I'm scheduled to go to Nashville, Tennessee in a few weeks. I cancelled my trip. I also cancelled my trip to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho that happened last week. I was also invited to some super snob-atorium-old-money-resort in Virginia that's scheduled for Sept 12-15. I declined that invitation as well.
Why did I decline?
For starters, I don't want to wear evening ball gowns to dinner in Virginia. I don't even own an evening ball gown. I don't want to. Along with my invitation, I was issued instructions on proper attire for breakfast, lunch, cocktails, dinner, etc., to honor their time honored tradition of proving to everybody how snobby they are. If they really knew how boring and non-wealthy I was, I would not have made the invite list to begin with. That's a story all unto itself.
All that attire instruction to hob nob in the Virginia snob-a-torium is too exhausting for me to deal with. Give me the Florida Keys where homeless people blend with ka-billionairs and nobody knows one from the other.
On a serious note, the reason I'm cancelling all my travel is because of COVID. While we had a reprieve over the summer, it's back with a vengeance. Yes, I'm fully vaccinated. No, I don't want to be trapped away from home sick and not able to GET home - even if I don't end up in the hospital. I'd still be away from home.....and sick. My nephew, who is fully vaccinated (age 28 super healthy male) got the Delta variant. He was flat on his back for 10 days. He still can't taste anything. He did not end up in the hospital, but was on the verge. Good thing he did not have to go to the hospital, as the beds are FULL.
Somehow, traveling to Virginia or wherever needing a beaded ball gown seems so unimportant in comparison - let alone the impacts of human travel on global warming.
Hurricane Ida? Tahoe Fires? No water?
This is just the beginning of the end. Nobody should care what I wear to dinner (ball gowns), let alone whether I show up or not as the impact of human travels is what caused us to be where we are at.
I'm staying home, and I'm quite happy about it.
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