Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fearless Girl

When I saw this picture so many things came to mind.  In regards to myself, I'm faced with agitating the established "good ol' boy" network and call people on their crap.  It's not easy.  I've faced many a snorting a bull pawing the dirt and ready to charge at me when I confront them with their own stuff.  Nope.  People don't like to be called out and held accountable for their own actions and choices.

In regards to my daughter, she is extremely strong and determined and keeps her long-term goals in mind despite wrinkles in her plans.  Nothing ever goes perfectly.  She has accomplished something, and will continue to accomplish something,  that 99.9% of people will NEVER accomplish in their lifetimes.

In regards to females in general, we didn't even have the right to vote 100 years ago.  We had to make a stand to be recognized as human beings and not the property of men.  We still have a LONG way to go as we are still objectified and sexualised (sp?).  In some parts of the world girls are still treated as less than human and only exist to satisfy male sexual appetites.   Real men are not afraid of smart women who can figure them out.  We know how vulnerable you men are.  You're not perfect and we don't care.  We are not perfect, either.  Real men want a relationship and an intellectual connection with females.  Wanting sex is not wrong, it's just wrong when it degrades, humiliates, and used as a power trip. 

RAISE THE STANDARDS OF TREATMENT FOR ALL HUMANS AND RISE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  and that especially goes for you men.  No pun intended.

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