Friday, September 6, 2013

Joel Osteen

Who is this uber Christian dude that looks like a Jew?  If I did not know any better I would swear he was Jerry Seinfeld's cousin.  He even has a Jew name.  I was flipping through channels last Sunday morning and I was astounded by the masses of people who were hanging on his every word. 

Are people that desperate they need to be told what to do and what to believe in?  Do they really need a leader that badly?  I guess resigning yourself to a leader absolves any personal responsibility in life choices.  We all know life choices are overwhelming.  Why not delegate it?  

Televangelism is alive and well.  It must be profitable as Tammy Faye Baker, Jimmy Swaggart and the like keep managing to bilk millions out of believers to fund their mansions and private jets.   Hey, I can get up on stage with a slick hair style, shiny shoes, and pearly white teeth to praise the Lord. 

Think about it.  Tax-free income.  I need to found a religion. 

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