Friday, November 25, 2016


I'm tired today.  I stayed up until 2:00 AM cleaning up the kitchen, putting away dishes, boxing up leftovers, wiping up gravy dribbles that seem to get everywhere, and taking empty bottles out to the recycling.  Lots of empty bottles.  Alcohol was needed to get through the day.  Plus, I was just simply basking in the post-holiday exhale simply breathing in the peace and quiet in the middle of the night.

I did it.  I completed another successful holiday feeding frenzy.  Of course Lazy Butt was here, and as expected, did not lift a finger to help with anything.   Lazy Butt was first in line for the main meal and also when the desert was being served.  I had to serve buffet style as I had too many people to do anything otherwise.  Lazy Butt did not even say goodbye upon leaving and just slipped out the door.  Nice.  Whatever.  Lazy Butt will never change. 

Now it's the consumer frenzy known as Black Friday.  I don't know why/how that came to be as it sounds so ominous and I associate it with the stock market crash of 1929.  Today I'm not purchasing anything other than more onions for my turkey soup.  I'll never be one of those people camping out on a sidewalk waiting for Target to open.  I know there is a movement against the over-consumerism we are bombarded with this time of year.  That's cool.  However, we are all part of the problem and all of us enjoy modern conveniences at the cost of abusing earth's resources.  All commerce pollutes. 

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