Saturday, April 6, 2013

North Korea: Kim Jong-un

Would somebody PUH-LEEZE stroke this fat boy's ego so he can relax and believe that he's a world force to be reckoned with and we promise to take him seriously (snicker, snicker).  SNICKERs!!!  OMG!!!  I said the magic word!  Hide that candy bar FAST before Fat Boy launches a nuke.  On second thought, give him the snickers bar because Kim is not Kim when he's hungry. 

Based on the looks of him, the only 'stroking' he's getting lately is with his own hand.  Look at the above photo.  He's proving to the world that his palm is not yet hairy.

Why he's so voracious about running a repressed, shit-hole, third world country is beyond me. I'm sure the North Koreans are just longing to defect..... we have snickers bars.  Take note. 

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