Friday, December 6, 2013

The Perfect Day: Synchronicity

OMG!  How do I even describe yesterday?  If the universe had hands, yesterday I got the ultimate high-five.  Synchronicity.  That's all I can say. 

For starters, I happened to be in San Diego for a business trip when I received word that my son, who is active military and stationed in San Diego, was being promoted.  How cool is THAT?  To make it even better I actually got to participate in the promotion ceremony, which is something that civilians don't normally do.  Wow.  That could not have ever been planned!

It gets better.

After the promotion ceremony my son dropped me at my hotel.  I had a business dinner I had to attend last night.  I was thinking of every single excuse I could think of to NOT go.  I generally loathe dinner functions and making small talk with people I don't know.  Plus, I was by myself and had no idea where I would be seated.  I dressed for dinner and made my way to the restaurant.

(Rewind 15 years as this information comes into play:  My son was in elementary school.  Long story short, he needed to be placed at a non-traditional school.  I went to war with the district.  It was ugly.  I still have battle scars.  The superintendent was a pompous prick and fought me tooth and nail AGAINST my son.  I acted as my own attorney and won.)

I entered the restaurant and made my way to the registration table.  I did not recognize a single soul.  I got my name tag and table seating assignment.  Shit.  This was going to be the dinner meeting from hell.   The place was wall-to-wall people.  I carefully navigated my way to my table, wine glass in hand, and sat down with a group of strangers.

After self-introductions the small talk begins.  The topic came 'round to kids and elementary schools.  Common ground was found.  GOLD!  I told of where mine went, but it was several years ago.  A man reached across the table to shake my hand.  It was Superintendent Pompous Prick who I went to battle with 15 years earlier.  I did not recognize him at first, and he did not recognize me.  No WAY!  This could not be happening!  I was seated next to somebody I wanted to run over with my car 15 years earlier!  The sheer odds of ever seeing this dude ever again were nil.  Winning the lottery has greater odds than ever meeting up again with that jerk. 

It gave me great JOY to the very core of my being to let Superintendent Pompous Prick know that earlier in the day I was at my son's promotion ceremony recognizing his achievements and advances in naval intelligence.  I thought Superintendent Pompous Prick was going to choke on his food.  Synchronicity in pure form.  Karma. 

Moral of the story:  NEVER underestimate a child's potential and write them off.

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