Monday, December 28, 2015

It's Official - It's On Facebook!

Once somebody proclaims their relationship status on Facebook there's no going back.  Oh yes, those gushing, loving, ga-ga-goo-goo (barf) love posts and pictures for the world to see are more about trying to show ex-lovers/spouses/whatever that they have moved on to someone better/younger/prettier/richer/etc., than it is about their so-called deep love for one another.  They are usually 'public' because during the break-up they have 'unfriended' each other.  Not that Facebook (or anything else over the internet) is actually ever private, but they want each other to see how much better their new relationship is and how easily replaceable they were.  More importantly, demonstrating how desirable they themselves are.  Lame ego-fest. 

Real love needs no juvenile announcements via cheesy social media.  Grow up.  However, revenge is ours when the relationship ends or you no longer post photos of the two of you off on an exotic locale and you get thousands of people private messaging you asking "You changed your relationship status.  Lucy is no longer in the photos.  What happened?"

Why am I so bitter?  Because M changed her relationship status gushing on about her soul-mate lover!  The free-loader-drug-addict gave her a DIAMOND for Christmas (even though she's Jewish).  Of course he has money living in HER paid off house he moved into.  I would have lots of extra money, too, if I could live somewhere rent free.  What pushed me over the top was his response to her Facebook relationship status change.  GAG!!!!!!!!!!  M has never been a social media type of person.  This is all about showing her ex-husband she has somebody better while he is still painfully unattached.  This is about her rubbing it in as to how her ex-husband is a big a loser as he can't keep any of the women he's dated and now she's with Prince Charming.  The irony is that she doesn't have somebody better.  She just has not figured that out yet.

I already blogged my dislike for M's new man earlier.  I have kept my mouth shut.  I know a wedding is on the horizon.  Now I know why people cry at weddings.  They are not always tears of joy.

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