Sunday, November 17, 2024

Thanksgiving :) and Orange Cheetos

 My favorite holiday is just around the corner - Thanksgiving!!  It will be a very manageable number this year and cooking for them will be a joy rather than penance.  I have shed the ingrates, as I've made it clear that I will not be disrespected - especially in my own home.  I have no idea where they are going to leach a Thanksgiving dinner.  Not my problem.  

Hey, have you heard the Orange Cheeto will be our commander in chief?  I'm certain you have.  I refuse to name him as any kind of attention feeds his ego.  I have very mixed feelings about it.  I listened to him live during the debates where the media could not spin anything.  I thought he was worse than Biden as far as mental decline.  And no, I'm not a fan of Camel Toe, either.  I know too much of her backstory in San Francisco.

I can honestly look in the mirror and know that I did not vote for either one of them.  I can honestly state that I voted my own way, and trying to convince me that I was "throwing away my vote" fell on my deaf ears.  I do not believe any vote is wasted.  That is what the two dominant political parties want you to believe because their worst fear is competition.  I honestly believe there are more people like myself who were not impressed with either candidate, but felt compelled to hold their nose and vote for one of them, as they were successfully manipulated into thinking that "they would be throwing their vote away" if they did otherwise.  

The Orange Cheeto has a stupid mouth.  While I do believe our borders should be more secure - there is a BIG difference between LEGAL and illegal immigration - I don't think his solution of rounding them all up in a mass deportation will get anywhere.  However, every country has a right to orderly entry.  If you think I am full of it, try emigrating to another country - LEGALLY.  You won't like the forms, expense, wait times, and other requirements for entry.  Why should rule breakers trying to get into the United States get preferential treatment?  There are MILLIONS of people who would LOVE to live in the United States.  What is our answer?  We coddle the rule breakers, and punish those who are patiently waiting their turn.  

Controlling entry into the United States will benefit immigrants from employers looking to exploit them.  If they are here legally, immigrants will be more confident in exercising their rights by calling out employers who treat them poorly.  We all benefit from that. 

I can understand the appeal of the Orange Cheeto as he is really the only option we have had as far as candidates who were not already pre-selected, career, politicians.   He does support law and order - but to a fault.  I think many Americans feel abandoned by the democrats who tend to want to "de-fund the police" and provide (at tax payer expense) sex change operations for incarcerated felons while we, who are law-abiding citizens, can't even afford basic health insurance. The democrats were too busy wringing their hands and obsessing about which pronoun a person uses (rather than just focusing on the person) whist the rest of Americans just wanted a steady paycheck (and hopefully benefits) and hope that they will get out from underneath oppressive rent, health insurance, homeowners insurance, auto insurance, taxes, and grocery expenses.

We would not be in this mess had the democrats been honest about Joe Biden's mental decline (as many of us had suspected for a LONG time and our accurate speciousness was adamantly dismissed by the media) and put forth a candidate who could stay up past 6:00 PM.  We would not be in this mess had the republicans put forth a candidate who was not a bombastic blow-hard and could conduct themselves in a more refined fashion.  One would think name calling and bullying were limited to elementary school yards.  Nope.  

Well, I got off on politics and turkeys.  What's the difference?


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