Here's a brain twister for you all.
Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones has been half dead because of heavy drug and alcohol usage since the 1960's. Keith Richards is still alive and is 80 years old.
Richard Simmons was a fitness nut who died at age 76.
Who had more fun?
Fun is subjective.
Bottom line: live your life. We will all die around age 80-90 ish if we are lucky to make it that far no matter how many green spirulinas we drink and miles per day we jog. I'm not downplaying taking care of yourself. I'm stating that we are overly obsessed with our "fitness' and "health" rituals that may turn out to be the death of us because following them causes the stress that kills us.
Truth bomb: The oldest people I know of are of Minnesota ilk who smoke, drink, eat lard, red meat, etc. Here's the difference. Their food is NOT PROCESSED. They are NOT STRESSED. Minnesotans hang out with their neighbors for casual chit chat and have created a social network. Most other people in other states hide behind their fenced off yards and calls the SWAT team if anybody rings their doorbell.
Here's another truth bomb: stress is the number one killer.
Here's yet another truth bomb: Take five minutes to get chat with your neighbors. Get to know them. You don't because you think you are sooooooooooo busy and self-important shuttling yourself from one event to another.......Here's yet another truth bomb: you're not nearly as important as you think you are.
One more truth bomb: Our families, friends, and community are all that really matter in the long run. And no, I don't mean this to create ties to create relationships only to exploit said relationships for gaining votes while running for public office. That is FAKE. We all know politicians exploit relationships for personal gain.
Be real. People will reciprocate by being real. If people are not being real with you, let them go. They don't deserve your attention. Who wants fake friends with materialistic aspirations?
How will you know if somebody is being real with you? Simple. You will feel it in your soul. No words necessary.
Keith Richards: Still alive at age 80. Smokes, drinks, and did drugs for decades. Does not give a flying monkey.
Richard Simmons: Dead at age 76. Became obsessed with his body image after somebody made a comment on his being fat. He did a total 180* and lost weight. Richard became the "fitness and health guru" for at least two decades preaching his deal-a-meals and exercise videos to bored, overweight housewives. What did that get him? Dead at 76.
Hey....I'm not knocking the bored, overweight housewives. Richard Simmons paid attention to them. Richard Simmons made a boat load of money. Capitalism ignores females over the age of 50 despite our growing numbers and political largess (no pun intended). We have money and yet we are ignored. Good on Richard Simmons for at least giving the mature women a presence in the fitness world.
I could go on and on about how the fitness world ignores women over the age of 50 despite our eagerness to participate. GOLD MINE FOR ANYBODY WHO DARES TO TAP INTO THIS MARKET. Yes, we are still sassy and want to have fun. No, we are not wearing depends and use walkers. Don't treat us like we are one step away from Menopause Meadows. We have plenty of sass and will show you up on the dance floor. Don't patronize us.
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