Thursday, November 28, 2013

Full Circle

Exactly 28 years ago I packed up my belongings in the back of my car with $500 at the age of 19 and left Minnesota for California with a guy I barely knew.  Needless to say, my family was not pleased.  I never went back.  There were strained relations for years after I moved away. 

The events that preceded my leaving and the events that followed shaped my life.  Was it all bad?  No.  Despite the upheaval, so many good things came my way that probably would not have otherwise.  Yes, it was a HUGE gamble for me to take off.  It could have easily ended in disaster.  According to some, it did end in disaster.  Now that I have kids of my own I can understand the emotions from the prospective of a parent. 

In one week I know of two teenage girls who are basically reliving and re-enacting my state of mind as a teen and replaying my life.  I think the trick for parenting teen girls is to *really* listen between the lines as to what they are saying (or more importantly what they are NOT saying).  Talk TO them and not AT them.  Giving belittling lectures with the tone of "I told you so" will only drive them away.  Truly acknowledge and validate what they are feeling.  Their emotions and issues are very real to them although adults often flippantly dismiss them as "typical teen drama." 

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