Friday, March 5, 2021

It's Happening Again

 Swarms of illegal immigrants are storming the southwest border trying to sneak into the United States.  This was a lesser issue when Trump was president.  I wonder how those who advocate for the illegals justify letting them all in while others immigrants who have followed the rules are patiently waiting their turn for admission?  Who is to say those who are wanting to come legally are in any more dire straights than the illegals?  Is there a special "Suffer-o-Meter" tool that we are unaware of? 

If I were trying to gain admission to the United States legally, I'd be pissed.  Why should illegal entrants get to jump the line?  Everybody wants to live here and have citizenship.  If you disagree with me, you're free to exit the country and live wherever else you think will be better.  Buh-Bye.  Oh, wait.  You can't just jump to New Zealand.  They have immigration laws that actually have teeth.

Here's my advice to anybody who wants to come here:  Just go through Mexico - everybody else does.

Here's the brain twister on the situation you really need to think about:  Who will you exploit as slave labor if we close the borders? 




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