and now I don't want anybody else here!

 Here is another thing that pisses me off.  We have the self-proclaimed preservationists who moved to Sonoma County from somewhere else and now they are damning anybody else who wants to mover here.  

These holier-than-thou hide under the one-eyed-snake endangered species and other environmental causes to halt anybody else moving moving here and providing housing.

These self-proclaimed environmentalists have usually pumped out about 4 kids.  Tell me.  Where are THEY supposed to live?  They will need to live in places where trees need to be chopped and rivers damned and valleys paved to make room for them.   Oh, we have not even mentioned parking.  

There are people on NextDoor who constantly complain about growth in Sonoma County.  Here's the irony.  They moved here from somewhere else.  We made room for them.  Now, they want to pull up the drawbridge after THEIR arrival?  How elitist is THAT?  These same people will tell you how democratic they are and love and prosperity for all and blah, blah, blah, blah...........just don't attempt to put any affordable housing, which they loudly advocate for, anywhere near THEM.  

Here's the truth.  They moved here from somewhere else because they could not stand what they voted for and came to Sonoma County for relief from crime, homelessness, vandalism, etc.

Now they are pissed we are calling them on their own bullshit.  

Sorry, relocated SF and OAK libs, we don't want you here.  We also don't want the hairy armpit environmentalists here who demand we pull up the drawbridge conveniently after their arrival.  These people are SO FAKE!  There is one on NextDoor who pisses me off citing all these environmental crimes for the need to build more housing...however....conveniently ignores their own environmental crimes for space (and offspring) they occupy here in town.  Of course, said environmentalist moved here from somewhere else and then ordained herself as the personal environmental protector of Sonoma County. 

Again, Sonoma County has been locked up for over 100 years.  You will never be considered a local.  I don't care how many chickens and sheep you fake newbie ranchers have.  You are all wanna be ranchers thinking that donning a Carhart shirt and seed cap gives you a pass.  

When you show up somewhere with animal feces on your boots (and hands) at a location that shall not be named for fear of transplants turning it into a yuppie tourist trap we may believe you are legitimate. 

Friday, September 29, 2023

Philadelphia, PA

 As I type this I am in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on the 13th floor of a historic hotel near historic landmarks.  I was here five years ago on a similar venture.  Wow.  People are honking their car horns and screaming in the streets.   Yup.  Fox news had that part right.  Sorry libs, Fox news does get it right sometimes despite your hating on it.

Sorry if the truth upsets you.

Here's tonight's synopsis.  We are here in Eagle Country representing Oakland Raiders.  I thought I would get my butt kicked because I donned a Napoleon Kaufman jersey from the 1990's along with a Raider cap. .  Nope.  I met a ton of guys who want to date me ;)       AND...... some of them have a full set of teeth :) ....and are homeless!!!!!  LOL

EXACTLY!!!!!!!  LOL!!!!!

Sooooooooo funny......  

Just having some fun in Philadelphia.  I do need to comment that people here are super friendly.  It makes me wonder where Californians are going wrong.  We have lost touch on how to just have fun and hang out.  

Think about that while you are dragging your garbage cans to the curb and recycling pickup.   When was the last time you invited your neighbors over for an impromptu BBQ?  I'm betting you're lamenting the lack of neighborliness while you isolate yourself in your cocoon.  You can't complain you do not know your neighbors when you never invite them over for even a lemonade and beef jerky on your font porch for 15 minutes. 

Try it.  You might get to know your neighbors.  

Here's today's Philadelphia Challenge:  Get to know your neighbors four doors down.  

This is why I love coming here to Philadelphia.  They push me out of my comfort zone.  They even love me while I'm wearing OAKLAND Raiders gear.  That was kind of funny.  A couple of people wanted to know where the Raiders were actually from......Oakland?   Los Angales????   Las Vegas?????   

True fans know the home base.  xxoo

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Gift Registries for Toddler Birthdays

 Are you kidding me?  Gift registries for toddler birthday parties?  Isn't it enough that we have already contributed to the bridal shower, wedding shower, wedding gift, baby shower, and now they want more for a toddler birthday party with yet ANOTHER gift registry?

Since when are toddler birthday parties on anybody's social radar?  Oh, yes, for the self-centered parents!  How silly of me.  Sorry, but we stopped caring about your toddler after the 1,000th picture of his dirty diapers and spit up that was shoved in our faces with gushes of, "Awwwwwwwwwwww, isn't he cuuuuuuuuute?  The pattern he leaves in his diaper resemble works of Rembrandt!"

Everybody thinks their own kids and grandkids are sooooooo special.  

Spoiler alert.  They are not that special.  They are equal to everybody else.  What?  You're against equality?  

Silence.  I thought so. 


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Open Invitation: NOT

 I live in a fishbowl.  I have relatives across the street, down the block, around the corner, and up my @ss.  

