Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Island of Misfit Toys

We are the island of misfit toys.  Apparantly there are a lot of misfits out there wanting to go somewhere Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  They are coming here.  Plus, I am an incredible cook.    Christmas Eve I serve Sonoma County ham that was purchased at the 4H auction to contribute to some little hick's college fund.  Yeah, I overpaid for a hog but that's not the point.  It's about supporting our diminishing agricultural roots and it is the BEST pork you will ever taste.  The jury is out as to whether Bud's Meats or Willowside is the best butcher as both places do quality work.  Butchering meat, if done correctly, is an incredibly underappreciated art form.  Once you eat local, farm raised meat that has been carefully tended to you will never go back.  I'm sure the vegan band of the Bored Moms on Prozac along with the Hairy Armpit Club will try to stop this long-time Sonoma County custom preaching animal cruelty and health effects but they can just all move back to Marin or SF or wherever else they came from.

Christmas morning for breakfast it's the Danish specialty aebbleskivvers (sp?).  You need a special cast iron skillet to make them and again, it's an art form that takes years to perfect.  I'm teaching my own children how to make them and as of last year their end product looks like deflated footballs.  When done correctly they are perfectly round and hollow on the inside to be filled with fruit preserves.  Get out of the way, kids, and let me show you how it's done.

It's standing room only for breakfast on Christmas morning.

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