Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Time Suck

Stop wasting my time.  No, I don't want to read your dumb emails that ramble on and on and includes the last 12 strings to people that have nothing to do with me.  I don't want to scroll through it and have to put it all together.  I don't have time for that.  If something is really important pick up the phone and CALL ME.  Besides, many things get lost in electronic communication and there is the danger for misinterpretation. 

The other thing that bugs me is that I'm expected to follow everybody's lives on Facebook.  Sorry, I don't have time for that either.  Even one of my good friends was somewhat shocked and appalled that I did not know the struggles of one of her kids as she posted it on Facebook and i had *no* idea what was going on.  Here's my beef with Facebook.

1.  Electronic gadgets and their "apps" suck way too much time from my day as it is.  I'm expected to instantly respond to emails and texts.  Between my family and my job, I am always "on call."

2.  Why would somebody even post their child's mental, social and medical troubles via social media?  What an invasion of privacy.  I'm sure the kid has suffered enough humiliation as it is.  They don't need their parents' posting sensitive, private information.  I sure wasted a bunch of time advocating for HIPPA privacy.  Never mind  -- some people want attention and "likes" no matter the source.  So sad that they depend on their kid's struggles for it.  Sick.

3.  So, I missed your last 1,000 FB posts and I'm clueless what's going on in your life.  It's hard to keep up with the polarizing political rants,  jokes, and "words of wisdom" quotes for the day and "share" if you agree.  Somewhere I lost that there was really some heavy-duty stuff going on.   No, I don't have a twitter, instagram, snapchat, or whatever.  Such apps only serve those with narcissistic tendencies.  Cough. Cough. 

4.  I'm ALWAYS here if you want to talk.  Just pick up the phone and CALL ME.   Email me.  Private message me.  Text me.  If you make an effort to personally reach out to me, I will go to the ends of the earth to try to be of help. 

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