Tonight we had a set of in-laws over who we have not hosted in a long while.   What was nuts to me was that because other family members saw another family member's car parked in front of our house, they thought it was an open invitation for them to come over as well.

It was not.

Just because someone sees another's family member's car parked across the street does NOT mean that it's an open invitation for them to come over and crash their party.


I had to shoo relatives out who appeared unannounced and uninvited as we only cooked food for the 10 invited guests and was not planning on the 17 who showed up and were straggling about looking like hungry dogs.  


Sorry, I'm not a restaurant. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Tiffany Taylor doll commercial 1975


I had this doll growing up in the 1970's.  Watch the commercial and let it sink in the subconscious messages being sent.  This is why I have a hard time censoring history because it may be "offensive" to some.  I'm glad I could find this ad, and I remember it well, but did not realize at the time how sexist it was.  

The reason I'm even bringing up dolls from the 1970's is that my daughter, KRM, and I watched the Barbie movie last night.  I have a rant for that, but I'll save it for another post. 

Throwback Thursday: Julia Mead & Cooking with Natural Gas, 1950s

They Lie!

Everything modern that is supposedly here to 'save' us eventually turns out to be the opposite.  Here are a couple of examples that come to mind.  

Natural Gas:  I remember the Minnegasco commercials from the 1970's that touted how 'healthy' and clean burning natural gas was.  

Automobiles:  This was broadcast as to how automobiles would be sooooooo much CLEANER than those darned horses that left piles of manure in the streets.  

Joke was on us.  We believed those marketing tactics.  

Question:  Which social and environmental current marketing tactics (think pharmaceutical pushes and environmental philosophies)  will eventually turn out to harm us down the road?  

Here are a couple of blasts from the past.  Back in the day we were promised these were the be-all-end-all paths to a wonderful future.  Wow.  We were certainly sold a bag of sh**

Thursday, September 7, 2023


 I have joined a cornhole league.  No, cornhole is not something that is the plot of a Midwest horror movie where giant stalks of corn come to life and snatch unsuspecting victims and shove them into a hell-hole to suffer and die.  

I was first introduced to cornhole when my son was in the Navy.  What IS this curious bean bag game with slanted, wooden planks on the ground with a hole in the middle?   Before I could even figure out what the rules were and how scoring was kept, some young Navy kid handed me a bean bag and a beer and said it was my turn.  

I'm sure they all thought it would be funny to watch "mom" play this game who obviously had NO clue as to what was going on.  

They were right.  I'm glad I could provide entertainment for the troops.  

Now, onto the present time.  

I have a friend, KRM, who was the very first friend I made when I moved to California from Minnesota almost 40 years ago.  We are still friends to this day.  KRM is the kind of friend who will come over to watch stupid tv with you and just chill on the couch.  She is also the kind of friend who will go on a 10 mile hike to challenge you.  She has the ability to pull me out of my comfort zone in very non-threatening ways.  

I've never been a team-oriented, athletic person.  My passions have always been dance and figure skating. I suppose the difference is that one set of sports keeps score, and the other is judged.    I guess I'm more of an artsy-fartsy kind of athlete rather than one who is after the win-kill that has a final score. Whatever. 

KRM and I have this long-standing ritual of going to Novato (KRM lives there) to get a spa service at least once a month and to get dinner afterwards.  At dinner we chat about our kids, complain about complicated family dynamics, lament about growing older, and talk about our jobs where we both have been employed for over 30 years with the same one.  


Where I'm going with this is that KRM is a very good athlete.  She always has been.  She enjoys softball, bowling, hiking, etc.  She is not a runner as her knees can't take it.  Anyway, after our spa treatment tonight she announced that we were going to Trek Winery in Novato as she signed us up for a cornhole league.  

What? Cornhole?  I SUCK at it.  My only experience was being the laughing stock for a bunch of young, drunk sailors.  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I want to go home to Sonoma County. 

KRM coaxed me out of my comfort zone to get me to participate.  Yes, I had a good time.  Yes, I need to improve my game.  Yes, I met people and TALKED to them which is so against my introverted ways.

Here's the weird part.  The cornhole league meets at Trek Winery in Novato.  Trek Winery used to be Tresch Electric.  I worked with the founder of Tresch Electric, Larry Tresch, for years.  I also worked with his daughter, Maureen.  Bob Smartt also worked for Tresch Electric, and I formed a relationship with him as well.  All three are now deceased.   Their office was upstairs.  

When I was walking to the bathroom I stopped at the bottom of the stairs that led to what used to be their offices.  I knocked on the wall and said, "Hey Larry, Mo, and Bob..... it's just me saying hello.  Can you believe I'm here for cornhole?"

While I was in the bathroom I heard the walls knock back and the light flickered.