Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Domestic Violence

There's an issue of violence and murder that is so deeply ingrained it does not get any attention.  The whole world goes nuts when a black guy gets killed by a white officer.  The black community is up in arms.  They take to the streets and justify destroying property.

Stop right there before you mutter under your breath that I'm racist. I'm in no way condoning what happened in Minneapolis. 

My point is that for every black man who gets killed by a white officer, thousands upon thousands of women are killed, beaten, abused (both psychologically and sexually) by men.  Where are the protests?  The ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) still has not passed.  Women still to this day don't have the same rights as men.  The abuse against women is age old; older than whatever race wants to claim how they are victims of prejudice and suppression.

What I find ironic is that these same black men rioting against injustice will go home and beat the crap out of their wives because dinner was not what he was expecting.  We are so blind to it as a society that the song "Hey Joe" by Jimi Hendrix about a guy shooting his woman down is played without anybody thinking anything of it other than, "Wow...Jimi sure could play a guitar."  When I read Malcolm X in college I was outraged that he treated women like shit, but was out there demanding respect for himself. 

You personally know of a woman who has been beaten and abused.  You can't say that's true about the other situation that I mentioned above about a cop killing.  Chances are that the abuse you witnessed was your own mother at the hands of your father.  Chances are that after your father beat the crap out of your mom he then went on to beat the crap out of you.  There are countless murders of women that happened by their husbands.  Think about that when looking the big picture of what's going on and the number of instances in which violence and murders happen. 

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