Sunday, April 24, 2016

Train Wreck and Vulture

You all know what a locust is, right?  It's a grasshopper that eats and destroys everything in its path.  When the food supply is gone, they simply move onto a fresh supply.

Sadly, there are people with the personality of a locust as well.  They will use and suck everything from somebody (usually money) and when it's gone they just move onto their next victim to continue the cycle.  They need to be constantly feeding themselves for their own survival, but they never create their own food source and depend on a sustenance source others have created.

Backdrop:  I just got back from visiting a very good friend up near Shasta.  We have been friends for 29 years.  Her son is going through a divorce.  I will refer to my friend's son as Train Wreck.  My friend and her husband have created quite a comfortable life for themselves over the years through smart investing and hard work.

Fast Forward 20 years:  Train Wreck gets tangled up with a woman I'll call Vulture.  Vulture had one look at the place where my friend lived and saw $$$$$$$ thinking the family had lots of it.  Two weeks later SHE (Vulture) asks my friend's son, Train Wreck, to get married.

Train Wreck was so smitten with Vulture that he agreed.

13 years pass and Train Wreck and Vulture could never get it together financially.  Of course they reproduced, so now there is an innocent child in the mix.  Train Wreck inherited quite a sum from his late father's estate.  Train Wreck could have easily put down money for a house or condo or other stable investment for his future.  Did Train Wreck listen?  Of course not.  He decided to blow it on a band.  Yup.  A band.

Train Wreck could not hold down a job, either, and wanted to call his own hours, terms and conditions.  That's fine if you're not dependent on an income to support yourself and YOU are the boss.  However, being flat broke does not give you a list of options for employment, but Train Wreck thought entitled.  He's too good to work 9-5.

At this point Vulture is beginning to feel the financial strain.  Her princess lifestyle is coming to a crashing halt.  Vulture and Train Wreck move into my friend's guest house with their two kids.  Yup.  Now there are TWO innocents in the picture.

My friend, begrudgingly,  loans Vulture and Train Wreck THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of dollars to get their financial house in order.  Neither one of them have a credit score that even registers as it's so poor.  Only Guido will loan them money at 270% interest.  Both Train Wreck and Vulture vow up and down to my friend that they have learned their financial lessons and will pay it back.

Nope.  They blew it on trips and a car they did not need.  My friend has reached the end of her rope and refused to loan them any more money.  Vulture left Train Wreck a week later and she now has another boyfriend she is sucking from.

The moral of the story?  They both have Bernie Sanders bumper stickers because they think they are VICTIMIZED by the economy.  bullshit.  They each have had more opportunities than most.  They made poor choices and now want to blame somebody else and think that *WE* the actual *TAXPAYERS* owe them something. 

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