Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Post Mothers' Day Rant

The incubation period for the future Bored Moms on Prozac Committee begins when their sisters and friends begin the first round trend of getting pregnant.  These women see how much attention their sisters and friends are getting from just about everybody.  Strangers open doors for them and give up bus seats.  Showers are thrown with cute outfits and accessories.  Mom-to-Be is the center of attention and loves the spotlight.

Mom-to-Be has visions of taking baby everywhere with her, including adult only events (because HER baby is the exception of course), and having the world stop revolving to admire this wonderful prodigy that was conceived after a night of tequila.

Congratulations.  Really.  Just be warned... There is a fine line between the cuteness of a newborn and the inevitable, "Shut that annoying kid UP and make him/her stop scaling the walls and wrecking everything!"

Glad you think your kid is all that.  Please, take him HOME and admire him and don't subject the world to yet another spoiled brat.   No, kids are not like a toy poodle that you can carry around in your purse like an accessory.  Once its figured out that the pregnancy/newborn "attention" phase is temporary there is the next 25 years to deal with.  It's *not* glamorous and *will* cramp your style.  That's how I ended up with a household of other people's kids.  The novelty wore off and the life-long commitment was too much. 

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