Tuesday, March 22, 2016

From Korea to Belgium to France

I blogged back in October-ish about how I'm going to Europe this summer for a while.  I even wrote that neither hell nor high water was going to stop this trip even if WWIII breaks out.  Well, I'm afraid that's not too nuts of an assessment to make.

I'm not surprised by anything that's going on in the world scene.  My employer has had France and Belgium slated for a destination way before the proverbial feces hit the fan to the public this past 4 months with the Paris bombings and now Brussels.  It was just a matter of time.

Like Kim Jung-un and North Korea isn't enough to keep us all occupied.  However, I think Kim Jung-un runs on a slightly different wave of mentally ill and military structure than ISIS.

Now it's the texts asking me if I'm scared to go to France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

Watch the presidential republican candidate of he-who-shall-not-be-named have a field day with this as today is Arizona's primary.  Porous borders is Arizona's battle cry.  I can't sit here and say they are without merit in their concern about what slimes up north into the US from the Mexican border. 

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