Saturday, April 16, 2016


It's going to be a busy summer for Quiet Rage.  I'm already starting to feel the pressure of completing projects before taking off to Europe for a bit.  I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad I will still have a houseful in my absence as my "kids" will be home for the summer. 

Yes, I still run a boarding house for teens and young adults whose parents went off the deep end and abandoned them for drugs, booze, and new love interests tossing their own offspring aside as if they were nothing more than a temporary obligation to be rid of as soon as possible.

Anyway,  I've accumulated quite a base of kids who call me mom.  Now I have a new title that I'm not sure if I am ready for -- grandma.  No, not a biological grandchild, but the granddaughter of a friend of mine who's family is going though a *really* tough time:  divorce, substance abuse, money problems, joblessness, etc.

My "granddaughter" stays with me quite often overnight and she has created her own art space within the house.  She comes in and immediately heads to her art desk set up in the front room, gives hugs, plays with the dog and cat, and creates  artwork that depicts her observations of the house.

My cork board in the kitchen is now covered with drawings my "granddaughter" created of Quiet Rage cooking various foods with little hearts all around the border.  CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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