Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving :)

As I type this the turkey is in the oven, the green bean casserole is done, the mashed potatoes are done, the stuffing is done, the candied yams are done, and my ever-popular home made pretzel buns are done. 


How many will I have today?  I'm guessing 11-15 ish.  My dilemma now is how will I seat everybody.  I was planning on a nice day outside so I could set up the long table outside on the deck as I converted the hardly-used dining room into functional living space.  I just could not justify keeping a dining room that was used one day a year and converted it into kind of a simple parlor where I could receive and quarantine guests to come in to sit and chat (so the rest of my messy house is not on display).   

Mother Nature is not cooperating and is messing with my outdoor seating plans, but she has that right. 

I'm going to have to serve buffet style and try to set up two tables to accommodate everybody.  Oh well, white woman problems.  What's special to me is that several generations will be present, whether literally or metaphorically, at today's meal.  I have a silver spoon that has been in the family since 1886.  I have my deceased mother-in-law's turkey roaster, silver, and china.  I have my maternal grandmother's gravy boat.  I have my paternal grandmother's serving platters.  You get the idea.  It's important to me to keep these items in use and in the family. 

I do have a lot to be thankful for.  I know my bitchy blog does not reflect that. 

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