Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 Here are my two statements for this time of year:

1.  No, I will not help you file your taxes;

2.  No, I will not help you fix your computer or iPhone issues.

People take me for granted on both fronts.  You would not believe the piles of scrap papers that have been handed over to me with begs of assistance on tax filings.  I am NOT your bookkeeper, accountant, organizer, etc.  Don't keep receipts in a shoe box and expect me to rifle through them to make rhyme and reason out of them so you can attempt to cheat the government out of what you owe.  Sorry, your trip to Cuba does not count for a tax deduction no matter how hard you try to justify it in your mind.  Most likely those who seek such deductions live in Marin and wave the flag of 'prosperity for all' and 'defund the police' and my personal favorite 'affordable housing.'  We have a name for these false folks = FIBERALS (fake liberals). 

And no, just because I may know a thing or two about electronic gadgets does not make me want to spend an entire Saturday fixing your computer or iPhone (for free).   I work full-time and I want to be able to spend what little limited free time I have enjoying the outdoors and not crouched under your computer desk that has not been dusted off in a decade trying to figure which cable belongs to which port to your antiquated system.  

Yes, I'm grouchy.  Stop trying to get something for nothing. 

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