Friday, May 31, 2019


Forcing your opinions on others rarely works.  Nobody has ever changed their point of view on a subject by getting in another person's face about it.  What's wrong today is that everybody thinks their opinions are facts.  Everything is an opinion, and that's a fact.  Well, that's my opinion.  I'm entitled to my opinion, as are you.  Yes, I'm OPINIONATED on MY blog, which you are in no way forced to read, forced to agree with,  and I'm not in your face about it.  I don't even solicit readers.  You're here because you happened to stumble on this site.

Here's a little quote to leave you with.  I can't take credit for it, but it really resonates with me.

"Everybody is drowning in the sea of their own opinions.  Each time they open up their mouths, they  take on more water."

......that's why I write ;)

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