Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Yahoo Mail and Internet Viruses

I'm so sorry I ever YaHOOOOOOOOOOO'd.  You know, the internet search engine and mail provider that has the most inept security EVER? 

I'm tech savvy enough to know that any "free" internet mail and search engine isn't free.  Your information is bought, sold, and traded multiple times via the "cloud" which is the modern day version of dealing under the table. 

I do need to make an exception for Firefox. 

I'm getting off track.  Back to Yahoo.  Like I said, I 'm tech savvy enough to be very skeptical of "free" internet mail.  I do have a Yahoo mail account that I use for junk correspondence and transactions.  I can't tell you how many times my Yahoo account has been compromised due to:  hacking, phishing, spoofing, high-jacked, etc.

Yes, it's a frivolous email account.  However, it's a major inconvenience when some techno-hijacker attempting to implant the dreaded Crypto virus posing as me and I need to notify everybody in my address book to NOT OPEN UNSOLICITED WEB ADDRESSES OR ATTACHMENTS!

Remember back in the 70's and the awkward embarrassment of notifying previous sexual partners that you had herpes or some other sexually transmitted disease?  (or at least people with a conscience did).  Forget that.  Now it's the awkward embarrassment of fessing up to spreading computer viruses. 

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