Friday, May 17, 2019


I went with a group of friends to see Hamilton.  No, not the Air Force Base in Novato (or at least there used to be a base there - now it's housing built on top of a toxic dump and a shopping center).  There has been hype about this play for about three years.  People would pay thousands of dollars to see it in NY so they could brag to their friends that they saw it.  Now that the initial hype has diminished plebes like myself have the opportunity to see it.  I was unsure about it as hyped-up productions rarely live up to the hype.  It was an opportunity to be with friends and have a good time so no matter if the production fell flat I was happy. 

Hamilton did not disappoint.

Black men played the parts of:  Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, Aaron Burr, and Thomas Jefferson.  Quite the twist of history, but it worked.  The singing talent alone of the cast is enough to keep the audience engaged.  The play reminded me of School House Rock for adults, you know, putting history to catchy music and song to resonate with modern kids.

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