Saturday, April 21, 2018

Death Cleaning

Leave it to the Scandinavians to come up with this term.  They're so to the point sometimes and macabre.  No, they just call it for what it is.  No beating around the bush.  Death cleaning.

What is death cleaning you ask?  It's an intense state of de-cluttering and disposing of much of your stuff.  The thought is that you are doing your survivors a favor in the event of your death by going through, giving away, sorting, and tossing just about everything.  That includes getting rid of whatever is in that storage shed you've had for the last 20 years. When you die, there's nothing to fight over. Going through and getting rid of stuff can be extremely exhilarating.  You may have trouble getting rid of your teacup collection - I don't think anybody will want it.  Don't waste too much time posting stuff on line to sell.  Your stuff is not worth nearly as much as you think.  However, family heirlooms are the exception.  Set those aside for last and get rid of all your junk first.  You will be amazed at how little we all really need. 

Some people even hold a death meeting of the family.  They gather together just as they would at the reading of the trust or will, but they do it while they are alive and in perfect health.  The corpse can still talk.  It's a good idea to have it recorded or videoed while the corpse is still talking.  Why?  People get weird when it comes to money and many families have been torn apart fighting over who gets what and so-called "misinterpretations" of the will. 

Here's where it can be nipped in the bud.  If anybody has an issue, bring it up right then and there at the death meeting in front of everybody while the cameras roll and it's being recorded.  Should you fail to have the guts to state in front of all why you're upset Johnny is getting more of an inheritance than you, you forfeit any right to bitch about it after the fact.  In the same breath, be ready for the response you are about to get.  You probably won't like it.  Bottom line, nobody owes you anything - not even your deceased parents.  I'm sure there's a reason you were given less.  Be happy you got anything, you spoiled piece of shit.  Chances are you borrowed money all your life sucking off your parents. That's usually the case.   

Well, that's a cheery blog for today with the beautiful weather and sunshine.  I'm glad I could be a buzz kill. 

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