Sunday, February 19, 2017

Las Vegas

I've been in Las Vegas for the past few days.  When I get back to Sonoma County in the wee hours of the morning, assuming the flight finally leaves here, two of the coven of 7 will have arrived at my house.  I know two of them are there now.  :)

My mother and my sister also came to Las Vegas.  It was fun to be with them despite the fact that my mother drives everybody absoustely insane.  We love her anyway.  My sister and I share the same laugh, voice, and warped sense of humor.  One person made the comment that being in the middle of the two of us while we were talking was like getting one voice in stereo.  When we laugh it's the SAME laugh.  My sister also has the UNCANNY ability to attract loser guys.  It's been a running joke for years now.  Here's one story of many during the weekend that made my case.

We were driving around Las Vegas looking for UNLV athletic fields.  My sister, who is a widow, is kiddingly dabbing her toe back into the dating pool.  Well, I found her a WINNER on the corner.  He was waving a Little Cesar Pizza sign.  He was black and advertising a 14" LARGE.  Well, we could not help ourselves. We immediately ordered a hot sausage to go.  ;)

My pristine, proper nun of a mother in the back seat could not believe her ears. She will have to pray the rosary a billion times to forgive her daughters lusting after the sign waver ha ha ha ha

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