WTF did you expect when an innumerable number of people are slipping across the Mexico-USA border illegally everyday?
We now have those from Central American countries slipping across the border (after they trekked through Mexico - as they don't want them, either) and record numbers of Russians and Chinese. I've blogged about this before. Want your spies and terrorists to get into the USA? Just go through the southern border. Everybody else does.
Even if they are not spies and terrorists coming across, they are still dodging immigration laws others wanting to immigrate here are adhering to. How is that fair to those wanting to enter legally? Illegals do not have a monopoly on misery.
Now we are dealing with the Mexican low-lifes and their kids running amok in Sonoma County Schools. We did not want them here. Now they are here with their 10 kids per family reproducing their way into a majority. Now these teenage Mexican gang-bangers are playing the victim card while bullying teachers and anybody else in authority and murdering other students in the hallways and classrooms.
Wait. These immigrants came here uninvited, reproduced exponentially, and are now blaming the schools as to why their kids are little violent, murdering @ssholes.
Sonoma County has had murders in school classrooms due to Mexican gangs. Nobody wants to come out and say the truth. The Mexican parents won't claim any responsibility for anything. These Catholic baby machines pumped several kids knowing full-well where babies came from, but somehow blame society for how their kid murdered some other kid due to lack of financial and spiritual resources.
Sorry, parents have responsibility for their kids. Parents need to be parents. Stop blaming the schools for your lack of parenting. Your kid is a little shit. Own it. Note to Mexican Gang Parents with Kids in Trouble: Remove your prison tatoos and get your head out of your @ss. Most of all, use rubbers and/or birth control pills. The Machismo thing is over rated. Mexico is a corrupt, shit hole country. We don't want your shit here.
I'm waiting for the Marin liberals to chastise this post. They adamantly oppose any housing for immigrants in their own back yard while waving the equality for all flag. The Marin Liberals know I'm telling the truth.
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