Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tom Torlakson

Voting is getting easier and easier.  Instead of sifting through inflated, ego driven "vote for me" propaganda attempting to dissect the difference between actual accomplishments and campaign manager orchestrated fluff, it's come down to this....

Each and every robo call I receive endorsing a candidate or ballot measure gets the opposite desired effect from me.  Sorry, Tom Torlakson, you also just lost my vote -- even if your opponent is Satan himself.  At least Satan has enough savvy and tact to not make cold calls.

Tom, here's a little tip for you and your robo calling friend, Erin Carlstrom.  Fire the campaign managers who insist this ultra annoying tactic is actually swaying votes to your favor.

Rule #1 for those seeking public office:  Do NOT annoy the constituents whose vote you desire.
Rule #2 for those seeking public office:  Under ALL circumstances do people find robo calls annoying -- even your own mother.

Again, if your pea-brained campaign managers have not figured out that they are costing you votes thinking robo calls are effective, fire them immediately.  They are not hip and wise to public sentiments.

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